Nominating Committee - October 24, 2017 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
October 24, 2017 - 9:00am
401 Van Ness Ave., Room 125
San Francisco, CA 94102


Tuesday, October 24, 2017
9:00 a.m.
401 Van Ness Avenue, Room 125


Commissioner Collins called the meeting to order at 9:11 a.m.

  1. Roll Call
    Commissioners Present 

    Charles Collins, Chair
    Simon Frankel
    Lydia So

    Commissioners Absent 
  2. General Public Comment
    There was no public comment.
  3. Nomination of Candidates
    Commissioner Collins began by discussing the importance of the annual process of nominating and electing Commission leadership, and noted that it was important to have feedback from a variety of sources. He explained that he had asked the Committee to solicit nominations and comments from other Commissioners.
    Mr. DeCaigny thanked Commissioner Collins for his continued service as Committee Chair, and he briefly reviewed the process and timeline for elections, which take place in November.
    He praised President Beltran and Vice President Ordeñana as wonderful stewards and community ambassadors for the Commission, noting that they give even more time to the City at events and community meetings than the rest of the Commissioners, and he added that it was a pleasure to work with them as President and Vice President.
    Commissioners So and Frankel reported on the comments they had received from other Commissioners, which were overwhelmingly quite positive, supporting the continuation of existing leadership. Commissioners were pleased to see President Beltran and Vice President Ordeñana representing the Arts Commission in so many places, thought they were a great team doing a great job, and were impressed with their commitment and their willingness to take on responsibility. Commissioners So and Frankel concurred with their colleagues that they would like to see President Beltran and Vice President Ordeñana continue in their offices.
    Commissioner Collins reported that in addition to his conversation with Mr. DeCaigny, he had also reached out to the Mayor’s office. He reported that the Mayor's office was very positive about, and confident in, the current Commission leadership, the Director and the Deputy Director, and the rest of the staff. Commissioner Collins added that the strength of these relationships was very beneficial to the community.
    Mr. DeCaigny explained that he had spoken with both President Beltran and Vice President Ordeñana about their willingness to continue their service if elected, and he reported that they would be happy to do so.
    There was no further discussion by the Committee, and there was no public comment. The following motion was unanimously approved.
    Motion to nominate JD Beltran as President and Roberto Ordeñana as Vice President of the Arts Commission.
  4. Adjournment 
    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 a.m.

posted 11/3/17 11:00 a.m. spr
approved 11/6/17


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