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Meeting Information


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Tuesday, September 11, 2007
4:30 p.m.
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 70
San Francisco


The meeting was called to order at 4:42 p.m.

Commissioners Present: Jose Cuellar, Janice Mirikitani, Sherene Melania, Sherri Young

Staff Present: Nancy Gonchar, Judy Nemzoff, San San Wong, Ebony McKinney, Lucy Lin, Weston Teruya, Dia Penning, Janet Heller, Robynn Takayama

  1. Cultural Equity Grants Program Director Report
    Cultural Equity Grants Program Director San San Wong spoke about the FY07-08 grants schedule and about the new grants initiative, Arts & Communities: Innovative Partnerships (ACIP). She distributed a chart that listed the CEG grant categories, number of applications received for each to date, deadlines, and month in which various panels would be held. She alerted the Committee to when the motions from each grant category will go to the CAEG Committee and to the full Commission for review. The Committee members received all Cultural Equity Guidelines a few weeks ago.

    As part of the ACIP report, a document was distributed which detailed the technical assistance provided by the CEG staff, including: five information workshops at SFAC and three in community sites, serving over 90 participants; 40-45 draft narratives were reviewed; 20 in-person and 30 telephone (average 30-60 minutes) meetings with grantseekers and for technical assistance. From the grant announcement through deadline, each staff member fielded 5-12 email and phone inquiries per day. To date, total amount in requests was $1,214,167, and total of project budgets was $2,242,633, with available funds of $400,000. A total of 54 proposals were received, comprised of 26 Exploration grant proposals and 28 Realization grant proposals. The new initiative is allowing the CEG staff to increase its visibility and move towards providing a higher level of technical assistance.

    Ms. Wong continued to say that the innovative structure/design of the new initiative is that artists and/or arts organizations can work in partnerships with structures organic to neighborhoods and communities, such as for-profit businesses, libraries, tenant associations, and juvenile detention centers. Because this new initiative is from a different source of funding, we had more freedom in the design to explore critical issues and new strategies, such as cross-sector partnerships, demographic changes specifically with immigrant communities, blurring of nonprofit and for-profits, etc. She pointed out the difference of this grant program from existing CEG grant programs, including exploring immigrant service organizations; the two types of grants for “Exploration” (i.e.,planning) and “Realization” (i.e., implementation); knowledge-sharing; and hopefully creating a peer learning network of the grantees.

    In response to a question from Commissioner Young, Ms. Wong gave a brief overview of how the Arts & Communities grant program evolved. She described the stages of the planning process with community meetings and program design, in addition to a focus on centering an artist-driven process in non-arts sectors, changes in demographics and neighborhoods, and challenges to artists. Commissioner Melania also expressed her concerns about the Arts Commission serving fast-growing immigrant and refugee communities in San Francisco. Ms. Wong replied that this new grants initiative, as well as another initiative under development, will provide more information on the work already taking place, what those communities need, and how our programs might best serve them.

    The CAEG committee decided to extend its meeting time, in response to requests from staff, so that it will meet from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

  2. Community Arts and Education Program Director Report
    Ms. Nemzoff said that the Cultural Centers' final reports were due August 31. In an effort to manage grant compliance to meet the requirements set by the Controller's Office, staff has more strictly monitored timeliness and completion of report submission.

    Ms. Takayama reported that only Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts turned the final report in on time. While SFAC staff will review how to improve our efforts to ensure consistent reporting, most centers are not following the established guidelines.

    Commissioner Cuellar asked what remedies staff could implement to insure compliance as required by law. Ms. Nemzoff said that formal notification was sent to Centers that submitted late reports stating that they are out of compliance and would not receive payment from their 2007-2008 grant until they are compliant.

    Public Comment:
    London Breed from the African American Art and Culture Complex said that changes to the reporting requirements and documents from SFAC have been inconsistent. She said that it's a burden to meet the reporting requirements, which takes away from work on the Center. She takes for granted that SFAC will take care of her Center regardless of completion of the reports. She feels that the mid-year report is unnecessary and that four required community support board meetings a year is too much.

  3. WritersCorps
    Ms. Heller said that the following motion is to fund WritersCorps photographer-in-residence Katherine Gin who will work on a large art project for WritersCorps' 15th anniversary. This project will include a collaboration with the Arts Commission Gallery during late fall 2008. A multimedia exhibition will showcase photography, video and writing by WritersCorps youth and Ms. Gin. The motion will cover funds for Ms. Gin to interview youth, record their writing, create a photography exhibit, teach photography at the sites, and provide multimedia assistance over a 16-month period. The project will be completed by February 2009.

    Commissioner Melania made the following motion:
    Motion for Interim Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into contract with Katharine Gin to produce the 15th anniversary visual and audio exhibitions for WritersCorps, to provide photography workshops for WritersCorps students, and to document the WritersCorps program, in an amount not to exceed $75,000.
    The motion passed unanimously.

  4. Arts Education Report
    Ms. Penning reported that she, Ms. Nemzoff, and Ms. Gonchar met with the new Superintendent of the San Francisco School District and found that he is a true arts advocate. He is passionate about the arts and says he has never seen a successful person who has not had access to the arts.

    Introducing the following motion, Ms. Penning said that the grant in question will increase youth outreach for this annual event at the de Young.

    Commissioner Melania made the following motion:
    Motion to approve a grant for $5,000 for the San Francisco School Alliance for the Young at Art Youth Arts Festival.
    The motion passed unanimously.

    Ms. Penning introduced the following motion by stating this motion supports the School District's and Arts Commission's shared goals of advocating for the Arts Education Master Plan.

    Commissioner Melania made the following motion:
    Motion to pay the San Francisco Study Center $15,000 to translate and publish the Arts Education Master Plan into a multilingual publication.
    The motion passed unanimously.

  5. Cultural Center Report
    Ms. Nemzoff said that the following four motions reflect the estimated increase to the Hotel Tax Fund. The increase has been determined based on the same percentage applied in the spring. She said that this increase is common procedure at this time of year.

    Commissioner Melania made the following motion:
    Motion to increase the grant agreement to the Bayview Opera House, Inc., for a total grant not to exceed $103,466 for July 1-October 30, 2007, contingent upon a budget revision.
    The motion passed unanimously.

    Commissioner Melania made the following motion:
    Motion to increase the 2007-2008 grant agreement to Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts for a total grant not to exceed $522,179, contingent upon a budget revision.
    The motion passed unanimously.

    Commissioner Melania made the following motion:
    Motion to increase the 2007-2008 grant agreement to Somarts and sub-grantees for a total grant not to exceed $775,530, (including $583,012 to SomArts, $96,259 to sub-grantee Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center, and $96,259 to sub-grantee Queer Cultural Center) contingent upon a budget revision.
    The motion passed unanimously.

    Commissioner Cuellar noted that the motion includes the language “contingent on budget revision,” and wanted to know if the motions should include language about submission of the 2006-2007 final reports. Ms. Nemzoff said that staff is withholding funds until documentation is submitted. Commissioner Cuellar said that the CAEG committee supports the staff, and that no funds should be paid out until the final report is completed.

    Commissioner Melania made the following motion:
    Motion to increase the 2007-2008 grant agreement to African American Arts and Culture Complex for a grant not to exceed $466,331, contingent upon a budget revision.
    The motion passed unanimously.

    Public Comment:
    Ms. Breed said that she appreciates the gradual increase to AAACC's funding with minor impact on the other centers.

    Pam Wu, executive director of the Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center, asked that discussion of the Native American Cultural Center be added to New Business.

    Ms. Nemzoff provided background to the following motion to CompassPoint. She said that several Cultural Center directors wanted the Arts Commission to collectively convene the Centers' boards to discuss the relationship of their organizations to the City and how to strengthen their boards' knowledge and understanding of board leadership roles. However, the City Attorney's office advised that this is not an appropriate role for the City with independent nonprofits.

    On advice from Ms. Gonchar, Ms. Nemzoff contacted CompassPoint Nonprofit Services, who provide consulting and workshop services to City agencies such as the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families and the Mayor's Office of Community Development for their grantees. Ms. Nemzoff designed a consulting program with CompassPoint to provide the Centers with training in executive leadership and transition, board development, and long-range planning. They can also utilize workshops and classes for their board and senior staff.

    Commissioner Young asked for the timeline. Ms. Nemzoff said that the contract is from October, 2007 to June, 2008.

    Commissioner Cuellar asked what kind of support $12,000 will provide. Ms. Nemzoff said the contract budgets 50-60 hours to consulting services and the rest will be applied to low-cost workshops.

    Commissioner Melania made the following motion:
    Motion to approve a $12,000 grant to CompassPoint Nonprofit Services to provide workshops and technical assistance.
    The motion passed unanimously.

  6. Buildings and Grounds Superintendent Report
    There was no report.

    Commissioner Mirikitani made the following motion:
    Motion to approve a $22,000 grant to SomArts Cultural Center exclusively to support maintenance and facility repairs.
    The motion passed unanimously.

  7. New Business
    Meeting Time

    Ms. Wong said that most committees meet for two hours. With so much discussion needing to take place, she recommended that the CAEG committee meeting should last for more than an hour. Commissioners agreed that the meeting will be scheduled from 4:30 p.m. to6:00 p.m. to allow an extra half hour.

    Commissioner Mirikitani asked what the Mayor's request for resignation means. Ms. Gonchar said the resignation is effective January 7.

    Arts Education Poster
    Ms. Penning presented an arts education campaign produced by Americans for the Arts. Commissioner Cuellar argued that the poster is extremely insensitive in the context of Latino culture. Commissioner Mirikitani said that the campaign is flawed if there are only two artists of color to choose from and if you have to pick a borderline racist poster in order to have representation by a woman of color. Commissioner Cuellar agreed and said that the campaign needs to be better developed before he would approve an endorsement of the campaign. Due to the negative response of the Committee, Ms Gonchar said staff will not proceed with the campaign. Ms. Wong suggested that staff inform Americans for the Arts, the group that facilitated the campaign, about the concerns our Commissioners raised. Ms. Nemzoff said she would draft a letter stating that our Commissioners strongly opposed the poster design and content and that SFAC is withdrawing from the campaign.

    Native American Cultural Center
    Ms. Nemzoff reported that funding continues to be withheld from NACC while the Controller's Office finalizes the investigation of nine months of financial expenditures for 2006-2007. According to an initial report, funds appear to have been misappropriated for personal use. NACC will not be eligible to receive funds in the future. The board has not received notification. She is waiting for the final letter from Controller's Office and for final determination from the City Attorney's Office as to how to proceed.

    2006-2007 funds allocated to NACC will be kept by SFAC to make up for the misappropriated funds. The 2007-2008 funds are frozen and this Committee will decide how to proceed.

    Commissioner Cuellar asked for the status of the former director. Ms. Nemzoff said that Andrew Brother Elk has not been informed of the findings.

    Public Comment:
    Ms. Wu thanked the Commissioners for approving the increase of funds. She said she wants to make sure the funds intended for NACC serve the Native American community. She offered SomArts to work with Kim Shuck or another Native American group to insure that the funding is properly used. She was not in favor of dividing the money up for the other Cultural Centers.

    Ms. Wu said she appreciated the money for CompassPoint. She would also like SFAC to begin a long-range plan for the Cultural Center program. While the individual organizations might create a plan, if it's not in collaboration with SFAC's plans, she said it is wasted effort.

  8. Adjournment
    As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.

9/26/07 RT