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Meeting Information


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July 8, 2008
4:30 p.m.
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 70
San Francisco


The meeting was called to order at 4:38 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Maya Draisin, P J Johnston, Sherri Young, Sherene Melania

Staff Present: Nancy Gonchar, Judy Nemzoff, San San Wong, Melissa Hung, Lucy Lin, Ebony McKinney, Tom Petersen, Robynn Takayama


  1. Cultural Equity Grants Program Director's Report
    Cultural Equity Grants Program Director San San Wong presented the 2008-2009 Grant Schedule including grant deadlines and when panel recommendations will go to this Committee and to the full Commission.

    She said that the Community Arts and Education Program (“CAE”) and Cultural Equity Grants Program (“CEG”) will combine their program schedules to create a Community Arts, Education and Grants (“CAEG”) Committee calendar that will also incorporate planning and policy discussions.

    Ms. Wong explained that CEG will be undergoing a program assessment this fiscal year. Some key components the assessment will address include what has been successful with CEG; if the program has accomplished its mission/mandate of addressing disparities in funding to historically underserved communities, individual artists and small and mid-sized arts organizations; how the program has changed; and how the San Francisco arts ecologies have changed and how CEG might stay relevant. Furthermore, the review will articulate how CEG's goals may already fit well with the overall Mayoral and City agenda such as cultural equity and economic development, as the grants provide cultural vitality in specific neighborhoods and serve historically underserved communities.

    Ms. Wong reviewed a previously presented list of issues which were developed from grant review panel policy discussions, and affirmed that these were some of the issues to be included in the program assessment. She also asked Commissioners to think and bring forth any additional issues and concerns not listed.

    Ms. Wong concluded by suggesting that the next meeting of this Committee focus on other issues and questions Commissioners have in order to begin a more inclusive process in the program assessment.

  2. Community Arts and Education Program Director's Report
    Ms. Nemzoff distributed a proposed calendar for reviewing the Cultural Centers' final reports and assessing their progress, particularly as the Centers are in organizational transition. This schedule will space the Center reviews over six months, allowing more opportunity for in-depth dialogue. This is an effort to increase Commission oversight and insure that benchmarks and Commission requirements will be reached.

    Commissioner Young liked the proposed schedule, adding that it allows more time for review. Ms. Nemzoff will ask Centers to provide reporting documentation for distribution prior to each meeting.

    Commissioner Melania thought it would help Commissioners address “red flags” that are often caught only at the end of the year.

    President Johnston said he initially favored holding the CAEG meetings at the Centers, but now agrees that it might be good to focus on the review process and to not tour the buildings at this time. Vice President Draisin said site visits could be scheduled in addition to these progress reports and reviews. President Johnston added that full Commission meetings could be held at the Centers.

    Ms. Nemzoff reported on the Native American Arts initiative and said that Mr. Cancel, Vice President Draisin, and Ms. Wong agreed to continue sending funds from CAE to CEG to support funding of Native American artists for the next two years. Vice President Draisin said this would provide a timeline for the community.

    President Johnston questioned how realistic implementing the Native American center feasibility study would be. He said that the Commission will eventually have to revisit the initial Cultural Center legislation. He said that the Commission has historic answers as to why it funds the virtual centers, but questioned the Commission's continued funding year after year, especially if the community can't sustain the programs. He added that as the Commission moves forward to support the efforts of the Native American community, which the Commission has historically supported, it will need to address the historical and legal reasons for funding certain communities through Cultural Centers.

    Ms. Wong said this funding is part of a three-pronged approach, which includes: (1) building artistic product, (2) building infrastructure in the artistic community, and (3) working with other City departments to look at the feasibility study.

    President Johnston said that if the study does not lead back to a Cultural Center, the legislation does not support funding. Ms. Wong said that the community is expressing a desire to develop a cultural gathering space.

  3. WritersCorps Report
    Ms. Hung explained the following motion, which approves salaries for the returning WritersCorps teachers. She explained that Katherine Gin will continue as the artist in residence; she photographs events, teaches multimedia skills to the teachers, works with on site-based art projects, and is working on the gallery show and the 15th anniversary celebration. Ms. Hung explained that Judith Tannenbaum serves as the training coordinator.

    Commissioner Young made the following motion:
    Motion for the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into contract with the following teaching artists to work in the WritersCorps program for 2008-2009:

    Milta Ortiz $38,000
    Cindy Je $38,000
    Myron Michael Hardy $38,000
    Katharine Gin $51,500
    Judith Tannenbaum $57,000

    Motion passed unanimously.

  4. Arts Education Report
    There was no report.

  5. Cultural Center Report
    There was no separate report.

  6. Buildings and Grounds Superintendent's Report
    Mr. Petersen presented the upcoming facilities projects at the four Cultural Centers.

    At the Bayview Opera House, the Department of Public Works (“DPW”) is in the planning stages of the plaza renovation with construction scheduled to begin in July 2009. The capital program gave $400,000 towards the building renovation for improving the downstairs classroom and making the downstairs restroom accessible. The Mayor's Office on Disability (“MOD”) contributed funds for Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) renovations.

    Mr. Petersen said that he is about to look for bids for new elevators at SomArts and will be doing ADA barrier removal so that the upstairs studios and classrooms will be accessible. This work is also supported by MOD. He reported that the Fire Department approved an increase to the maximum occupancy at SomArts from 400 to 1,000 people. Mr. Petersen said the north access road would be resurfaced through general maintenance money and he is completing work on the fire alarm system.

    Mr. Petersen said that there is no major facility work planned for Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts, although the building has an antiquated HVAC system and is in need of a new roof.

    Mr. Petersen reported that work will begin at the African American Art and Culture Complex (“AAACC”) for ADA barrier removal, with construction scheduled to start in November 2008. The building will be temporarily closed during the construction.

  7. New Business
    Vice-President Draisin reported on a meeting with Ms. Wong, Ms. Nemzoff and Mr. Cancel. From that meeting Ms. Draisin presented priorities for CAEG that could be accomplished over the next 12 to 18 months or by the end of the Mayor's term. Recommendations included the following: helping Cultural Centers build their institutional capacity, discuss policy issues and long-term outcomes for the virtual centers, and improving the facilities; developing a teens and families initiative including a possible cultural voucher program; creating an entertainment district in the Tenderloin; determining granting priorities and improving networking and community-building; building on the successes of the Neighborhood Arts Festival and Arts Town Hall.

    President Johnston said that these priorities contribute to stronger connections with the arts community. Ms. Nemzoff said an additional priority should be moving the School of the Arts to downtown. Vice President Draisin added arts education to the priorities. Commissioner Melania asked when these priorities will be discussed.

    President Johnston said that with issues raised by Ms. Nemzoff, Ms. Wong, and with the WritersCorps 15th anniversary, CAEG Commissioners should prepare for longer Committee meetings.

    President Johnston asked for a status update on the electrical work at AAACC. Mr. Petersen said that AAACC needs $100,000 before the ADA work can be completed. Ms. Gonchar said that she understood that the electrical project received some or all of the required funding through addback money to the 2008-2009 budget. She was waiting to hear the exact dollar amount intended for AAACC.

  8. Adjournment
    As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m.

7/25/08 RT