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April 04, 2002


City Non-Profit Contracting Task Force

City Non-Profit Contracting Task Force
April 4, 2002
1:00-3:00 p.m.


Representing Non-Profit Community:
Jim Illig, Project Open Hand
Salvador Menjivar, Hamilton Family Center
Tony Michelini, Catholic Charities
Sandy Mori, Kimochi, Inc.
Marge Murphy (for Nancy Rubin), Edgewood Center
Jonathon Vernick, Baker Places, Inc.

Representing City Departments:
Judith Blackwell, Office of Contract Administration
Gene Coleman, Mayor’s Office of Community Development
Dave Curto, Department of Human Services
Winna Davis, Mayor’s Office of Children, Youth & Their Families
Ed Harrington, Controller
Galen Leung (for Monique Zmuda), Department of Public Health

Others:                                                            Staff:
John Haskell, Controller’s Office                     Henny Lee, Department of Administrative Services
Bill Jones, Office of Contract Administration          Pilar Rubin, Department of Administrative Services
Debbi Lerman, SF Human Services Network          David Shipper, City Attorney
Walter Park, Mayor’s Office on Disability
Mike Ward, Office of Contract Administration

The meeting was called to order by Commission Co-Chair Judith Blackwell at 1:06 PM.

Consent Calendar
-          Debbi Lerman pointed out that the survey distributed by the San Francisco Human Services Network following the March 28 meeting is only a draft document and that she will provide the updated version to all task force members.
-          Review of past meeting minutes: Jim Illig pointed out that the March 28 minutes mistakenly stated that "Jonathan Vernick identified 10 basic goals created from a survey he conducted." This phrase was amended to state "Jonathan Vernick identified 10 basic goals created from a survey conducted by the Human Services Network."
-          The minutes were unanimously approved.

Report of the Co-Chairs
-          Judith Blackwell explained that the survey she drafted with her co-chair Nancy Rubin was distributed to the departments and is due back next week.
-          Members discussed postponing discussion of construction and housing matters until after service matters are addressed.

Approval of Draft of Bylaws Prepared by City Attorney David Shipper
-          David Shipper reviewed the bylaws, pointing out attendance issues (Article VII), agenda flexibility (Article VIII), and rules governing the formation of sub-committees (Article VI).
-          Members agreed to remove Article VII (Attendance) from the bylaws because the frequency of meetings has not yet been resolved and proper attendance cannot be defined.
-           Jim Illig suggested that roll call for the following meeting should be taken at each meeting to assess who will/will not be present and whether or not quorum will be met.
-           The bylaws were unanimously approved as amended.

Mission Statement
-          Task force members discussed the purpose of the commission and agreed that the clauses defined in the legislation that formed them speak to their roles and to the mission of the task force as a whole.
-          Jim Illig suggested that the group keep in mind their written report, due in August 2002, as they lead discussion and work through the issues laid out in the previous meeting.
-          Ed Harrington suggested that it would be worthwhile for the task force to discuss the feasibility of a master contract and whether or not the reasons why it has not yet been done--after two years of many departments attempting to streamline it at all levels--are insurmountable reasons.

Contracting Procedures Training
-          Galen Leung distributed 3 documents pertaining to the contracting process and presented a 30-minute, general overview of it for members of the task force and all others in attendance.

Discussion of Agenda
-          Two discussion items not discussed at the meeting were postponed until the next meeting of the task force. The agenda for the next meeting was determined.

Roll Call
At Jim Illig’s suggestion, Judith conducted a roll call for the next meeting.

Public Comment
-          Mike Ward briefly explained the role of the Office of Contract Administration in the contracting process.
-          Debbi Lerman reiterated that the Human Services Network survey is very rough and suggested that it be thrown out and replaced with the updated version, which she will provide.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 PM


Last updated: 12/6/2009 11:37:54 AM