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Meeting Information


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Friday, November 18, 2005
4:30 p.m.
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 70

Minutes of Special Meeting

Commission President P.J. Johnston called the meeting to order at 4:11 p.m.

  1. Roll Call
    Commissioners Present

    P.J. Johnston
    Maya Draisin
    Alexander Lloyd
    Ethel Pitts Walker

    Staff Present
    Director of Cultural Affairs Richard Newirth
    Deputy Director Nancy Gonchar
    Commission Secretary Sharon Page Ritchie
    Public Art Program Director Jill Manton
  2. Discussion: Possible legislation to amend the 1% for art requirement in C-3 zone development.

    President Johnston began the discussion by explaining that the C-3 zone covers downtown financial district development. For private development there, one percent must go to public art, rather than the two percent required for public building projects. Commissioners and staff discussed possible modifications to the ordinance to allow for the creation of a pooled public art fund, to be administered by the Arts Commission, to which private developers could contribute instead of placing public art onsite. This might be appreciated by developers of smaller to mid-sized projects who don’t have a particular interest in or vision of public art and who see the approval process as a procedural headache. There was also some discussion about a similar fund set up in 2004 to help pay for work on historic landmarks such as the Old Mint, and about the earlier fund which ultimately paid for restoration of the City Hall dome.

    Staff will continue to research appropriate language for an ordinance to create the linkage of the public art programs of the San Francisco Arts Commission, Planning and the Redevelopment Agency. Staff will also research currently proposed timetables for large-scale projects, to evaluate the flow of funds over the next several years. Commissioners will pursue discussions with Supervisors and the Mayor about this subject. The topic was continued for further discussion.

  3. Discussion: Discussion of upcoming 2006-2007 budget process.

    Mr. Newirth reported that he and Ms. Gonchar had met with the Mayor’s Budget Office staff, and made a case for budget increases to deal with the services the Arts Commission is no longer able to provide due to budget cuts over the past several years. The Budget Office made it very clear that there was no possibility of any increase. One idea that was positively received was changing the public art ordinance to increase flexibility, as this would not require any additional funds.

    There was a discussion about how to proceed in the budget negotiations. The argument was made that because the Arts Commission’s budget is already so small, the time spent by both the Budget Office and the Arts Commission staff to find places to cut outweighs the value of the cuts. In response to a question, Mr. Newirth explained that although consolidating all of the staff on the second floor of 25 Van Ness would reduce rent, in addition to improving staff morale and cohesion, there is not enough money in the budget to pay for the expenses of moving and reconfiguring the space.

    Commissioners discussed how to reexamine the agency’s priorities, so that it is not attempting to do all of the things it had been doing with half as much money. The discussion reviewed which activities are mandated by Charter or legislation, to consider whether some activities could be eliminated. The Committee considered a number of ideas, including whether any of the programs or activities could earn income, whether there might be ways to use technology to lighten some tasks for staff, whether to acquire existing artwork rather than commission work for small public art projects, whether to charge or increase fees for some services, whether to pursue creation of a nonprofit “Friends of the Arts Commission,” and other ideas.

  4. Discussion: Discussion and update on the Arts Task Force.

    President Johnston reported that the Arts Task Force was moving closer to specific recommendations for its final report at the end of January, and seems to be leaning towards a consolidation of the Arts Commission and Grants for the Arts under a single umbrella. He plans to discuss the Task Force at the full Commission meeting, and will continue the discussion at the next Executive Committee meeting.

  5. Discussion: New Business

    There was no new business.

    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:46 p.m.

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