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September 16, 2011




September 16, 2011, 3:00 PM
City Hall, Room 416

1. Call to Order and Roll Call.

Eric McDonnell, Chair
Jenny Lam, Vice Chair
Mike Alonso
Myong Leigh
Sonia Melara
Marily Mondejar
David Pilpel
Mark Schreiber
Melissa Tidwell

The meeting was called to order at 3:07 p.m. All members were noted present.

2. Redistricting Task Force Bylaws.

The Task Force discussed additional amendments to their bylaws.

Jon Givner (Deputy City Attorney); presented information concerning the matter and/or answered questions raised during the hearing.

Member Pilpel, seconded by Member Melara, moved to adopt the Redistricting Task Force Bylaws as further amended (Article 5 and Article 7- Section 10).

The motion was unanimously approved.

Public Comment: None.

3. Approval of Minutes from the August 29, 2011 meeting of the Redistricting Task Force.

The Task Force discussed the details to be included in the minutes. Member Pilpel requested that John Arntz, Director of the Department of Elections, be listed on the agendas as an ex-officio member.

Member Pilpel, seconded by Member Melara, moved to approve the meeting minutes of August 29, 2011, as amended.

The motion was unanimously approved.

Public Comment: None.

4. Redistricting Task Force Budget.

The Task Force discussed the budget and requested that a copy of the budget be made available at the next meeting.

Unanimously continued to the next Redistricting Task Force meeting.

Public Comment: None.

5. Presentation by Redistricting Consultant on its Scope of Services and Outreach Planning.

Karin MacDonald (Project Manager and Senior Redistricting Consultant for Q3 Data and Research, LLC); provided an overview and responded to questions of the Task Force concerning the scope of work as it pertains to the contract for service, outreach to the public and criteria on the database collection.

Unanimously continued to the call of the chair.

Public Comment: None.

6. Outreach to City Departments.

The Task Force discussed the list of city departments that may be useful in providing information on various city neighborhoods. It was suggested that the following departments be added to the list: Police, Planning, and Public Health, SFUSD, Department of Children, Youth and Their Families, Status of Women, Mayor’s Office of Housing, SF Municipal Transportation Agency, Fire, and SFPUC.

Member Melara, seconded by Member Tidwell, moved to authorize Member Pilpel to prepare correspondence to other City agencies, boards and commissions to request input concerning redistricting. The correspondence shall be approved by the Chair and Vice-Chair before distribution.

The motion was unanimously approved.

Public Comment: None.

7. Resolution Regarding Redistricting Task Force Communications.

Member Melara, seconded by Member Tidwell, moved to approve the proposed correspondence as amended to replace “President” with “Chair”.

The motion was unanimously approved as amended.

The communication will be posted and become the policy of the Redistricting Task Force.

Public Comment: None.

8. Redistricting Task Force Member Reports.

Member Pilpel reported that he was requested to provide an update to the Coalition of SF Neighborhoods and BART.
Member Mondejar reported that she was requested to provide an update to the 13th Assembly District. (amended 10/21/11)
Member Melara requested that a rules of redistricting policy be created prior to the community outreach meetings.(amended 10/21/11)
Member Leigh reported that he was requested to provide an update to Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club. Member Leigh also requested an agenda item to review the talking points for redistricting presentations.
Member Alonso reported that he was invited to attend a meeting at UC Hastings.

The Chair and Vice-Chair will work with the City Attorney to create a standard presentation that will explain redistricting and encourage the public to participate in the process.

Public Comment: None.

9. Future Agenda Items.

The follow are potential agenda items suggested by the members of the Redistricting Task Force:
Data Criteria.
Outreach Timeline.
Talking Points.
Invite Previous Redistricting Panels to provide presentation on lessons learned.

Other suggestions:
Hire outreach consultants.
Should the meetings be televised?
Request to maintain a running list of pending agenda items.
Request copy of Department of Elections report on outreach methods.

Public Comment: None.

10. Public Comment.

Public Comment: Speaker: Otto Duffy requested that agendas be placed at the Department of Elections and all expressed concern regarding the SOMA boundaries and the need to hold task force meetings in this district.

11. Adjournment.

The meeting adjourned at 5:38 p.m.

Last updated: 10/24/2011 4:12:14 PM