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Meeting Information

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997  COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN
City and County of San Francisco
Regular Meeting
Wednesday, September 25, 2002
5:00 P.M.
City Hall, Room 408
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

          MEMBERS PRESENT                                        STAFF PRESENT
          President Dorka Keehn                                        Belle Taylor-McGhee, Executive Director
          Vice President Emily Murase                                        Rosario Navarrette, Deputy Director
          Commissioner Julie Burton                                        Rebecca Rolfe, Policy Analyst
          Commissioner Carolene Marks                              Winnie Xie, Grants Administrator
          Commissioner Juanita Miles                                        Carol Sacco, Policy Analyst
                    Commissioner Valerie Tulier                                        Angela Martin, Executive Secretary
                                                                                          Edward Olsen, Deputy City Attorney
President Dorka Keehn called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m.
Commissioner Andrea Shorter was excused.
Commissioner Valerie Tulier arrived at 5:17 p.m.

NO PUBLIC COMMENT                                                                                

m/s/c/ (Miles/Burton/Unanimous) To amend the agenda to have the Past President's Report listed after the President's Report.

m/s/c (Murase/Unanimous) To adopt the agenda for the Wednesday,
September 25, 2002, Regular Commission Meeting.


3.           APPROVAL OF MINUTES                                                   

m/s/c (Murase/Miles/Unanimous) To approve the minutes for the Wednesday, August 28, 2002 Regular Commission Meeting.


•          Oversight Panel Update: President Keehn reported that Susan Leal has agreed to co-chair the Justice and Courage Oversight Panel. The first meeting will commence on the eve of the anniversary of Claire Joyce Tempongko's murder, October 21, 2002. Meanwhile, the Mayor is scheduled to deliver his State of the City Address on October 21, 2002; therefore, he is not available to hold a press conference to announce the Oversight Panel. President Keehn added that the Mayor may include some information about the panel in his Address and the Department will do advance press to announce the Panel.

•          Violence Against Women ACT (VAWA): President Keehn announced that DOSW received a grant from VAWA, which will be used to fund a staff position for the Justice and Courage Oversight Panel.

•          Commission's Role on Policy Initiatives: President Keehn stated that she had a discussion with Vice President Murase and Executive Director Belle Taylor-McGhee regarding the Commissioners' role on policy initiatives not outlined in the strategic plan. She added that the issue will appear on the Commission's Retreat agenda.

President Keehn also stated that Vice President Mursae has agreed to coordinate the agendas for the Commission meetings. President Keehn asked that all Commissioners forward any agenda items to the Vice President so that the agenda can be set at a standing monthly meeting. President Keehn requested that all non-urgent Commission related items be referred to her and/or Vice President Murase, and not to the Executive Director. She stated that this will make for a more cohesive process.

Commissioner Marks asked for an explanation of the process.

President Keehn stated that non-urgent Commission issues should first be discussed among the Commissioners and then she and/or Vice President Murase can direct the issues to the Executive Director, Belle Taylor-McGhee.

Vice President Murase commented that this process will enable the Commission to manage the agenda and stay on track with priorities. She encouraged the Commissioners to continue to communicate with the Department regarding ongoing projects; nevertheless, she would like to coordinate the agenda items.

Commissioner Marks asked about the deadline for submitting agenda items to Vice President Murase.

Vice President Murase stated that she will attempt to contact the Commissioners ten (10) days prior to the scheduled Commission meeting.

President Keehn stated that the agenda issue could be discussed further at the Commission Retreat.

Anti-choice Supervisor: President Keehn commented that she is concerned that a member of the Board of Supervisors is anti-choice and did not support SB 1301, The Reproductive Privacy Act. She would like the item placed on next month's Commission meeting agenda.


Past President's Summary of the Year: Commissioner Marks thanked all of the Commissioners and Department staff for their work over the past year, and welcomed Belle Taylor-McGhee as the new Executive Director. She commented that at the Commission Retreat she wanted to discuss potential projects to increase the visibility of the Commission, and that she would like to see the Commission resume its "Women Who Make a Difference" event. She would also like to see more publicity for the Department and more Commission representation at events. She encouraged a more collaborative working relationship between the Commission and the Department.

COSW Meeting 9/25/02
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•          Domestic Violence Awareness Month/Press Conference with Mayor and Verizon Wireless: Belle Taylor-McGhee reported that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. She stated that DOSW in conjunction with the Mayor and Verizon Wireless will hold a press conference to announce Verzion Wireless' Hopeline program. The press conference is scheduled for Thursday, October 3, 2002, at 10:30 a.m. at City Hall in the Mayor's Press Room. Commissioners are invited to attend and the domestic violence community and DOSW service providers are invited. Verizon will donate 200 phones to women in domestic violence shelters.

•          JUSTIS Meetings Update: Ms. Taylor-McGhee stated that she wanted to congratulate the City departments who participated in the JUSTIS process. All departmental meetings have been completed, and each department has offered to have one or two staff members serve on working committees. The first Oversight Panel meeting will convene October 21, 2002. President Dorka Keehn and City Treasurer Susan Leal will chair the Oversight Panel.

•          The Status of Girls Report: Ms. Taylor-McGhee reported that the Girls Report is a work in progress. She stated that she anticipates having a draft to the Commission for review by late October.

•          CEDAW Update: Ms. Taylor- McGhee reported that Supervisor Sophie Maxwell has agreed to sponsor legislation to update the San Francisco CEDAW ordinance, and should be congratulated for her leadership. The current Task Force sunsets on December 30, 2002.

•          End Exploitation of Youth Task Force: Ms. Taylor-McGhee reported that the Task Force is meeting regularly and will probably end its work in January. She stated that Supervisor Tom Ammiano is the lead on the project, and that she is one of three co-chairs. She added that the Task Force is charged with making recommendations for a safe house, a 24-hour hotline and outreach to girls on the streets.

President Keehn asked if there were any youth on the Task Force. Ms. Taylor-McGhee responded affirmatively.

•          La Casa de las Madres: Ms. Taylor-McGhee reported that La Casa has responded sufficiently and expeditiously to a voluminous request for information that is needed to complete the Department's review of complaints made against the shelter. She added that the Department has heard from other women who did not testify at the August Commission meeting, and their comments have been noted for review. DOSW, along with Deputy City Attorney Edward Olsen will review all of the documents and submit findings with recommendations at the October Commission meeting.

•          Budget Update: Ms. Taylor-McGhee stated that DOSW will lose $8,000 in the equipment line item of its budget.

Commissioner Miles asked how the $8,000 cut will effect the Department.

Ms. Taylor-McGhee stated that the Department will not be able to acquire equipment for the remainder of this fiscal year. She also stated that no programs were affected.

•          Violence Against Women Contracts: Ms. Taylor-McGhee reported that the reapplication process is slowly moving forward, and she anticipates having all of the contracts completed by October. She commented that Winnie Xie and Rosario Navarrette should be commended for their work on the contract process.

•          Staffing and Administrative Issues: Ms. Taylor-McGhee announced that the Department has received a grant from the Violence Against Women Office in Washington, D.C. She stated that there was a request in the proposal for a DOSW staff position for the Justice and Courage project. Ms. Taylor-McGhee added that this is a full-time position with benefits and will be funded for two years. The Department will post the position as soon as possible.
Ms. Taylor-McGhee announced that Policy Analyst Rebecca Rolfe has resigned to pursue other interests; she will work throughout the month of October to complete various projects. Ms. Taylor-McGhee congratulated Ms. Rolfe on her work, and added that Ms. Rolfe will be missed. Ms. Taylor-McGhee stated that the position will be posted as soon as possible.

President Keehn also stated that Ms. Rolfe will be missed, and that she looks forward to working with her in the future.

The other Commissioners thanked Ms. Rolfe for her work on behalf of the Department and Commission.


Betty Creary and Zuma Alavarez gave statements and comments regarding La Casa de las Madres.

6.           NEW BUSINESS
          Women and Girls Health Advisory Committee of the Department of Public Health

Commissioner Marks stated that she has attended some of the Women and Girls Health Advisory Committee meetings. She commented that she thought it may be helpful if another Commissioner also attended the meetings. The Committee meets once a month on Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at 1380 Howard Street.

President Keehn stated that she thought this was an important liaison opportunity for the Commission, Department and Department of Public Health. She stated that several initiatives are approaching that will be part of the Advisory Committee and if a Commissioner is not available to attend the meetings, a staff person should be designated.

President Keehn also stated that it may be helpful if Maria Cora gave a presentation on Women's Health at the October Commission meeting.

Commissioner Miles suggested that copies of the Advisory Committee's minutes be provided to the Commissioners for review.

Deputy City Attorney Edward Olsen stated that before a Commissioner could be appointed to attend the meetings, the issue would have to appear as an action item on next month's agenda.

Commissioner Burton suggested discussing the issue at the Commission Retreat.

The Commissioners agreed to have the Department of Public Health give a presentation at the October meeting and to list the issue as an action item on the October agenda.

President Keehn asked Executive Director Belle Taylor-McGhee if it were possible to have a staff member attend the next Advisory Committee meeting.

Commissioner Miles asked if Police Chief Sanders would be attending an upcoming Commission meeting.

Ms. Taylor-McGhee stated that Chief Sanders is scheduled to attend the October Commission meeting.


7.          OLD Business

          Nominations for the Justice and Courage Oversight Panel
President Keehn stated that Manuel Vasquez has been recommended for the Justice and Courage Oversight Panel. Mr. Vasquez is the Director of the Mission Integrated Service Center, which is part of the Department of Public Health's Division of Mental Health Services. He is the founder of the first men's domestic violence treatment program in Denver, C.O.., participates in a great amount of community service, and has a private practice treating men who batter. President Keehn commented that Mr. Vasquez is very supportive of the domestic violence review process and would be an excellent addition to the Panel.

President Marks asked how long Mr. Vasquez had been working in the Domestic Violence field.

Deputy Director Rosario Navarrette stated that Mr. Vasquez had been in the field for approximately 20 years.

Action Item: To nominate Manuel Vasquez for the Justice and Courage Oversight Panel.          

m/s/c/ (Murase/Tulier/Unanimous) To approve the nomination of Manual Vasquez to the Justice and Courage Oversight Panel.


•          La Casa de las Madres

Action: To direct the Department on the Status of Women to present findings from the Las Casa inquiry and to make recommendations for the October Commission meeting.

President Keehn stated that no action will be taken regarding La Casa at this meeting. She added that the Department will review the materials submitted by La Casa, along with the statements given at previous meetings and provide recommendations to the Commission at its October meeting.

Commissioner Marks stated that she would like a copy of the email she sent to President Keehn, Vice President Murase and Executive Director Belle Taylor-McGhee outlining recommendations regarding La Casa distributed to all of the Commissioners.

Vice President Murase asked Deputy City Attorney Edward Olsen if the email would become a public document once it was distributed to the Commissioners.

The Deputy City Attorney answered affirmatively, and stated that the document should be in the public review file.

Commissioner Tulier stated that an employee by the name of Gina has constantly been referenced in complaints made against La Casa. She recommended that the Department question La Casa regarding its policy for providing sensitivity training for its employees.

Vice President Murase stated that everyone has an obligation to help solve this issue. She recommended that the women who have made complaints against La Casa compile a list of their top ten issues they would like to see resolved.

President Keehn stated that a translator should be present at the next Commission meeting.

Pictures of La Casa were given to the Commissioners for their review.

Executive Director Belle Taylor-McGhee thanked Deputy Director Rosario Navarrette for translating for the non-English speaking women. She also apologized to the women for not having a translator available, and stated that one would be present at the October Commission meeting.

Elizabeth Contreras, Juanita Flores, Clarrisa Rojas and other women who wished to remain anonymous gave statements regarding La Casa.

•          COSW November 16, 2002 Retreat Agenda

President Keehn recommended that the Commissioners review the Commission's Strategic Plan for its upcoming retreat.

Executive Director Belle Taylor-McGhee suggested that the Commissioners email her their agenda items, and she will work with Vice President Murase to prepare the agenda.

It was agreed that agenda items and comments would be emailed to the Executive Director by October 7, 2002.

Vice President Murase commented that a suggestion was made to hold a public forum to discuss shelter experiences. She stated that she believes that this would be the worst possible solution. She commented that the agencies have a responsibility to their clients, and clients should have the freedom to voice their grievances to those agencies.

Executive Director Belle Taylor-McGhee stated that the Department is looking for a location for the Commission Retreat and is considering Fort Mason.

President Keehn stated that she may be able to provide a location for the Retreat.


•          Mayor's Summit for Women 2003

Commissioner Marks reported that she spoke to Carolyn Carpeneti who stated that no plans had been finalized for the Summit.

President Keehn stated that she did not want the Summit to take place and would instead like to see the money used to fund women's programs.

Belle Taylor-McGhee stated that according to the Mayor's office, the Summit is scheduled for
May 13, 2003.

Commissioner Miles stated that she would like to see the Summit take place; however, she does not feel the Department should take on the responsibility of coordinating the event.

President Keehn stated that the Mayor's Summit should appear on the Retreat agenda.


•          MediCal/Medicare

Commissioner Marks stated that she spoke with Supervisor Sandoval's office and was informed that the MediCal/Medicare issues raised by Peggy Costner have been redirected to Sarah He in Supervisor Maxwell's office. Commissioner Marks commented that it was decided that a committee could not be funded and instead a hearing will be held to address the issues.

Deputy Director Rosario Navarrette stated that she recently spoke to Peggy Costner and she is apparently still working with Supervisor Sandoval's office to address the Medical/Medicare issues. Ms. Navarrette commented that she did not believe that Ms. Costner was aware that the issues had been redirected to Supervisor Maxwell's office.

It was agreed that Commissioner Marks will get clarification regarding the MediCal/Medicare issues and give a report at the next Commission meeting.


•          Pedophilia and Clergy

Executive Director Belle Taylor-McGhee stated that she attempted to get some feedback on the Pedophilia resolution from the Human Rights Campaign in Washington, D.C.; however, she has yet to hear back from its Communications Department. She reported that a copy of the resolution was forwarded to Terry Person with the Coalition United Against Violence and Ms. Person stated that "she appreciates your willingness to make a stand on the side of clarity… thanks for helping to set the record straight."

Commissioner Tulier recommend forwarding the resolution to the End Sexual Exploitation Task Force. She also recommended putting the issue on the October agenda.

Vice President Murase stated that the adopted amendment should be included in the resolution.


8.          PUBLIC COMMENT

Beverly Upton spoke regarding the concerns of the domestic violence community and how to provide better services. She stated that she had not heard complaints of the degree that has been presented against La Casa.

Commissioner Burton asked Ms. Upton if her organization had published best practices guidelines for the domestic violence community.

Ms. Upton stated that several national organizations were investigating the possibility of publishing best practices guidelines, and she stated that she sees this as an opportunity for San Francisco to take the lead on the issue, both locally and nationally.

Commissioner Tulier stated that the recommendations used for La Casa's best practices could be utilized by the greater community.

9.          REPORTS

President Keehn stated that a report should be given on the Sexual Assault Task Force at the October Commission meeting.

Vice President Murase stated that the Task Force's two top priorities are the five (5) year action plan on how to institutionalize CEDAW in the operations of the City and the reauthorization of the CEDAW ordinance. She stated that the Action Plan Committee has come up with an alternate monitoring body that will function like the Task Force. Supervisor Maxwell has agreed to lead the charge on the CEDAW reauthorization.

Vice President Murase recognized Policy Analyst Rebecca Rolfe for her dedicated work on the CEDAW Task Force.

10.          ANNOUNCEMENTS

Vice President Murase reminded the Commission about the October 8, 2002, Welcome Reception for the Executive Director.

President Keehn announced the formation of a new women's organization called EMERGE, Women Leaders for Democratic Future. The organization trains Democratic women for positions as either a staff member or candidate at the local and state level. It is a nine-month program that meets once a month. The next meeting is scheduled for October 18, 2002.


11. ADJOURNMENT          

m/s/c (Keehn/Miles/Unanimous) The meeting was adjourned at 7:03 p.m.

Explanatory documents: For copies of explanatory documents listed in this agenda, and other related materials received by COSW, please contact the Department on the Status of Women at 25 Van Ness Ave, Suite 130, San Francisco, CA 94102; phone: 415-252-2570, fax: 415-252-2575. Also, to the extent possible, documents will be available on the COSW website at