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January 25, 2001



of the


Thursday, January 25, 2001

City Hall

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 82


The meeting was called to order by Chair Philip DeAndrade.

Present: Sarah Ames Jim Firth

    John Borg Lawrence Klein

    Joe Boss Richard Lee

    Philip DeAndrade Richard Millet

    Babette Drefke Cal Broomhead for

              Francesca Vietor (Mayor)

Absent: Robert Boileau

    Angela Calvillo (Supervisor Ammiano)

    Claude Wilson


The minutes were approved as written.


Ms. Drefke nominated Mr. DeAndrade for chair of the Task Force. He was unanimously elected. Ms. Drefke nominated Ms. Ames for vice chair. She was unanimously elected.

Potrero Power Plant


January 25, 2001


Mr. Broomhead spoke with Elaine Forbes, the legislative analyst assigned to the Task Force. She is gathering data, having difficulty getting information from PG&E; she received some energy use data from the CEC and is trying to find current information on Hetch Hetchy. She believes she can provide some of the items requested; she will not be able provide anything on the subject of future energy use in the City, and what is the potential for renewables and efficiency. That is only currently being studied, and there is no hard data.

Ms. Forbes has additional information on mitigations. The Task Force will ask her to attend the next meeting to report on her findings.

Mr. DeAndrade initiated a discussion of how and to what agency/body the Task Force will proceed to convey its findings and concerns.

Mr. Boss suggested that most effective use of the Task Force’s time is to utilize the information gathered by the Legislative Analyst and report back to the Board of Supervisors which is mandated in the enacting legislation.


Mr. DeAndrade suggested that the data requests will disclose which mitigations will be needed. Mr. Boss stated that the Task Force should collect a list mitigation ideas. He also suggested building a link between Hunters Point and Potrero.

Ms. Ames wants to know that some entity will ensure that there will be no net increase in pollution from the new plant. She wants information from groups working on the pollution issues.

Mr. Lee believes that there will be an increase in pollution, given the current plan. A workshop on air quality is coming up. City does not know how many PM10s have been produced by Hunters Point. Mr. Lee and his agency are working to assess if there will be increased mortality. Potential increase of hazardous materials transported through the neighborhood will create a potential for increased pollution.

City Attorney Joe Como suggested that the group might consider speaking with Supervisor Ammiano’s office and see if, instead of going through Board to City

Potrero Power Plant


January 25, 2001

Attorney’s office, the Task Force could go to both destinations to short-circuit the process and thereby, provide the questions and issues for the data requests to go out sooner.

According to Mr. Como, there was an entire CEQUA process to which the Potrero Power Plant was subjected when PG&E owned the plant and sold it; there is an entire body of comments made on that sale. But those comments are relevant now, so that the Task Force may want to research those issues and comments. Information is at the CPUC across the street from City Hall.

Mr. DeAndrade articulated the Task Force’s position that community offsets and not mitigations are are desired so that there is no net gain in mortality. Mr. Lee stated that his mortality report would be ready in a few weeks.

Ms. Ames summarized by saying that someone has to have a handle on the mortality data, that the Task Force should ask for offsets that are local, that there should be a list of mitigations that should compensate for the measures the Task Force will not achieve and that the Task Force should concentrate on the political measures to accomplish its goals.

The Task Force agreed that the City’s consultant should attend the Task Force meetings.

Mr. DeAndrade asked Mr. Como to communicate these concerns to the City Attorney.

Mr. DeAndrade and other members discussed the use of the Task Force website for collecting information, comments, concerns from the community. Mr. Boss will work with Task Force staff and the City Webmaster to enhance the website as a public information tool.


Mr. DeAndrade recommended that a preliminary report to the Board expressing findings, concerns, issues should be producing. Mr. Boss suggested that each member state a concern.

Mr. Boss: wants the Board of Supervisors to instruct the SFPUC to evaluate any and all methods of capturing cash flow for any excess energy generated by the power plant and shipped out of San Francisco.

Mr. Lee: the Health Dept. is concerned about air quality and transportation of hazardous materials.

Ms. Drefke: how much of the power generated by the Potrero plant is going to benefit Potrero, San Francisco; how much power will be shipped out of the City.

Mr. Borg: what is the cumulative effect on the community; local offsets vs. outside area offsets; is there a possibility for experts to challenge Southern’s data; is there a possibility for funding; master plan for the area re commercial, residential, industrial; voice of the community.

Ms. Ames: mailing budget, wants department head input and funding for experts.

Mr. Millet: what percentage of SF’s power will this plant produce; wants to tie undergrounding with power production as a mitigation.

Mr. Firth: there is conditional support for the plant but there are issues of concern and there needs to be community involvement

Mr. Broomhead: does the City need the extra generation; there is talk of Catellus putting a heating system in Mission Bay and the airport wants to build its own plant; the Mayor wants the City to curtail its load by 10%; will SF have too much generation

Mr. Firth moved that the chair assign a committee to write a report to be submitted to the Board by so that it can be heard; seconded by Ms. Drefke, the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Borg, Mr. Boss and Mr. DeAndrade will prepare the report.

Mr. DeAndrade recommended having a Task Force meeting in the community on Thursday, March 15th at 6:30 p.m. It will be advertised in the Potrero View and other publications. Task Force staff will put out a press release.

Mr. DeAndrade asked the Task Force to provide items for the February agenda: local offsets and mitigations, report of the legislative analyst, planning for the March 15th community meeting, reports from members, Task Force report to the Board of Supervisors.


The meeting was adjourned at approximately 6:15 p.m.

Last updated: 12/4/2012 10:30:03 AM