City and County of San Francisco

February 11, 2010

5:40 PM


1. Call to order and Roll Call


Present Commissioners,  Sally Stephens,  Philip Gerrie,  Andrea Brooks, Pam Hemphill, Angela Padilla, Rebecca Katz – ACC, William Herndon – SF Police


Absent Commissioner, Laurie Kennedy-Routhier, David Gordon DVM


2. General Public Comment 


Julene Johnson – Curious if there would be an update on wildlife  in GG Park & if the letter of recommendation about the Beach Chalet project had been sent.


Richard Fong – Response to previous speaker. Had visited Supervisor Eric Mar’s and Supervisor  Carmen Chiu’s office about this project. They are in favor of using the  artificial turf on the soccer fields. They  had asked the Planning Department  Commission if they wanted to mitigate .  They were not in favor of mitigating.  Suggests sending Commission’s letter to the Planning Department Commission as well. 


6. Unfinished Business


A) Discussion only of no-kill


Comr. Padilla – Looked into Maddie’s Fund as a source of revenue but found to be unworkable  for many reasons.  Met with ACC director  Katz and had a good discussion. Tried to get SPCA, ACC, Pets Unlimited, and rescues to all meet  together to discuss issues but unsuccessful  so far. No new draft of the legislation  is ready .


Comr. Gerrie – What exactly is missing from obtaining Maddie’s Fund monies?


Comr. Padilla – Have two-fold conclusion. One, based on other  communities that have applied for the grant,  there needs to be data collection following the Asilomar Accords for three years before applying for the grant. That work is staff and money intensive. Possible monies received  from Maddie’s  Fund would be insufficient to cover those expenses. Two, even if we did comply , the funding formula would not result in millions of dollars. Only a fraction of that amount. There is also no guarantee that the request would be granted.  Might go back  to Rich Avanzino  for a possible  clarification  that more would not be granted. Currently  feedback from other entities was pessimistic.


Rebecca Katz – Looked into Asilomar Accords  to see what was  required in reporting.  Asilomar style is not one embraced by ACC. Believe that live-release numbers in, numbers out is more accurate. Better hard data. If there was more certainty that  a large sum of money was on the table would look into it more seriously but it is not at all certain that that money would be available.  Unwise  to go further at this time.


Comr. Stephens – The way the grant is divided is by a percent  of how many animals are adopted out. That means SPCA would get the largest portion. ACC, a much smaller portion.


Comr. Hemphill – Remembers talk of increasing dog licensing  to increase revenue.


Rebecca Katz  - All City departments have been asked to make budget cuts. If ACC did so, that would significantly  affect ability  to take care of the animals.  Looked for ways to increase  revenue. Dog licenses are collected through the Tax Collector’s office. Not ACC. Historically have not tried to increase compliance.  Do not have staff to do so. Revenue  from dog licensing is only major way to increase revenue for ACC. So, have redirected some staff to make outreach to community  for greater compliance.  That involves going door-to-door,  vet clinics, other pet-care facilities, and to parks for mobile licensing events. Licensing money doesn’t benefit ACC directly.


Comr. Stephens – SF Examiner article made it seem that money  went directly back to ACC. Licensing money goes into the general fund instead.  That money is ear-marked  as coming from ACC. If that earmarked money  increased by 20% than that would prevent  a cut of 20% to ACC. That is book keeping. The money  does not go directly  back to you.


Rebecca Katz – Even if we put in way  more money  to the General Fund it would only offset monies we get. It is helpful but not flush. State law dictates where licensing money goes. Incoming licensing money to the General fund is earmarked as being from ACC. Other counties have staff to promote dog licensing. SF doesn’t.


Comr. Hemphill – Could volunteers do it?


Rebecca Katz – Some work  could be done by volunteers but need paid staff to enforce it. To issue citations for non-compliance. Also need staff to actually issue licenses. Anyone wanting to educate people, put up flyers, etc, can be volunteers.


Comr. Stephens – SFDog had wanted to issue licensing at an event but was told it had to be a staff person.


Rebecca Katz – Volunteers  could issue licensing packets at such events. But issuing  of licenses would come from staff. SF Tax Collector has been working to do it on line but it is not up and running yet. Has been an eight  month process.


Comr. Hemphill – Would the rabies certificate number  show up on line as well?


Rebecca Katz  - Unsure.


Comr. Stephens – Even if every  dog was licensed  will you still be short of money?


Rebecca Katz – Yes, everything is being cut. All government  agencies. More people are also surrendering their animals.  Would like a bond for a new shelter but money  is tight no matter what we do.


Comr. Gerrie – Do you have percentages of increases of surrendered animals in the last two or three years?


Rebecca  Katz – Since the economic downturn have seen an average increase of 13% per year. Usually see a decrease year to year. Some months surrenders have been as high as 49%.


Comr. Gerrie – Any specific breeds coming in or is it across the board?


Rebecca Katz – Has been across the board but have seen an increase in Chihuahua and Chihuahua mixes  in all California shelters. Also pit bulls  or pit mixes.


Comr. Gerrie – Have a follow up question of Comr. Padilla as to where the legislative effort is and what  is happening with Best Friends who were supposed to be helping by consulting?


Comr. Padilla – Issue is money is needed  to operationalize what  is planned. 


Comr. Gerrie – Do you have a number?


Comr. Padilla – We will need in excess of $100,000.  As to legislation, have not had a chance to look it through in light of comments on it.


Comr. Stephens – Can we set a deadline  for new legislation? Next month?


Comr. Padilla – Yes.


Comr. Stephens – Would like members of the public to possibly help that have  expertise to speed the process. Such as people that have behavior training.  They could help with low-cost spay/neuter programs or dog-training programs,  possibly working on legislation to prohibit  the sale of small animals in the City, or working on increasing pet-friendly rentals.


Rebecca Katz – There is a Spay Day coming up on February 23rd.  The SPCA is offering $20.10 spay/neuter of cats that day. On that same day ACC with have the Go Nuts can from Peninsula Humane Society but van only has capacity of 10-12 animals.


6A. Public Comment


Julene Johnson – Frustrated having worked on this for a year. Offers help and support.  Requests ACC give monthly  statistics. Won’t know until June of 2010 what ACC’s statistics were for 2009. Thinks that is wrong.  It should be information  available to the public  on ACC’s website. Santa Cruz county provides  statistics monthly.  Would help  with transparency   and education  to the public.


Lana Bajsel – Give Me Shelter Cat Rescue – Supports statement of previous speaker. Would like to be part of focus group of behavior and temperament  assessment.  Realizes  ACC and SPCA and rescues have different definitions of what no-kill means. Would like all groups to come together to agree on no-kill definition. Rescues doing most of the hard work. Takes offense at word “live release”. At SPCA it can mean that animals have  left alive only to go to a high kill shelter. Needs  semantic definitions in place.


Richard Fong – Suggest ACC and SPCA consider  the political economics  of a low cost laser surgery approach to spay/neuter. 


Kathleen McGarr – Fix San Francisco – Would like SF to adopt  a standard assessment  for dog behavior. Sites example of a dog in Amador County  who was deemed unadoptable due to aggression with a ball. A behaviorist worked with this dog and found his behavior useful in search and rescue. Dog is now certified  for search and rescue. Would also like to know how many SF animals  are euthanized to make room for out-of-county dogs.


3. Approval of Draft Minutes from January 14th 2010 Meeting


Richard  Fong – Requests his position on wildlife issue be noted as “neutral”


Minutes approved unanimously with correction from the public.


4. Chairperson’s report and opening remarks


Comr. Stephens – Next Joint Zoo meeting is on February  25th at 1 PM. In room 416.


5. New Business


A). Discussion and possible action to elect Commission Officers


Comr. Stephens – Responsibilities of the Chair is to set the agenda. Ask for agenda items from Commissioners and post in compliance with Sunshine requirements.  Agenda is sent to City Webmaster and SF Public Library. Chair also runs the meeting in Sunshine compliance. Chair also makes  copies of agenda  and the minutes  at own expense because there is no budget  for the Commission.  Anything distributed to the Commissioners must also be available to the public.

Vice-Chair is responsible for timing public comments.  Vice-Chair would also take over meeting if the Chair is absent.

Secretary  records the meetings and from the recordings takes the minutes.  Secretary also picks  up the Commission’s mail.

We are listed in the City Health code and not the City Charter.


Comr. Gerrie – Are we comfortable with keeping the roles we currently have?


Comr. Brooks – Thanks the Chair and the secretary for their work. Would prefer to wait until after the two seats, that are up for appointment, are filled before deciding on officers.


Comr. Gerrie -  Our Commission description says that appointments should be done in April and elections in July. Last year we were several months behind in the appointments.  Suggest that a request be put in now to get a hearing in April.


Comr. Stephens – Last year we kept getting bounced back due to the budget issues taking precedence.  Will inquire about getting a hearing.


Comr. Hemphill – Believes our appointments ends on April 30th.


Comr. Stephens – Since we are not a charter Commission we can serve until our seat is filled.


Comr. Padilla – Do we know which seats are up?


Comr. Stephens – Yes, Yours, Comr. Routhier, and Comr. Gordon who’s seat has to be filled by a veterinarian .


Comr. Gerrie – One factor of not knowing if  and when I would be reappointed last year was planning on introducing an item and not knowing if I would be able to see it through.


Comr. Brooks – In your Chairperson’s report next month perhaps you could report back as to feedback about the process from the Rules Committee?


5A) Public Comment


Cynthia Cox – – Has been coming every month for the last year and a half. Has not seen the representative from Rec & Park once attend.  Thinks that seat should be filled by someone  with a concern for animal welfare if he is not interested in being here.


Richard Fong – Is the delegate representative of Rec & Park. Sometimes the General Manager  or Park Superintendent  would show up if an issue concerning the park was on the agenda.  As the representative, tries to be neutral on issues. Would like when Commissioners leave their seat to given a Certificate of Appreciation or the highest honor  for their work.


Public comment closed


Comr. Hemphill – Thinks the comment about the absent Rec & Park Commissioner is good. There has been issues concerning Rec & Park  and he has not come.


Comr. Stephens – They are not appointed by the Board but by their department.


Comr. Herndon – They used to be voting members. Reps from the Police, ACC, Health , and Rec & Park then became only advisory to the panel.


Comr. Stephens – When we had the zoo hearings,  the Rec & Park rep, Bob Palacio  did come. The Health rep used to come then he retired and no one filled the seat.


Comr. Gerrie- Who would we ask in Rec & Park to find a rep to come when park-related issues are on the agenda?


Comr. Stephens – Issues of being paid may also be a reason why they don’t show up.


Comr. Herndon – Thinks that the advisory  seat can not be paid for attending. Thinks also the head of the department is supposed to come or send a representative.


7. General Public Comment


Julene Johnson – Suggest Commission look into the one dollar check off on State tax returns ear-marked for spay/neuter.  Could generate a lot of protected funds.


8 & 9. Calendar Items and task allotments


Comr. Stephens – Further discussion on no-kill and Rules Committee update .


Adjournment 6:35 PM


Respectfully Submitted by

Philip Gerrie

Commission Secretary


Last updated: 2/3/2014 11:02:56 AM