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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 

Thursday, April 7, 2005
4:00 p.m.
City Hall, Room 34


  1. Call to Order
    Director of Cultural Affairs Richard Newirth called the meeting to order at 4:10 p.m.

  2. Roll Call

    Voting Members Present

    Deborah Cullinan
    Jeffrey Ferns
    Ken Foster
    Rick Galbreath
    Ron Gallman
    Tim Gaskin
    David Gluck
    Elaine Katzenberger
    Krissy Keefer
    Tony Kelly
    Pamela Wu Kochiyama
    Maria X. Martinez
    Vinay Patel
    Pamela Peniston
    Richard Putz
    Laird Rodet
    Alma Robinson
    Virginia Carollo Rubin
    Darryl Smith
    Marc Vogl
    Debra Walker

    Voting Members Absent

    Nonvoting Members Present
    Bob Davis
    Renee Hayes
    P.J. Johnston
    Elizabeth Murray
    Richard Newirth
    Geraldine O’Brien
    Charles Roppel

    Nonvoting Members Absent
    Rich Hillis
    Daniel Homsey

    Mr. Newirth explained that the Mayor had not yet made appointments to the nonvoting seats for the Mayor’s Office of Community Development and for a representative of a philanthropic foundation. He also indicated that appointments had not been made by either the Fine Arts or Asian Art Museums.

  3. Consideration and Possible Action to Nominate and Elect a Chair of the Arts Task Force

    Rick Galbreath nominated Debra Walker to serve as Chair of the Task Force. The motion was seconded by Pamela Wu Kochiyama. After discussion, during which some other nominees were proposed but declined by the nominees, the voting members unanimously elected Debra Walker as Chair.


  4. Introduction and Review of the Legislation Creating the Arts Task Force
    ** Explanatory Document: Board of Supervisors Resolution No. 041621

    David Gluck led the members through the purposes and duties of the Task Force as articulated in the resolution. Members agreed that they would request an extension of the Task Force’s existence and meetings through October, 2005.

    Chair Walker, with the assistance of Deborah Cullinan, led the group through a brainstorming session during which members suggested background documents to be assembled for Task Force use, as follows: appropriations language; Arts Education Master Plan; General Plan; list of Task Force appointees; Mayor’s budget; prior year’s budget; Mayor’s transition team document; distribution of funding; budgets of City’s arts agencies; survey/analysis of budget size; reports from 1990 task force; Back Streets Task Force, Live/Work Task Force resolution and report; Mid-Market Redevelopment package; survey of City-owned buildings.

  5. Overview of Public Meeting Laws—Presentation by Adine Varah, Deputy City Attorney

  6. Consideration and Possible Action to Ask the City Attorney to Draft Bylaws for the Arts Task Force including meeting frequency, attendance policies and Rules of Order

    Due to the fact that Deputy City Attorney Varah was unable to attend the meeting, Tony Kelly made a motion to continue items 5 and 6 to the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Rick Galbreath and unanimously adopted.

  7. Consideration and Possible Action to set meeting schedule for 2005 of the Arts Task Force

    After much discussion, it was decided that the Task Force would meet every other week. The next meeting would be held on Wednesday, April 20, from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm in a location to be determined. The meeting following that would be held on Tuesday, May 3, from 2:00 pm until 5:00 pm at a location to be determined. Successive meeting would be held alternating between the Wednesdays from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm and Tuesdays from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. We also agreed that we could revisit these if there were ongoing scheduling issues for people.

  8. Consideration and Possible Action to identify and select an individual to serve as secretary and staff support for the Arts Task Force

    Rick Galbreath graciously volunteered to serve in this capacity with the assistance of the Chair and the Arts Commission.

  9. New Business

    No other new business was brought to the Task Force.

  10. Public Comment

    The following members of the public offered public comment:
    Jeff Jones
    Valentin Aguirre
    Jennifer Norris
    Andrew Wood
    Mark Rennie

  11. Adjournment
    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

    4/18/05 RN/spr