October 21, 2011 – 3:00 P.M
Regular Meeting
Room 416
City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689
Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 3:09 p.m.
Members Alonso, Lam, Leigh, McDonnell, Melara, Mondejar, Schreiber and Tidwell were noted present.
Member Pilpel was noted absent.
Member Leigh, seconded by Member Lam, moved to excuse Member Pilpel.
Motion to excuse Member Pilpel passed without objection.
2. Approval of minutes from the September 16, 2011, and October 5, 2011 meetings of the Redistricting Task Force (3:10 p.m to 3:15 p.m.)
Member Melara indicated that she had stated that a rules of redistricting be created prior to the community presentations; Member Mondejar indicated that she had been requested to provide an update to the 13th Assembly District.
Member Leigh, seconded by Member Lam, moved to approve the September 16, 2011minutes as corrected; Member Leigh, seconded by Member Lam, moved to approve the October 5, 2011 minutes as submitted.
Motions passed without objection.
Public comment: None
3. Data Sources and Criteria for District Boundaries (3:16 p.m. to 3:50 p.m.)
Ms. Tamina Alon and Karin MacDonald, Project Manager and Senior Redistricting Consultant for Q2 Data & Research reviewed and discussed the required criteria, additional criteria, and data sources with the Task Force Members. Task Force Members asked questions relating to the effects of dividing communities of interest. and the possibility of providing examples as to the effects of dividing the communities of interest and other materials to be distributed during community outreach meetings.
Public Comment: Chris Bowman reviewed definitions of the lines and maps of the various districts provided by the consultant. He requested that Task Force Members consider using additional organizational maps in the redistricting process.
Members requested the consultant provide the following organizational maps for review:
Council of District Merchants, Coalition of San Francisco Neighborhoods and West of Twin Peaks Central Council.
Hearing Held. Continued to call of the Chair.
4. Draft Content of Community Outreach (3:50 to 4:19 p.m.)
Karin MacDonald, Project Manager and Senior Redistricting Consultant for Q2, reviewed with the Task Force Members the following documents: draft speaker card; draft community of interest handout; draft deviations by district handout; draft Google maps handout; draft redistricting criteria and glossary handout; and draft presentation. Task Force Members provided input relating to the slide presentation and made suggestions including guidelines or questions for the public to encourage public participation, examples of the effects of redistricting, and elaborating the time-lines.
Public Comment: Chris Bowman requested that previous redistricting maps for 1976, 1995, and 2002 be included in the presentation for historical perspective. He also suggested that the focus be on San Francisco and include a list of the communities of interest.
Lupe Melaria addressed the issue relating to the availability of translators at community outreach meetings.
Chair McDonnell requested that Task Force Members provide changes to the slide presentation to the Clerk by Monday, October 24, 2011.
Hearing Held.
5. Discussion of Final Work Product (4:19 4:35 p.m.)
Task Force Members reviewed and discussed the 2002 Final Report of the San Francisco Redistricting Task Force and the Final Report of the San Diego Redistricting Commission for the 2010 Census. Task Force Members asked Deputy City Attorney Mollie Lee who was responsible for preparing the final report of the Task Force and would written findings of fact be required. Deputy City Attorney Lee informed the members that the only required work product from the Task Force is the metes and bounds of the new district lines, but there may be reasons to prepare written findings of fact.
Task Force Members discussed the process for documenting the redistricting process to be used in preparing the final report.
Public Comment: Chris Bowman informed Task Force Members that previous Task Force Members prepared the report and that each member provided a section of the report.
Hearing Held.
6. Task Force Overview - Talking Points regarding the work of the Task Force
(4:30 p.m. to 4:45 p.m.)
Chair McDonnell presented and reviewed the revised talking points for approval. Member Melara requested clarification regarding the differences on the talking points overview statistics to those on the map provided by the consultant. The Clerk will revise the talking points to reflect the same statistics on both documents. The Clerk will then transmit the new document to each Task Force Member for their use.
Public Comment: None
Hearing Held.
7. Outreach to past Task Force Members (4:46 p.m. to 4:47 p.m.).
Member Leigh presented and reviewed a draft letter to past Redistricting Task Force members.
Public Comment: None
McDonnell requested that Task Force Members provide any changes to this document to the Clerk by Monday, October 24, 2011.
Hearing Held.
8. Redistricting Task Force Members Reports (4:46 p.m. to 4:48 p.m.)
Members reported on discussions with the public or public officials concerning the Task Force's future work.
Member Leigh updated the Task Force Members on the presentation he made on October 10, 2011 to the Alice B. Toklas LGBT Democratic Club
Chair McDonnell informed the Task Force Members that he had spoken with Supervisors representing Districts 1, 2, 5, 9, and 10 and had requested their assistance in promoting the community outreach meetings.
Public Comment: None
Hearing held.
9. Future Agenda Items (4:49 p.m.-4:51 p.m.)
Task Force members discussed possible future agenda items, including the following:
Chair McDonnell continued the Data Sources and Criteria for District Boundaries item.
Member Alonso requested that Supervisor Eric Mar be invited to attend the meeting of November 2, 2011.
Public Comment: None
Hearing held.
10. Public Comment (4:52p.m. to- 5:04 p.m.)
Chris Bowman requested that an item relating to the various demographic changes in San Francisco be calendared for the first meeting in December.
Note: Item 4 was reopened for public comment on that item.
11. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at the hour of 5:04 p.m.