Safer Schools Sexual Assault Task Force - June 27, 2017 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
June 27, 2017 - 2:00pm
25 Van Ness Ave, Room 610
San Francisco, CA 94102


Safer Schools Sexual Assault Task Force Meeting

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

2:00 pm- 4:00 pm

25 Van Ness Ave, Room 610

San Francisco, CA 94102




Task Force Members

Denise Caramagno

Gena Castro Rodriguez

Amelia Gilbert

Lieutenant Jennifer Jackson, on behalf of Captain Una Bailey

Minouche Kandel, on behalf of Luoluo Hong

J. Ocean Mottley

Melissa Tan, on behalf of Leslie Simon



Janelle White

Denise Sicat Wong

Stacey Wiggall



Julia Weber


Members of the Public

Rachael Cairati, Department on the Status of Women

Leighia Fleming, University of San Francisco

Elise Hansell, Department on the Status of Women

Sarah Small, Department on the Status of Women

Corey Smith, Department on the Status of Women

Emberly Cross, Cooperative Restraining Order Clinic


I. Agenda was approved. [Kandel/Caramagno]


II. May 23, 2017 minutes were approved. [Mottley/Gilbert]


III. Updates: Report on National Sexual Assault Conference


Julia Webber attended the National Sexual Assault Conference in Dallas, Texas from June 7 -9 and presented on some of the topics covered at the conference. Intersectionality and the importance of survivor voices were emphasized as key components to developing effective approaches to addressing sexual assault.  In one workshop, a survivor shared her experiences working with law enforcement on her sexual assault case and could be a possible speaker for the Red Zone event. Other topics covered at the conference included: sports and sexual assault, institutional indifference, campus advocacy, and a screening of “I Am Evidence.”


Recommendations from the conference include implementing a law similar to one in Texas that taxes sex shops to provide funding for legal services and advocacy for sexual assault survivors and not taking sworn statements from sexual assault victims in the immediate aftermath of an assault given concerns around trauma and possible lack of sobriety as a result of drugs or alcohol.


Prevention Survey Update


The Prevention Survey is scheduled to be sent out today or first thing tomorrow morning. The goal is to gather information on what the current situation is on on-campus sexual assault preventative efforts. The deadline for completion of the survey is July 18th


Workplan Status: Outline and Data


Julia reviewed the proposed topics the report will cover: Background, Definitions, Descriptions of San Francisco context, Statistics, Law/federal state context, MOU’s, Six areas of focus, Prevention Efforts, Transparency, Transformative Justice, Coordination and SART, and Campus and Community policies.


Data will be collected from on and off campus. An estimate of the number of sexual assault in San Francisco may be included, using national data on rates of sexual assault, including rates broken down by race or identity.


The campus and community policy section will include information on disciplinary processes, including transcript notation issues, recommendations from the policy group, campus and community advocates, training, and climate surveys.


IV. Red Zone Summit Update


The Red Zone Summit will be held on September 8th 2017 from 1-5 pm on the UCSF Parnassus campus. The DA’s office sent out a Save the Date about a week ago and so far about 50 people have registered. The rough agenda for the event is as follows: keynote, SART panel, the Safer Schools committee report, and breakout sessions for (1) services, (2) Title IX coordinators, and (3) law enforcement. Task Force members should invite their contacts to the event or send Gena their information so she can invite them. A suggested topic for the law enforcement breakout session is a presentation by Gena on effective communication with survivors of sexual assault, focusing on the practical skills needed. A suggestion for the Title IX coordinator breakout session is having a survivor speak about her experiences working with Title IX coordinators and law enforcement. The survivor that Julia saw at the national conference would be a great speaker, but needs funds for travel and hotel accommodations. USF can provide housing.


V. SART Information Booklet Update


Julia made a mockup of a website for sexual assault survivors in San Francisco based on the SART brochure. The website should include a place for announcements and upcoming events. Members of the group support the idea of having a website and a brochure. The group will send feedback on the brochure to Stacey by July 15th.



VI. Technology: Relevant Apps Presentation


Julia gave a presentation on apps addressing sexual assault and providing advocacy. Apps presented include, Reach Out by Capptivation, Sayfe.u, Seek Then Speak, Callisto, It’s on Blue, and Tell Your Story. Amelia Gilbert presented on the app she is developing, Trove.  Julia recommended that the Task Force stay current on websites and apps providing information and advocacy. The Task Force may also want to include recommendations for apps in the report and sort them by function, including aftercare.



VII. Policy Committee Draft Recommendations


The Policy Committee presented their proposed recommendations and after discussion, the following were approved to include in the report: [Kandel/ Mottley]


  1. Make completed CalEMA form 2-923 available upon request to victims at no cost with all attachments and pictures.
  2. Recommendation against automatic mutual no contact orders. 
  3. Campuses should provide 24/7 free and confidential access to state certified advocates. 
  4. If survivor requested it, police and Title IX investigators should try to conduct joint interviews.
  5. Institutions collaborate to train Title IX coordinators.
  6. Support state legislature to uphold parts of Title IX in case it is removed federally.




Proposed Plan for Sections


VIII. Public Comment


Leighia Fleming recommends that most of the Title IX coordinators should meet every semester to share their prevention efforts and best practices.



 IX. Next Meeting


               July 25, 2017

2:00 – 4:00 pm

City Hall Room 305

1 Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA, 94102