City and County of San Francisco

September 9, 2010

1. Call to order and Roll Call

5:35 PM


Present Commissioners, Susanna Russo, Sally Stephens, Pam Hemphill, Geneva Page, Philip Gerrie, Jack Aldrige DVM, Vicky Guldbech – ACC, Sherry Hicks – SF Police


Absent Commissioners, Bob Palacio Rec & Park


2. General Public Comment


Richard Fong – Sat in on several Dangerous Dog Hearings at ACC. Thought of an “ anti- sic’em” law. Relate owners drinking to their dogs being dangerous or vicious. Solution would be to ban liquor if owner is in park, or just in public, with his dog. If , while intoxicated, an owner sics his dog on someone else’s it should be more than just a reprimand.


L-Danyielle Yacabucci – Welcomes new Commissioners. Concern about the Westside Recycle Water project in GG Park. Plan to be built near the north windmill . Would like it stopped. GG Master Plan states that the west end of the park will stay wild. Pipes would come from the waste water plant. Will be a huge project. Would like to see someone from the Animal Commission take it on as a save-the-wildlife issue.


Public Comment closed


Comr. Stephens – Welcomes officer Sherry Hicks to the Commission. She is the new hearing officer to the Vicious and Dangerous Dog Unit.


3. Approval of Draft  Minutes for August 12, 2010


No Commission nor public comment


Minutes  approved unanimously.


4. Chairperson’s  report and opening remarks


Comr. Stephens – Update on Joint Zoo Oversight Committee (JZ).  JZ did not meet in August. Bob Jenkins gave an update of the Zoo Master Plan two months ago. In May there was a presentation on caring for geriatric animals by the zoo veterinarian. About a third of the zoo’s animals are considered geriatric. Changes include, diet, more heat, more cushiony bedding. One example is the 19 year-old koala who’s teeth are worn down and cannot masticate eucalyptus leaves it needs for nutrition so the leaves are slurried for him. This summer’s marketing plan focused on kids. The zoo doesn’t market much to tourists because it is difficult for tourists to get there from their hotels. This summer’s roadwork at St Francis Circle is believed to have impacted visitor attendance. Questions had been raised about the appropriateness of selling animals to places that are more amusement park than zoo. Such as in Naples, Florida. There was a zoo tour this morning including  the new nearly-done South American Aviary, the new flamingo chicks,  the rhino enclosure and the Baird’s tapir enclosure. The tapir has cancer. The vet removed a lot of the diseased tissue but the prognosis is three to six months of life remaining. Without the completed procedure life expectancy would have been weeks instead of months.


4. Public Comment


Richard Fong – Questioned proposal to move the hippos compound over to the African Savannah. Actually doing it can be tricky so plan ahead.


Mark Ennis -  Comment on selling zoo animals to amusement park type of zoos. Naples Zoo had camel rides. Many would consider that inappropriate as nothing is learned by riding on a camel. Naples Zoo is an AZA approved facility that allows inappropriate use of animals. Another criticism was sending a giraffe, last year, to Six Flags in Vallejo CA. A couple years before, a fire at Six flags resulted in a fatality of a giraffe.


Bob Jenkins – Clarify comment on moving the hippo exhibit. Not physically but conceptually. The Zoo master plan calls for grouping animals from the same continent together.  The AZA certifies and accredits facilities to the highest standards. Question about camel rides can be argued  but Naples Zoo meets and sometimes exceeds AZA standards.  Was on AZA Commission that approved that zoo. Six flags is also a zoo not a theme park. Representations expressed here are misleading.


Deniz Bolbol – Six flags is an amusement park. It has loud rides and screaming children. No learning goes on there. Has spent hours there watching the people and animals. Only the “wow” factor. AZA standards are low that would accredit a place like Six Flags. AZA allows elephants to be kept in minute areas creating health problems.  Many animals in AZA facilities exhibit stereotypic behaviors. Internal AZA documents show that people go to zoos for entertainment. Other AZA documents show that people spend less than two minutes at an exhibit and don’t read the signage. Just because it is AZA approved doesn’t mean it is good enough for the animals or for animal welfare.   AZA is designed to promote its member’s zoos and anyone can qualify.


4. Public comment closed   


5. New Business


A) Discussion only about recent work by SF Homeless Animals Coalition , HAC, presentation by Justin Pinkerton from FixSF.


Comr. Stephens -  HAC representatives have included Commissioner Andrea Brooks representing PAWS, Commissioner Sally Stephens representing SF Dog, Rebecca Katz from ACC. Jennifer Scarlett from SF/SPCA and representatives of many rescues groups. 


Justin Pinkerton – – Fix SF with Rebecca Katz have formed the HAC. First meeting was on June 8th at City Hall. Participants were asked to compile the top five issues they wanted addressed. The issues were compiled together and the top 5 issues were 1. High volume/low cost or free spay/neuter 2. Behavior resources, find ways to make those resources more available. Working on pet retention programs. Focus on at-risk communities. Identify and train more volunteers. 3.  Increase foster network. Make more homes available for animals in need. 4. Pet-friendly housing. Reaching out to landlords. 5. Increase humane education. Target neighborhoods. Responsible pet guardians. Pet insurance. Increase awareness of pit bulls and Chihuahuas. Increase awareness of adoption options. Currently discussing ways to increase foster network and foster services. Coalition has coordinated a spay/neuter day at the SPCA .
Surgeries were performed on 20 owned cats and 50 feral cats from the Sunnydale Housing Project  Lana Bajsel of Give Me Shelter Cat Rescue and Dr. Scarlett  spearheaded this event. Coalition is also working on details for a spay/neuter van which could target problem areas as well as coordinate more spay/neuter days. Main issues to these projects is not enough experienced staff, who are trained to do spay/neuter surgeries on small animals like guinea pigs,  and finances. Also exploring a system for citizens to obtain animal behavior advise to keep animals in their homes rather than be surrendered. At one time the SPCA had a behavior help hotline not limited to animals adopted from the SPCA. A hotline shouldn’t be only on the shoulders of the SPCA. Looking into other resources for a hotline. Discussed increasing fosters. Main problem is lack of free or low cost services and resources for small rescues starting up. Discussed trouble with finding and keeping responsible foster parents. Future issues include behavior and health assessment. Process and protocols. Concern especially with shy and under-socialized animals. Looking into CVMA Charity-Care Fund which might reduce vet costs to the general public. Next issue is adoption screenings and standards. Then, increasing awareness of Animal Care and Control. After that, increasing resources for small animals, vet care and spay/neuter. More representation from small animal rescues on HAC. Increase awareness that small animals are available at ACC. Find ways for ferals to bypass ACC to facilitate feral cat placement and reduce work at ACC. Discuss how to house animals to reduce stress. Review and possibly strengthen Adoption Pact between SPCA and ACC. Work on central database for statistics. Educate pet stores and correct care and nutrition especially for small animals. Identify repeat offenders/hoarders. Any animal abuse issue that comes up. Find ways to increase grants into SF. Bring our shelter up to industry standards. Include small animals in no-kill discussions. The HAC is making some progress but have yet to make an impact in life-saving efforts in the community. Hopefully, spay days can be a regular occurrence.  Still need to make progress in behavior and medical evaluations. Reality is animals are still dying for reasons that can be fixed. Progress is slow. There are lot of good ideas that could have a substantial impact. The coalition is a start but major issues still need to be discussed.


Comr. Russo – Commends HAC for their work and especially recognizing spay/neuter as the number one issue for homeless animals.


Comr. Brooks – As a member of HAC, encouraged by democratic process. Have only had four meetings so far. Felt that HAC was a reset button for groups that had been at odds with each other, beginning to work together.


Comr. Hemphill – Thanks Justin.


Comr. Stephens – Thanks Justin. Overseeing can be challenging. How many people are on the e-mail list?


Justin Pinkerton – At least 30. 10 to 15 groups are represented with often more than one in a group.


Comr. Gerrie – We had a lot of representation from fix San Francisco during our no-kill hearings. The focus at that time seemed to be for legislation. Is that still a goal of Fix SF or is your  group’s energy more for the coalition now?


Justin Pinkerton – We are still in favor of legislation but the option we are given now is for the Coalition.


No Public Comment


5 A) Election of Commission Officers – Discussion and possible action to elect Commission officers, Duties of officers will be explained.


Comr. Stephens – Duties of Chair. First and foremost is preparing the agenda. Works to make sure agenda items are clearly worded so public understands what the items are. Also keeps up on Sunshine issues and warns against possible violations. Chair has historically  made copies of the agenda and minutes. When Lori was Chair, the SPCA paid for them. Now, I pay for them out-of-pocket. If something is sent to all the Commissioners, copies of that must be made for the public as well. Finally, as Chair, receives call from the media about upcoming issues or issues in general. Chair must be willing to speak to the media. The Vice-Chair chairs the meeting in the absence of the Chair. Also runs the timer in public comment. The Secretary prepares the minutes which are also tape recorded. Also checks the Commission’s mailbox and Commission’s voice mail. Are we willing to vote on these positions?


Comr. Gerrie – Asks if Comr. Stephens is willing to continue as Chair or would like to hand it over to someone else.


Comr. Stephens – Would be willing to continue.


Comr. Gerrie – We are supposed to vote on these offices once a year?


Comr. Stephens – Yes it is supposed to be once a year.


Comr. Gerrie – But we haven’t voted in two years?


Comr. Stephens – Yes, two years.


Comr. Russo – Asks the three Comrs. if they would like to continue?


Comr. Aldridge – Yes, in my other Commission it is put, “Are you willing to do this job for another year?”


Comr. Brooks – Would be willing to continue and commends Comrs. Stephens and Gerrie for doing a great job.


Comr. Stephens – Adds that it is unusual for a Comr. to also be the secretary. Usually not done. Hopes to ask the Board next year to staff the Commission part-time who would be responsible for the minutes.


Comr. Hemphill – If someone else did the minutes, it would be a step down in detail…


Comr. Stephens – Yes, if someone misses a Meeting, Philip’s minutes are so detailed you can really know what happened.  Philip’s minutes are way more than is required and what any other Commission does. They’re great.


Comr. Aldridge – The question is then if Philip is willing to continue as Secretary?


Comr. Gerrie -  Not answering directly. The job takes 10 to 20 hours a month. Have appreciated working with Sally. I forward my draft minutes to her and she proof reads them for clarity and grammar. I have had an education going over every Meeting and the presentations typing it all. I don’t see anyone here who has the time. I would we willing to continue.


Comr. Stephens – Would also be willing to continue.


Comr. Aldridge – Is one of three new Commissioners. Will take a year to settle in and learn the ins and outs. Not prepared to take on a new officer position at this point. If the three current officers are willing to continue, should reappoint them.


Comr. Hemphill – Comr. Brooks has missed a lot of Meetings in the last year. Concerned that she would not be here if  Sally couldn’t make it.


Comr. Brooks – The times that Comr. Stephens missed I was here.  I don’t see that as a problem.


Comr. Aldrige – Moves to reappoint three current Officers for another year.

Seconded by Comr. Hemphill.


5 A) Public Comment


L-Danyielle Yacabucci – Thanks Comr. Gerrie for his work on the Minutes. Supports reappointing current Officers.


Richard Fong – Supports reappointing current Officers but would like to have two people as Chair in case of an absence as expressed by Comr. Hemphill. Would like to see some shift of positions. Comr. Stephens, as Chair controls the agenda.


Lisa Vittori – Supports reappointment. Asks if the Rec& Park person will ever be on the Commission? Rec & Park has a role to play in adoptions and homeless animals. Hopes Comr. Brooks can attend more often. Nice to see everyone here tonight.


Mark Ennis – Would like to see a change of the Chair person. Two years seems like a long time.  Would like to see the three new Commissioners jump in.


Catherine Damato – Current Commissioners are doing a great job. Supports renewing their terms for another year.


Susan Wheeler – Supports renewing term for current Commissioners.


Deniz Bolbol – Supports mixing it up. Change is good.


Public comment closed


Comr. Gerrie – Would be willing to step aside if anyone else wants to be Secretary.


Comr. Hemphill – Another option is MP3’s that can be put up in the website. It costs about $6 a month. It wouldn’t be written but would be easier. Suggest that next year have a complete change of officers.


Comr. Gerrie – We are required to have the Minutes in writing. Our terms also expire before a year so we may not be on the Commission in a year.


Comr. Brooks – We waited until the new Commissioners were seated and settled in before having the elections. We could have the elections earlier next year.


Vote to keep current Commissioners Stephens, Brooks, and Gerrie on for another year approved unanimously. Motion passed.


6. Unfinished Business


A)   Discussion and possible action to send a letter to the Board to advise them of relatively inexpensive improvements that would address animal welfare concerns at the SF Zoo. 1) expand the Baird’s tapir enclosure 2) relocate giant eland to a facility that has a herd 3) expand black rhino exhibit into the giant eland exhibit 4) expand black rhino exhibit into empty hippos enclosure 5) create full flight aviaries 6) commit to only rescue exotic birds in the future.


Comr. Gerrie – Had been supportive of this recommendation until this morning. I attended a tour of the zoo with two other Commissioners and others. After the tour several of us sat down and discussed some of the issues. I found the meeting very productive and useful with zoo staff, zoo critics, and Commissioners. These recommendations now seem rather vague compared to the level of detail we were discussing. With this new consideration, I would like to make a motion to table this item.


Comr. Stephens – There was an informal working group that met at the zoo this morning. In attendance were animal welfare advocates, 3 Commissioners from ACWC (not a quorum) one from JZ who is also on the Zoological Society Board , and zoo staff. The hope was to have non-confrontational discussions the focus this morning was on the aviaries. One bird issue was the birds of prey that are tethered and to find a way to display them without tethering. Zoo staff said they would look into it. Hope is to have this be an ongoing working group focusing on different animal issues each time. Some things that I had not considered about putting all the birds together is that some birds are carnivores and might eat the smaller birds. The intent is to actually make inexpensive and easy changes. This is a better forum than sending official letters to the Board.


Comr. Brooks – What groups were on the tour? And is the motion to table these specific recommendations or a general tabling of the issues overall?


Comr. Gerrie These specific recommendations.


Comr. Aldridge – Thinks the working group is a good idea. Would like to hear progress reports of future meetings such as done by the HAC. Would be helpful for this Commission to be informed.


Comr. Stephens – Would be included in the JZ update. Hope it can be discussed at JZ as well.  Today the discussion on the tethered birds focused on putting them in protective cages so they weren’t so vulnerable to the public. Many of the birds are rescued and cannot fly. Another concern was tethering nocturnal birds in the direct sun.


Comr. Gerrie – I thought it was great to have the animal welfare advocates having a voice at the table and to put a face to the zoo. It was more productive to have a back-and-forth dialogue and for everyone to hear each other. On the tour most of JZ was there, it was  an official JZ meeting so it had to be recorded and couldn’t start until David Lee, the chair, came. At the forum were, two zookeepers in charge of the aviaries, Tanya Peterson, Bob Jenkins, Deniz Bolbol, Mark Ennis, Comrs. Hemphill, Gerrie, and Stephens, Maria Alvarez from JZ, Dr. Spinelli vet advisor on JZ,  and Pat Cuviello.


Comr. Stephens – It was basically the two people, Mark and Deniz that come to  JZ meetings, that have done a lot of research about zoo animals,  being able to talk with the staff. We had to be careful to have no more from JZ nor from our Commission that could make a quorum. The idea is to meet every other month. Zoo staff took time off from their regular duties to attend.



Comr. Russo – Sounds like a good gathering of people. Does it have to be the same people from our Commission? Would like to address some issues to the zoo in that forum.


Comr. Stephens – Talked about reporting back at the beginning of the next meeting of recommendations from this meeting. Then talking about another subject. The general curator and the curator of birds were there today.


Comr. Gerrie – Each meeting is a whole until itself so it wouldn’t matter which three Commissioners were there.


Comr. Hemphill – Other ideas that were talked about were the low-hanging fruit ideas that wouldn’t cost a lot of money.


Comr. Stephens – Commissioners are welcome to talk with Bob or Tanya outside of these cabinet meetings.


Comr. Gerrie – Motion to table to send letter to Supervisors on zoo improvement  recommendations.

Seconded by Comr. Russo


6 A) Public Comment


Mark Ennis – Animal welfare advocates and the zoo are not aligned. Ask that letter not be tabled, especially regarding the giant eland and rhino exhibit. That was not addressed in the working group. Bringing in additional giant elands  cannot be worked out in the working group. On the tour it was stated that the Baird’s tapir may only live two months but have known vets to be wrong before and he could live much longer. Will wait to see what is done with the aviaries that were discussed. OK to table that item.


Deniz Bolbol – Has fundamental disagreements with Bob Jenkins on what is adequate animal welfare. Case in point, the bird cages just beyond the flamingos. During the tour Comr. Hemphill asked if the zoo thought the bird cages were small. The zoo said they’re OK. Just changes the aging roofing plastic to let more light in. Only reason zoo would change those cages is they don’t look good to the visitor. Zoo has an excuse why everything asked for can’t be done. Sure outside zoo experts could come up with creative solutions. Excuse for not improving conditions now is that the animals are ageing and will die soon. If Commission thinks conditions are good enough then vote to table it. If you care about animal welfare you need to put it in writing. Talking does not help.


Lisa Vittori – Glad Deniz and Mark are able to do this. Could not go there and see animals tortured by being tethered. It’s a moral issue not a financial issue. If you are a staff member at the zoo, you’ve made a choice to tolerate the conditions. Oppose the use of the word ‘exhibit’. They are torture cells. Animals are being held against their will as slaves.


L-Danyielle Yacabucci – Upset that agenda item is being tabled. Went to the zoo recently for the first time in 20 years. Upset to see a polar bear chewing on its leg when the train passed by. Shocked by the petting zoo. Possum forced to be petted. Concerned that working group is private. Commission should send letter to the Supervisors to make public the issues there. Mentioned tonight that staff was inconvenienced to come to the meeting for an hour. The animals are there 24/7 in a cage. The zoo is a major issue. Please get this back on the agenda.


Richard Fong – Knew what he was saying regarding the hippos exhibit. Was misinterpreted by Bob Jenkins.


Corey Evans – Suggest if Commission decides to send a letter, that a separate letter be sent for each item. If all the items are in one letter and one item is not agreed to then the motion is shot down. As zoo issues arise letters should be sent individually. To package it together, and there is one red herring, the whole package will die.


Bob Jenkins – Apologizes to earlier speaker. Not talking about bringing in more giant elands but more common elands. Reason being have exhausted placing the male giant eland anywhere in the US. Only 4 or 5 facilities have giant elands. Will do nothing to the Baird’s tapir exhibit. Will not significantly alter it at this time due to the animal’s condition. Have discussed the hippo/rhino issue earlier today and in this forum. To do what is proposed is not possible due to expense.


Public Comment Closed


Comr. Hemphill – Suggest an ongoing report. Instead of sending  the proposed letter, send a report periodically to the Supervisors.


Comr. Brooks – Needs to be transparency with any closed-door meetings about zoo issues. Had talked about how to discuss these issues in previous zoo discussions. The compromise, at the time, was for a Commissioner to be on the JZ Committee but animal welfare is not discussed actively there. Would like to discuss on the best way for these issue to be public and transparent.


Comr. Russo – Has there ever been discussion to turn the zoo into an amusement park and find better homes for these animals?


Comr. Brooks – Not in that way. There were active discussions about making changes to the zoo. The components of that were that 1. Animal welfare be prioritized  2. Establish a zoo oversight committee that looked at specifically the animal welfare issues at the zoo 3. That the zoo obtain animals only from rescue situations. There was the most division on the third point.


Comr. Russo – It seems that to properly take care of these animals the cost would be astronomical. Have read minutes from previous meetings about the zoo and have seen the same issues being discussed. Wonder if the best thing is to place them in better homes and not have the financial headache.


Comr. Brooks – Have researched that. Those nicer homes are not easy to come by and are often to capacity. Some animal advocates want to do away with zoos but the animals are here and we need to do our best by them.


Comr. Gerrie – The proposed letter to the Supervisors was not intended to be the only one but an ongoing series of recommendations. Found that meeting as we did this morning to discuss the concerns was a more effective way. Such as learning that to keep the Baird’s tapir in that inadequate enclosure was actually the most compassionate action so that he could be checked and treated for his condition.


Comr. Stephens – We can summarize these discussions and other things our Commission have been discussing in our quarterly report to the Supervisors.


Comr. Gerrie – How do we go about preparing this report that we are required to do?


Comr. Stephens – Don’t think it has ever been done.  I was thinking of writing something then inviting comments from everyone.


Comr. Gerrie – Can we see that letter before the meeting but not reply until the meeting so we have time to look it over?


Comr. Stephens – Yes. I can circulate a draft beforehand.


Comr. Brooks – To clarify. You are making a motion  to table this specific letter but may bring other issues up in the future for consideration?


Vote on motion to table agenda item 6 A. All in favor except Comr. Brooks who abstained. Motion passes.


7. General Public Comment


Corey Evans – Concern is about unenforced law that is on the books. Unwilling to let it go. Law is about dogs being tied up outside of stores like Whole Foods, coffee shops etc.

The law is under SF Health and Safety Code 41.12. It states that if one tethers an animal these are the requirements that have to be met. These requirements are never met outside of stores. There has to be food and water. The leash has to be at least 10 feet in length and a retractable pulley. The problem is kids and people with dogs walk by  and the tethered dog is worried and upset. Kids try to touch the dog. It is dangerous for the person as well as the dog. If the tethered dog nips or bits someone he can be labeled a  dangerous dog and be possibly euthanized. Propose sending a letter to businesses where dogs are tethered explaining the law. Stores also face liability in allowing people to engage in acts that are unlawful. A letter to businesses would go a long way to address the problem.


Lisa Vittori – Asks that the Commission take on the aquarium as it has taken on the zoo. A large seven-gilled shark was recently captured in the bay for exhibit. Is the wrong direction to be looking for animals in the bay to exhibit.


L-Danyielle Yacabucci – Suggest a sub-committee of the Commission look into how it can get some clout. It doesn’t now. Would like it if what the Commission brings forward to count for something. Everybody knows its not. Glad the tethering issue was brought up. An article in the paper by Rebecca would go a long way.


Nadine May – Comment on Corey’s concern. See it all the time. Will often stand outside with the tethered dog until the owner returns and politely tell them why it isn’t a good idea. Mainly because their dog can be stolen. Need education to tell people its not OK to leave their dogs out alone.


Mark Ennis – Supports Corey’s concerns. Hear about a dog being stolen about every six months. Will also inform owners of tethered dogs of the possibility of their dog being stolen.


Deniz Bolbol – Concern about shark being captured. Thinks Commission should agendize it. Worked in Salinas and knew that the Monterey Bay Aquarium captured many sharks. More than it needed because many would not survive. That would resonate with the Supervisors right away.


Public Comment closed


8 & 9. Calendar items and task allotments


Comr. Stephens – Next month will do the quarterly report and a report from Teresa for the Pet Ready program.


Comr. Gerrie – Want to  follow up on the leash issue.


Comr. Russo – We had talked about an alternative meeting date for November. Can we set that now?


Comr. Stephens – Need to find out what other nights are available.


Comr. Hemphill – Would like to give a report on the Outside Lands event this year.


No Public comment


10. Adjournment 7:35 PM


Respectfully submitted by

Philip Gerrie

Commission Secretary

Last updated: 2/3/2014 11:02:41 AM