March 2001

Notes from Kerry
Women Making History
Art in City Hall
Citywatch News
March to Different Drummers to Lunch
Community Events

Kerry"s Notes
There are some "Unsung Heroes" who work in this building everyday and their sole purpose is to enhance the visitors" and citizens" experiences in City Hall and around town. Because they do not carry out government work in the traditional sense, we often forget to acknowledge their exceptional attitudes, good spirits and enduring patience.

Jewel Hayes staffs the Information Desk at City Hall. Each morning she sets up information for the public to access, lays out newspapers, displays the wedding album and sets out the plants. With an enduring smile she provides directions, suggestions and assistance to all the visitors in the building.

Doralina Leanillo arrives each morning and begins setting up the City Store with all the wonderful displays to lure tourists and allow them to take home a "piece of City Hall." You"ll find her modeling t-shirts, helping to choose colors and telling people other sites to see on their vacation. Everyday her joy for the job is apparent to our visitors.

Rolando and crew is busy brewing coffee in the Light Court Cafe by 11:00 a.m. each day. With never-ending patience they wait while we decide which sandwich is "just the perfect one," and answer for the hundredth time which is the soup of the day.

Carmen and her team staff the downstairs Cafe, and are the first smiling faces you see in the wee hours of the morning. Without them we"d have a hard time getting started, and sharing their joy so early makes the day start so pleasant.

Finally is the staff we never see. The Daycare teachers are an extraordinary group who hides down on the McAllister side in our daycare facility. They tend to 53 brilliant children who will someday rule our city. It"s a place full of happiness and enthusiasm, which provides encouragement all day long.

Next time you see these people, say hello and tell them what a great job they"re doing. It"s important to notice everyone"s contributions in City Hall; it takes a huge team of people to create such a great place!

Women Making History
In 1987, Congress declared the month of March National Women"s History Month and for the last two years the Commission and Department on the Status of Women have joined with the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to honor women in San Francisco during this month. During March, communities all over the nation celebrate the contributions of women through ceremonies, dedications, and special events. Whether by doing what they love or fighting against what they know to be wrong, women have made an impact in our society. Today, we look to our communities and recognize the efforts of women whose diligence and determination have helped build a society that enables all women to make history.

This year the Board of Supervisors will acknowledge the work and efforts of several women during the regularly scheduled Board meeting on Monday, March 19, 2001 at 3:00 p.m. in the Board Chambers, Room 258, City Hall. Immediately following the Board meeting, at approximately 4:00 p.m., the Friends of the Commission and Department on the Status of Women will host a reception for the honorees and public to celebrate Women"s History Month. The reception will be held in the North Light Court, City Hall. To RSVP or for additional information please call the Friends of the Commission and Department on the Status of Women at 415-252-4653.

Carol Sacco
Department on the Status of Women
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 130
San Francisco, CA 94102
415-252-2574 ph
415-252-2575 fax

Art in City Hall by Rupert Jenkins,
S.F. Arts Commission Gallery Director

This March sees a complete change of exhibitions in the lower level, with a reception for artists Thursday, March 22, 5.30 - 7.30 p.m. Refreshments will be provided, and as always the event is free.

Continuing through March 11 are Jan Wurm"s series of paintings Drawn Together/Drawn Apart, hand-sewn quilts by CherryMae Golston, and Stefan Komozi"s Matisse-inspired collages. On March 21, we open a collection of color and black-and-white photographs from China and San Francisco"s Chinatown by Robert Welsh. Also opening on that date is a group exhibition by the Bay Area Photo Collective. A show celebrating 90 years of volunteerism and community outreach by the SF Junior League runs in the cafe corridor through April 1, and Rebuilding Lives, works commemorating the 25th anniversary of the International Rescue Committee"s global outreach to refugees, will be on display March 5 - 25.

As always, I look forward to receiving any requests and feedback from you concerning the art program. Meanwhile, stay warm and dry, and enjoy the artwork.

Citywatch News March Viewing on Citywatch SF Cable 26:
Photographer David Johnson, Meet your Supes cont., and Clean City Summit

"The Story of San Francisco" lecture series continues... March episode features David Johnson, prominent African-American photographer. Mr. Johnson"s presentation is on the history of San Francisco"s African-American Community during the 1940s, 1950s, and the 1960s. Lecture highlights include stories of life in SF"s Fillmore District. "The Story of San Francisco" cable casts Wednesday, March 21 at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday, March 25 at 1 p.m. (45 minutes).

"Meet Your District Supervisors" cable casts Mondays at 1 p.m., preceding the live Full Board meetings. (Each interview segment is 15 minutes)

The first-ever Clean City Summit was a half-day event that generated goals for a year-round attack on trash and graffiti. "The Clean City Summit" cable casts Thursday, March 8 at 9:30 a.m., Saturday, March 10 at 8p.m., and Friday, March 23 at 3p.m. (4 hours).

Did you know that you can view us from your computer?

For current daily schedules, check the website. Or turn to San Francisco Cable Channel 26 and view on-air program schedules on the hour, and the half-hour. You may also call CITYWATCH hotline at (415) 557-4293 to hear a recording of live cable cast and playback times.

Please send comments

March to Different Drummers to Lunch
Music will be coming into City Hall March 12 -15, thanks to San Francisco"s public schools" music students. From noon to 12:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, students will be performing in celebration of March - National Music in Our Schools Month.

Mark these dates on your calendars now!
Monday, March 12: Lowell High School Chamber Choir, Othello Jefferson, conductor
Tuesday, March 13: Guys & Dolls Vocal Ensemble, George Washington High School, Anne Vaaler, conductor.
Wednesday, March 14: The Moss Brothers.*
Thursday, March 15: School of the Arts (SOTA) String Quartet. * *These two dates might be switched.

March - National Music in Our Schools Month has been endorsed by two past Presidents and by Congress. These concerts are part of a series of events culminating in The Big Music Lesson which will be held at Davies Symphony Hall and again at Henry Kaiser Arena in Oakland, offering 4,000 young people a free, basic introduction to music.

Collaborators include Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr., and his District Office of Children, Youth and their Families; Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown; San Francisco Unified School District; Oakland Unified School District; Grateful Dead Productions; Musicians" Union Local 6; Oakland East Bay Symphony Orchestra; San Francisco Symphony; San Francisco Performances; San Francisco Chapter of the National Recording Academy. Sponsors include, Give Something Back, The San Francisco Chronicle, and Yahoo!

March Community Events at City Hall





Saturday, March 10, 2001
10:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Energy Fair
Open to the Public
Location: All Space
Event Contact: Monica Zanetti

Monday, March 12, 2001
12:00 PM- 1:00 PM
Lowell High School Chamber Choir
Conductor, Othello Jefferson
Location: Rotunda
Event Contact: Monica Zanetti

Tuesday, March 13, 2001 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
George Washington High School
Guys & Dolls Vocal Ensemble
Conductor, Anne Valer
Location: Rotunda
Event Contact: Monica Zanetti

Wednesday, March 14, 2001
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
The Moss Brothers
Location: Rotunda

Thursday, March 15, 2001
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
School of the Arts String Quartet
Location: Rotunda
Event Contact: Monica Zanetti

Monday, March 19, 2001 4:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Women"s History Month Events
Location: NLC
Event Contact: Monica Zanetti

*Community Events are produced for you to enjoy. They are "free and open to the public."