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Meeting Information

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City and County of San Francisco



Friday, January 30, 2004

CountyFairBuilding, Garden Club Room

9th Avenueand Lincoln Way, Golden GatePark

San Francisco, California

9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

San Francisco, CA  

Accessible by the MUNI Metro N Judah and the 71-Haight-Noreiga Bus                                        


Public comment will be heard before and/or during each agenda item.


Members Present                           Staff Present

                  President Andrea Shorter                    Belle Taylor-McGhee, Executive Director

                                    Vice President Juanita Miles                Rosario Navarrette, Deputy Director                  

                  Commissioner Dorka Keehn               Bernice Casey, Executive Secretary

                  Commissioner Carolene Marks           Caroline Donnola, Senior Policy Analyst

                  Commissioner Emily Murase               Justine McGonagle, Justice & Courage Coordinator

                                    Commissioner Valerie Tulier              Carol Sacco, Policy Analyst

                                    Commissioner Angela Williams      Winnie Xie, Grants Administrator


1.      CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL                                           

President Shorted called the meeting to order at 9:12 a.m.  She welcomed and thanked everyone for attending.


Roll call.  All Commissioners present.


No public comment.


2.      ADOPTION OF AGENDA                                                     


m/s/c (Miles/Marks/Unanimous)

Action:  Adopted agenda for the COSW Retreat, Friday, January 30, 2004.


No public comment.


3.   APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES                                          


m/s/c (Miles/Marks/Unanimous)

Action:  Approved Minutes from the COSW Special Meeting held Thursday, January 15, 2004.


No public comment.




All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Agenda and are considered to be routine by the Commission on the Status of Women.  They will be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the Commission.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Commission so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item.  Members of the public may speak on each item listed on the Consent Agenda.


No items have been calendared for the Consent Agenda.


4.   RETREAT AGENDA                                                             


      President Shorter welcomed everyone again and introduced the facilitator, Ms. Baillee Serbin of Serbin and Associates.


I.                   Icebreaker    


Ms. Serbin gave some background about herself and her organization.  Ms. Serbin conducted some icebreaker exercises.


II.                Executive Director’s Report           


Executive Director Belle Taylor-McGhee complemented staff and discussed the team approach being utilized by the Department on the Status of Women (DOSW) due to shrinking resources.


Ms. Taylor-McGhee stressed the Department’s dedication to the clients served by the Violence Against Women (VAW) Programs and a continued effort by the Department and the funded agencies to provide culturally sensitive customer assistance. The Executive Director discussed working with La Casa de las Madres to ensure there was no ambiguity around the policies and processes being used at La Casa.  She said that this in turn gave way for an opportunity to work with Assemblymember Leeland Yee to pass legislation prohibiting agencies from using children as translators if they receive state funding.  The Executive Director was asked to testify before the California State Assembly on this subject. Executive Director Taylor-McGhee reviewed the past meetings with San Francisco Women Against Rape (SFWAR) to ensure a clear understanding of their contract with the City.  Monies provided by the City had to be used in ways outlined in the contract and that political activities were not, in eyes of the City and County of San Francisco, an issue of free speech but an issue of contract compliance. The Executive Director discussed the Department’s work with W.O.M.A.N., Inc. over the year, which provided staff assistance to ensure sound fiscal accounting and a strong infrastructure with a service focus on the 24-hour crisis line.


The Executive Director stated that before the Justice and Courage Project, there was very little coordination between the City and County domestic violence agencies; however, now there is more coordination and sharing of information.  Ms. Taylor-McGhee acknowledged the staff contributions to the Project especially Deputy Director Rosario Navarrette and Justice and Courage Coordinator Justine McGonagle. She said that the ultimate goal of the project, besides streamlining shared resources, is to reduce the incidents of domestic violence, especially domestic violence related homicide.


Ms. Taylor-McGhee reviewed the organizations the Department collaborates with as well as special and individual projects, and discussed the Department’s involvement in legislation and policy over the year. 


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee spoke about the Verizon Wireless and California Endowment programs with the Department.  She spoke of the increased funding capacity that these fundrers bring to the Department and the women and girls of San Francisco.  The Executive Director acknowledged Deputy Director Navarrette’s spearheading efforts in cultivating these new partnerships.  The Department has sent out notices to participating agencies in the Verizon Hopeline Program, which provide cell phones to victims of domestic violence.  Currently, the Department is working on a public service announcement campaign via the Friends of the Commission on the Status of Women.


Ms. Taylor-McGhee said that funding for the planning of a centralized crisis line was made available by the California Endowment.  Although it was determined that a centralized line was not a recommended solution at this point, the focus to coordinate a centralized message is proceeding the Department’s work on the “Don’t Wait” campaign, which is another way to garner publicity around domestic violence.  It will also help the average person understand what they can do to prevent domestic violence.


President Shorter thanked the Executive Director for her report and the agencies present at the Retreat for their continued service on behalf of the women and girls of San Francisco.


No public comment.                                                                            


III.             Review of Last Year’s Strategic Plan: Accomplishments & Works in Progress 


Deputy Director Navarrette began the review of the Department’s accomplishments around the DOSW budget.


Commissioner Keehn emphasized that by working together with the community that the Commission and the Department can make a difference around current budget issues.


Deputy Director Navarrette spoke around the difficulties in applying for non-city monies and grants; she explained that by doing so, the Department would be competing for funds with non-profits.  Deputy Director Navarrette stressed the importance of collaborating with other city agencies to apply for grants earmarked for government agencies, not non-profits.


Commissioner Valerie Tulier completed the review of COSW goals within the Strategic Plan.  She reported that within the VAW Programs, COSW was able to protect programs from last year’s budget cuts in partnership with the funded agencies.  She said this year the Commission and the Department sponsored the first ever hearing in San Francisco on girls issues.  Commissioner Tulier reviewed the VAW Grant Program and complemented the Department on the centralized contracting process that has allowed the Department to streamline the payment process. She asked that the Commission and the Department acknowledge the strong leadership role they play in developing policy for women and girls of the City and County of San Francisco.  Commissioner Tulier asked the Commission to note the conflict in numbers between staff and the Commission.  The Department has six employees, and there are seven commissioners.


Commissioner Keehn congratulated staff, the Commission and the community for the accomplishments of the past year. She said that the Commission was lacking information and needed to know more about the States’ budget cut impacts on the City and County of San Francisco.


Commissioner Carolene Marks thanked everyone and asked that her contribution to the Friends be noted.  She said she would provide the mission statement for the Friends at the next Commission meeting.


The Executive Director informed the Commission that Grants Administrator Winnie Xie will be going to the Department of Public Health as of Monday, February 9, 2004.  Ms. Xie is leaving for the opportunity to work in a larger department with more resources.  Senior Policy Analyst Ann Lehman’s position vacated at the end of November, and it still has not been filled.  Executive Director Taylor-McGhee spoke to the Mayor’s Budget Office, which has not determined whether or not those positions will be filled at this time.


President Shorter reminded the Commission that fiscal challenges are on-going and impacting all government agencies. 


Senior Policy Analyst Caroline Donnola asked the Department, the Commission and the community to consider what fewer services, more poverty and less health care, might mean around violence, and as budget cuts, and how that may create an increase in violence against women.


Commissioner Tulier reminded the Commission that besides implementing the Strategic Plan, the Department deals with unanticipated crisis.


Deputy Director Navarrette reminded everyone of the $123,000 budget cut planned for next year by the Mayor’s Budget Office.  She said the Department could not absorb a cut that size and that more resources are needed as we experience an increased demand on those resources.  She stressed the importance in determining the most critical services provided to make decisions on what focus the Commission and the Department are going to take as times get worse. 


Public Comment.


Ms. Beckie Masaki asked when the community would know if the budget would be cut by $123,000.


Deputy Director Navarrette responded that the Department has been instructed to prepare and submit a budget with $123,000 less, and a 15% contingency reduction plan.


There was a break from 10:16 a.m. to 10:32 a.m.


IV.              Strategic Plan


[The attendees at the Retreat broke into small discussion groups to brainstorm about each area and re-grouped at the end of the session to report back to the larger group.] 


A.                 VAW Programs [group work submitted to the Commission]                                               

Goals: (1) Preserve all funding

                        Objective:    Look for other funding sources, i.e. law enforcement

                        Objective:  Continue collaborative campaigns against budget cuts

(2) Stabilize services

Objective:  Improve evaluation and reporting tools to encompass all aspects of programs

Objective:  Do not divide the pie-get a bigger pie.  Look for other funding sources

Objective:  The Department to work with CBOs to create effective evaluation tools

(3)               Include sexual violence in all campaigns and continue collaborative campaigns against budget cut


B.           Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) [group work submitted to the Commission]                   

Goals: (1) Increase access to health care regardless of socio-economic,

                  ethnic, etc. status

Objective:  Increase media and public awareness, i.e. letter writing

campaigns, web site, and collaborate with and educate non traditional partners in this issue

            (2) To increase more public awareness and education around sexual harassment

                  particularly for boys and girls, i.e. the San Francisco Unified School District  (SFUSD).

                        Objective:   Work and develop policies with school district

                        Objective: To create a list of partners/stakeholders

                        Objective: Find resources for an “It’s not cool” campaign, i.e. pro bono    advocacy and acting support

(3)  Reiterate and emphasize CEDAW as the overarching umbrella of COSW/DOSW work

Objective: Get the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors (BOS) to use CEDAW as a policy within the City structure

(4)  Develop a message and education around CEDAW to make it more sensible, i.e.:  bread and butter issue, i.e.:  access to affordable health care                             


C.           Girls [group work submitted to the Commission]                                                                                       

Goals: (1) Look to reactivate the Girls Safety Committee, look at issues and make priorities around:

• Wellness Centers – mental health

• Community based activities

• Spectrum of girls in San Francisco, those doing well and those not doing well

(2) Review work of Sexual Exploitation Task Force to make sure work done gets follow-through

• Examine current resources

• Identify and inform of what is happening in other counties and what are models is being used

           Other issues:  Systems’ accountability

          Young Women’s Health Task Force—Department of Public Health

(3)  Address Sexual Harassment/Assault in schools

Objective: Information – on-going prevention , what happens after the fact

            Other issues:     What do you do next?

                                    Information for perpetrators:  consequences

                                    Spotlight the issues

                                    What are the School Board and the Police Department doing?


D.                Justice and Courage Project (J & C) [group work submitted to the Commission]                                                                                                                          

  Goals: (1) Better Communication with CBOs and J & C Project

              (2) Hold meetings in the community

(3) Increase community input (identify how many groups can be hosted and which communities)

              (4) Develop Justice & Courage budget

Include model similar to Greenbook – to host paid community meetings in which to receive CBO feedback.

Current Needs: 

·        Justice Model

Develop an infrastructure

Need supplies, i.e. pen and paper

·        Evaluation Model

Get a stipend to do community paid groups  

·        Future/Sustainability

·        Institutionalize J & C Project Coordinator Position

·        Website

·          Institutionalize a J & C Oversight Panel—City and CBOs

·              Continue to solidify relationship with Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice

·              Find and apply for grants

·              Create centralized training, website, network to provide an information source


E.                 Coalition Building/Networking [group work submitted to the Commission]                                                                                                                                                      

            Possible partners and current partners:

Ø                  National Association of Commissions for Women and the Association of California Commissions for Women (NACW/ACCW)

Ø                  California Women’s Agenda (CAWA) and Women’s Intercultural Network (WIN)

Ø                  The Women’s Foundation

Ø                  Domestic Violence Consortium (DVC)

Ø                  California Alliance Against Domestic Violence (CAADV)

Ø                  Women legislative caucuses

Ø                  Other foundations and funding entities

Ø                  National Organization for Women (NOW) & San Francisco’s Chapter of NOW

Ø                  Center for Young Women’s Development

Ø                  Friends of the COSW

Goals: (1) To expand and strengthen existing relationships and develop new networks,      collaborations and links

Other possible and current partners

Ø                  Women of Color Resources

Ø                  National Latino Alliance to End Domestic Violence [Alianza]

Ø                  Dezie Woods Jones – T.I.L.E.  Training and Leadership [Part of the Black Women Organized for Political Action]

Ø                  Asian Women’s Resource Center

Ø                  Funded Agencies sit on many other coalitions

(2) To help get women’s voices heard

Objective:  Develop network guide – to share information with other groups

Objective:  Getting COSW/DOSW written up in other organization’s newsletters as one of way of improving visibility

Objective:  Improve communication by participating in activities of other     entities, i.e. conferences, training and workshops

Objective:  Create a centralized Bulletin Board to advertise and report on COSW/DOSW work:

• create links of other related websites to COSW/DOSW

• provide technical assistance to organizations that want to link; contact technical organization on training for developing links

Objective: Conduct an inventory of contacts within COSW/DOSW

Objective:  Increase the benefits to the women’s community and COSW/DOSW

Objective:  Find a way to encourage staff and Commission to promote COSW/DOSW’s work


v                 Ability to pay membership dues

v                 Funding for attending COSW/DOSW events, conferences, etc.

v                 Funding to represent COSW/DOSW

v                 Funding for travel, etc.

Strategy:  To present at workshops and conferences to have registration fee waived or reduced and have time to fully participate in other coalitions


                          F.           Economic Development/Leadership [group work submitted to the Commission]            

Goals: (1) Assign a Commissioner and staff member to focus on economical aspect of the COSW Mission Statement

(2) Find a source, nonprofit, academic, or a think tank, to provide statistical analysis around women and girls in San Francisco:

• How many female owned businesses?

• What is the poverty ratio in San Francisco among women and girls?

• What are the policies surround awarding City contracts?

• Women business support organizations

Objective: Assign a Commissioner and a staff person to work on a two-person team approach

Objective: Develop a plan for the economic development of women and girls based on two of the areas, in the analysis. For example:

• List of women owned business:  establish working relationship and

    ask to assist in coordinating grass roots outreach to unemployed women

    and girls in San Francisco.

• Educate COSW/DOSW and the community about city contracts for Women Owned Businesses.


                          G.         Health [group work submitted to the Commission]                     

Goals: (1) Clarify whether health will be a separate and distinct part of the Strategic Plan or if health will be a sub-category within other parts of the Strategic Plan (i.e. VAW, Girls). 

    (2) Staff Attendance at monthly Women and Girls Health Advisory Committee meeting and/or Young Women’s Health Task Force meeting; if not, establish an on-going communication exchange to strengthen the relationship between DPH and COSW

Objective: COSW decides where health will fall in Strategic Plan

Objective: Staff member assigned to build an on-going communicative relationship with the DPH.


From the VAW group, Beverly Upton and Senior Policy Analyst Donnola reported back on their discussion in the small group session around VAW Programs.  Ms. Upton said that the number one goal must be to preserve funding and that the community must support the Commission and the Department while everyone works together to find other sources of funding.  Senior Policy Analyst Donnola spoke about improving evaluation mechanisms by working with the community to develop better tools.


Ms. Masaki talked about preserving existing services and creating new services that are not just ethnic specific but combining services to meet the needs of the larger populations.  She stressed the need for the Department to work with the agencies so that the Department as the funder, not end up driving a wedge between existing services.


From the CEDAW group, Executive Director Taylor-McGhee spoke about the current issues happening at SFUSD and wanted to make sure CEDAW was used as the basis to produce training for boys and girls as well as stressed the importance of the Commission and the Department in suggesting new policies to the school district. 


Commissioner Emily Murase thanked the community for its contributions to the small group work and suggested doing outreach to other communities to find out how they are using CEDAW in their work.


From the Girls group, Gena Castro and Policy Analyst Carol Sacco emphasized the increased reports of sexual harassment in schools and said that healthy curriculum needs to be designed that addresses both girls and boys.


From the Justice and Courage group, Commissioner Keehn and Justice and Courage Coordinator Justine McGonagle reported on their group discussion.  Ms. McGonagle stressed the need for more community input and the need to do community outreach in new ways.


From the Coalition Building group, Deputy Director Navarrette listed organizations in which the Department currently belonged and discussed how these relationships can be utilized to build visibility for the Department and the Commission.  She stressed the need for the Department to publish more of its work so people will know about and recognize the Department and the Commission.


Executive Secretary Bernice Casey reviewed the goals and objectives of the Economic Development group.


Commissioner Williams said that it was important to address the economic development of women and girls in San Francisco.  She spoke about the correlation between women who stay in violent relationships and economics.


Executive Secretary Casey reviewed the goals and objectives of the Health group.


President Shorter asked if there were any other comments about the group work.


Commissioner Tulier asked to have a set of questions developed through a CEDAW lens, which the Commission and the Department can ask concerning policy issues across the board.  She thanked the girls’ service providers for attending and for addressing the need to educate males.


Commissioner Murase talked about the work that had already been done by Ann Lehman and asked how that work could be further condensed to provide Commissioner Tulier and the Commission as a whole the questions requested by Commissioner Tulier.


Commissioner Marks asked how many women are being effectively served by the VAW Programs. 


Grants Administrator Xie said the Department was trying to improve the VAW Program reporting to give a clearer idea of who is being served.  She said that the Department has been compiling data from the past three years around the number of women and children who received services and how many women were turned away from shelters and transitional housing.  She stated that the data may be available, but not always easily accessible due to a lack of resources.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee said the Department was trying to create internal mechanisms to measure data collection; however, due to funding constraints, it has been difficult to do.


Commissioner Miles said substance abuse programs should be included in the VAW Programs and commented on the correlation between substance abuse and violence against women.


Commissioner Murase commented that economic development is a part of CEDAW and should be used when looking at city contracting.


Julie Posadas, member of the public, asked that the Commission look at equity in city departments and refocus on what type of discrimination is happening to the clients who use the services of those departments, i.e. juvenile justice. 


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee stressed the importance of looking at the foster care system as well as the juvenile justice system, especially for disproportionality among African American girls.  She suggested that we develop a plan around that issue by using the data and testimony brought to the Girls Hearing.


Ms. Masaki said she felt the Justice and Courage Project was a system of reform that shows accountability and further suggested finding a tool for community members to listen to the real stories about how people are being treated in the community around issues of domestic violence.


Ms. Aileen Hernandez suggested that the Commission and the Department do more coalition building with women’s organizations and other agencies, especially public policy research agencies.  She said that these groups could help the Department and Commission with the data collections already discussed. 


Commissioner Marks asked how the websites could be improved and utilized to create publicity in the City through networking.  She stressed the importance of listing what people [on the Commission and in the Department] are doing, which would allow everyone to network better.


Commissioner Miles asked that links to organizations assisting men with overcoming violence be listed on the website and that the Commission and Department collaborate with men’s treatment programs.


The Executive Director asked the community to let the Department know if they knew of people with expertise in web building.


Lunch from 12:40-1:20 p.m.


President Shorter thanked everyone especially Commissioner Tulier for her efforts.  President Shorter stated that a series of action items that would be postponed until the next Commission Meeting.


The Commission discussed a NACW Workshop Proposal.


m/s/c (Murase/Tulier/Unanimous)

Action: Approved a Workshop Proposal for the NACW Conference.


No public comment.


H.            Budget


Deputy Director Navarrette reviewed the Department’s current budget.  She explained the only place to reduce the budget is from the VAW Programs.  She stressed the importance of producing documentation describing the impact of the scenarios that were provided at the last COSW meeting by the funded agencies and gave further historical background of the Department and the on-going challenges with funding.  Deputy Director Navarrette expressed her concerns on fulfilling the City’s mandate with shrinking resources.  Due to staff constraints, she suggested that individual Commissioners may have to volunteer to do work as they did in the past.  She said that the Department and Commission need to strategize about how they justify their existence.


President Shorter again stressed the importance of putting together comparative analysis and cost-effective analysis to show how the Commission and Department could save the City money through their policy work and funding. 


Commissioner Tulier reminded everyone that historically public outcry has changed many institutions.  She said that letters of support should come from individuals not normally asked for their support (i.e. the fire chief, police chief, school board),   and that there should be a public expression of outrage about the cuts and that this could have a positive impact on stopping the budget cuts.


Commissioner Keehn said that there was lack of knowledge by the City about the COSW mandate.  The Department and the Commission need to educate the City and the public about the work of the Commission and Department.  She suggested contacting Joan Ryan to do a piece about the Commission and the Department clarifying what services they provide.


Ms. Upton suggested using service models employed by the non-profit sector to provide quantitative information of how many people are served by programs and how much money is saved by the City.


Executive Director Taylor-McGhee suggested a three prong approach: public support, cost analysis/data collection, and a strategy to fight the budget cuts.


Commissioner Murase said that the Commission and Department need to appeal to the priorities of Mayor, i.e. his homeless project by showing the link between VAW services and less homelessness.  She further suggested that the Commission ask the women whom they have honored to help the Commission at this time.  She asked the Department to look up previous honorees.  Commissioner Murase suggested having a Plan B in case they cannot stave off the cuts and the reiterated the importance of involving the community agencies.


Ken Thiesen suggested a strong media campaign with Op-Ed (Opposite the Editorials) letters to the editor and a meeting with the Chronicle’s Editorial Board.


Commissioner Miles spoke about women telling their stories of domestic violence, and what it was like to not have services when she experienced domestic violence.   


The Executive Director and Commissioner Miles agreed to write an Op-Ed piece using personal stories around domestic violence.


Commissioner Keehn asked that a timeline be put together on what needs to be accomplished by whom for the next Commission meeting.


President Shorter informed everyone that Commissioner Miles, the Executive Director and she would be meeting with the Mayor on Friday, February 6, 2004.


The Executive Director said some data analysis had be done and asked President Shorter to provide the Department with names of individuals and organizations she had suggested to do further analysis.


Commissioner Tulier asked that CBOs are asked to write letters to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors before the 20th of February and to get an additional letter from an agency that is not funded by the Department.


The Executive Director said she would schedule a meeting with the Editorial Board of the Chronicle and begin to draft the Op-Ed letter.


Commissioner Marks and President Shorter said they would draft a letter to be used in the letter-writing campaign.


Deputy Director Navarrette asked City Attorney Paula Jesson if her office could provide the Department and the Commission with the amount of money spent by the City around lawsuits involving domestic violence.


City Attorney Paula Jesson said she would check on that information and get back to the Department.


Facilitator Serbin put together the assignment list.


Ø                  DATA COLLECTION:  Staff to Coordinate with the City and District Attorney Office and work with C.B.O.s

Ø                    COST ANALYSIS:  Commissioners Shorter and Williams

Ø                  LETTER WRITING CAMPAIGN:  Beverly Upton and Commissioner Tulier.  Commissioner Marks and Shorter will draft the letter

Ø                  MEETING WITH THE MAYOR:       Commissioners Shorter and Miles and Executive Director Taylor-McGhee

Ø                  EDITORIAL MEETING WITH THE CHRONICLE: Executive Director Taylor-McGhee

Ø                  OP. ED. PIECE – Draft:  Commissioners Miles and Keehn and the Executive Director

Ø                  LETTERS TO THE EDITOR:  Ken Thiesen

Ø                  PLAN “B” AT NEXT MONTH’S AGENDA: DOSW


Ms. Jesson and the Executive Director discussed the City’s policy on letter-writing campaigns.


Ms. Upton asked to whom the letters [advocating for no budget cuts to the Department] should be addressed.


President Shorter said to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors.  She thanked everyone for their contributions.


m/s/c (Tulier/Murase/Unanimous)                           

Action: Organized support for no budget reductions in the current fiscal year and Fiscal Year 2004-2005 and to develop a Plan B by the February COSW Meeting.             


No public comment.


V.                 Communications between the Commission and the Department                                       

A.        Roles and Responsibilities                                                                

            1.         Internal Relations


President Shorter said that communication was the key and that people needed to be kept up to date. 


a.         Increasing Resources for the Department

                                    1.         Contacts and Capacity Building       


President Shorter referred to the small group discussion and said that the Commission needs to look closely at the contacts which need to be built and suggested asking for volunteers to assist the Department. She said that the Commission needs to look specifically at building the capacity of the Department.                                        

b.           Protocol Flow Chart         


Commissioner Tulier reviewed the Protocol Flow Charts and asked that they serve as a guide to help facilitate communication between the Department and the Commission. She said that the charts were designed so that the communication between the Department and the Commission could improve and that a staff of six was not overwhelmed with the requests of seven Commissioners.


Commissioner Keehn suggested that the Commission President and the Executive Director be on the same line for the Media Flow Chart.


President Shorter asked that positions and not names be used in the flow charts.


Commissioner Keehn suggested that if a Commissioner does not have information [regarding the work of the Commission or they Department] that they should contact the Executive Director.


Ken Theisen, from the public, stressed the importance of getting back to the media quickly or they will move on to someone else or just print the story.


The Executive Director reminded the Commission that the Mayor’s Press Office must be notified of sensitive calls.


Commissioner Tulier said she would update the flow charts for the next Commission meeting.




                        c.         Commissioner Assignments

1.           Communication between COSW, the Executive Committee and COSW liaisons

2.           Develop working committees


Commissioner Tulier suggested the Commission keep the current Commissioner assignments.


m/s/c (Tulier/Murase/Unanimous)            

Action: Assigned each Commissioner to one or more areas of the Strategic Plan.


No public comment.


            2.         External Relations

                        a.         DOSW’s relationship to the Mayor and the City


The Executive Director reviewed the differences between the Mayor and the Commission.  She said that a department head must respond to requests made by the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors.


b.                  Board of Supervisors


Commissioner Murase asked if all requests from the Board of Supervisors were logged.


Deputy Director Navarrette responded yes and gave examples of requests from the Board of Supervisors.


c.                   Friends of the Commission on the Status of Women


Commissioner Marks said she would like to discuss formal and informal relationships with other organizations.   As well, she wanted to discuss other aspects of publicity in an effort to bring more visibility in the community to the work of the Commission and the Department.


Commissioner Williams reported that to have the Friends activated three members were needed.  She said she hoped to have a third member by next week.


Commissioner Keehn said that only two people were needed.


Maria Cora encouraged the Commission to look at other city departments to build stronger relationships with and to move forward together on issues regarding the women and girls of San Francisco.


Commissioner Tulier asked which Supervisor/s each Commissioner wanted to be assigned to meet with regarding COSW issues.


Commissioner Shorter – Daly, Duffy

Commissioner Keehn -- Gonzalez

Commissioner Williams – Sandoval, Peski

Commissioner Miles -- Hall, Alioto-Pier

Commissioner Tulier -- Maxwell

Commissioner Murase – Ma, Alioto-Pier

Commissioner Marks – McGoldrick, Amniano


m/s/c (Murase/Tulier/Unanimous) Commissioner Williams is absent.

Action:   Assigned each Commissioner to one or more Supervisors to build an on-going relationship in support of the Department’s work on women and girls.


No public comment.


B.        COSW Meetings                                                                                                

              1.        Preparedness                        

              2.        Accountability


Ms. Casey reviewed the current calendar of holidays.


The Commission discussed conflicts and moved the February, May, November, and December 2004 Commission meetings to the third Wednesday instead of the fourth Wednesday of those months.


m/s/c (Murase/Tulier/ Unanimous) Commissioner Williams is absent.

Action: Discussed and approved the COSW Meeting Calendar.


The Commission discussed possible dates for the next annual Retreat.


m/s/c (Keehn/Tulier/Unanimous) Commissioner Williams is absent.

Action:  Set the date of November 5, 2004 for the next COSW Retreat.


No public comment.


VI.              Wrap- up


No public comment.                                                                         



5.   CLOSED SESSION                                                                                                               


Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 (b) and San Francisco Administrative           

Code Section 67.10 (b):  Public Employee Performance Evaluation:  Executive Director Belle Taylor-McGhee


No public comment.


6.   PUBLIC COMMENT                                      


No public comment


  1. ADJOURNMENT                                                                     


The meeting was adjourned at 4:24 p.m.



American Sign Language interpreters and a Sound Amplification System provided upon request with 48-hour advance notice to 415-252-2570. Translation into languages other than English is also available with 48-hour notice. Limited accessible street parking available.  Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) will be available.  Meeting proceedings available in alternative formats.  In order to assist the City's efforts to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. 

Please help the City to accommodate these individuals. 


To obtain a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, to participate in the meeting, please contact the Department on the Status of Women at least two business days before the meeting at 415-252-2570 (Voice) or 415-252-2550 (TTD).


The Board of Supervisors has amended the Sunshine Ordinance by adding provision 67A.1.  The provision is effective as of January 21, 2001.


The ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers, and similar sound producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting.  Please be advised that the Chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager or other similar sound-producing electronic devices.


Explanatory documents: For copies of explanatory documents listed in this agenda, and other related materials received by COSW, please contact the Department on the Status of Women at 25 Van Ness Ave, Suite 130, San Francisco, CA  94102; phone: 

415-252-2570, fax:  415-252-2575.    Also, to the extent possible, documents will be available on the COSW website at


Know Your Rights under the Sunshine Ordinance


(Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code)

Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decision in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people’s business.  This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people’s review.  For more information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance, or to report a violation of the Ordinance, contact the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force at 415-554-7724.  To obtain a free copy of the Sunshine Ordinance contact Donna Hall, Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, City Hall, Room 244, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102-4689, phone: 415-554-7724, fax: 415-554-7854, email:  Copies of the Sunshine Ordinance can also be obtained from the San Francisco Public Library and on the City’s website at


Attention: Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance (SF Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code § 2.100 – 2.160) to register and report lobbying activity.  For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the San Francisco Ethics Commission at 30 Van Ness Ave., Suite 3900, San Francisco, CA  94102; phone: 415-581-2300, fax: 415-581-2317 and web site



Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Requirements


Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [SF Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code § 2.100] to register and report lobbying activity.  For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the San Francisco Ethics Commission at 30 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 3900, San Francisco, CA  94102; telephone (415) 581-2300; fax (415) 581-2317; web site: