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Meeting Information


2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 

Monday, February 23, 2004
3:00 p.m.
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 70


Commissioners Present: William Meyer, Barbara Stauffacher Solomon, Andrea Cochran 

Absent: Stanlee Gatti, Rod Freebairn-Smith

Staff Present: Richard Newirth, Rommel Taylor

Call To Order 3:05 p.m.

  1. Phase III MUNI Operator Restrooms-Phase 3

    Motion Phase III MUNI Operator Restrooms-Phase 3: Cochran
    Vote: Unanimous

  2. India Basin Shoreline Park Bathroom/Storage Facility-Phase 1

    Joe Ingenito, Bay Area Urban Parks Program Director, The Trust for Public Land, briefly reviewed the project scope. He stated that the bathroom and storage facility was part of a larger park design which included new walkways, picnic tables with barbeque units, benches, restored wetland, two play areas, a basketball court and a nautilus-patterned viewing platform.  The site is located in the Bayview/Hunter’s Point district along the shoreline on Hunter’s Point Blvd. Mr. Ingenito introduced Sam Kingor, Architect, Todd Jersey Architecture to present the design.


    Sam Kingor, Architect, Todd Jersey Architecture stated that the bathroom would be located in an industrial area of the Bayview/Hunter’s Point neighborhood.  The location of the structure would provide ample visual access to the shoreline and the overall site. He explained that the bathroom storage structure would be made from a reused section of a large vegetable oil tank secured to a concrete platform foundation.  The tank will be divided in half, one side for storage and the other side divided in half to form the restrooms. Mr. Kingor stated that a metal trellis would wrap the building.  The trellis would be decorated with custom designed metal foliage.  He commented that there would also be an ornamental metal canopy at the drinking fountain station. The entry to the bathrooms would be designated by custom metal screen.


    Commissioner Cochran asked if there were any other new buildings being constructed on the site.


    Mr. Kingor stated that this was the only new building in the park.

    Commissioner Stauffacher-Solomon asked if there were images available of the play structure.


    Mr. Kingor stated that they did not have images.


    Commissioner Meyer opened the floor to public comment.


    Commissioner Meyer closed the floor to public comment.


    Commissioner Cochran asked why there were seats around the drinking fountain.

    Mr. Kingor answered that the drinking fountain area was envisioned as an informal gathering point.

    Commissioner Cochran asked why the structure was sited where it is.


    Mr. Ingenito explained that the structure was sited to maximize sightlines from the street.  Further, the grade is level with the street, which made tying into plumbing infrastructure more efficient.


    Commissioner Cochran felt that it was a very good idea to reuse the storage tank for the new building.  She commented that the cupola at the top of the structure seemed inconsistent with the aesthetic of the building. Ms. Cochran said that she would prefer to see real vines rather than ones fabricated from steel.  She also stated that the metal flower ornamentation was too small in relation to the scale of the tank.  Ms. Cochran commented that the water fountain canopy seemed over designed.  She felt that the money spent on the elaborate canopy could be better used elsewhere in the project.


    Commissioner Staffaucher Solomon agreed with Commissioner Cochran regarding using real planting and the cupola at the top of the building. She also stated that she would like to see bolder colors used.


    Commissioner Meyer stated that the industrial context is not immediately adjacent to the proposed structure so it should not drive the design.  He agreed that the cupola is inappropriate for the overall design, however he felt the metal foliage was a good idea. Regarding the fountain canopy, he agreed that it was too much design for such a small element of the project.


    Commissioner Cochran reiterated that any decoration should be of an appropriate scale in relation to the tank, reinforcing the industrial qualities of the reused tank.

    Mr. Igenito commented that the architecture team developed the design in collaboration with the community. He stated that there was an expressed desire to make the restroom to down play the industrial look and that it be vandal resistant.


    Commissioner Meyer stated that the team should return to the committee with a design that addresses the expressed concerns of the commissioners.

  3. Northpoint Facility Wet Weather Improvements-Phase 1&2

    Manfred Wong, Project Manager, PUC briefly reviewed the scope of the project and location.  He introduced Fara Perez, architect, DPW BOA to present the details of the project.


    Fara Perez, architect, DPW BOA stated that the project included the construction of a new 700sq. ft. dumpster enclosure that will be attached to an existing structure, landscape improvements which includes a new wider gate, and the addition of two new storage tanks.  Ms. Perez stated that there would be additional infrastructural work at the site, however the majority of that work would be underground.  She also explained that all of the exterior work would be located within the walls of the facility site.


    Commissioner Meyer opened the floor to public comment.


    Commissioner Meyer closed the floor to public comment.


    Commissioner Cochran stated that the design was satisfactory and had no comments.


    Commissioner Staffaucher Solomon commented that the design was fine.


    Commissioner Meyer stated that the design was fine.  He asked how the corners were finished on the corrugated metal siding.


    Ms. Perez answered that the corners would be miter cut offsite then welded together onsite.

    Motion to approve Northpoint Facility Wet Weather Improvements-Phase 1&2: Cochran
    Vote: Unanimous

  4. La Grande Tank Replacement Project-Phase 2

    Richard Newirth, Director of Cultural Affairs, briefly reviewed the history of the project as indicated in the Civic Design committee minutes. He stated that the project was first reviewed on November 18, 2002 for Phase 1.  Commissioners Meyer, Freebairn-Smith, Stauffacher- Solomon, Cochran were present.  The project was approved unanimously.  The second review was on February 24, 2003 for Phase 2. Commissioners Freebairn-Smith, Stauffacher- Solomon, Cochran were present.  The project was unanimously approved.  The third review of the project was on November 17, 2003 for Phase 3.  Commissioners Meyer, Freebairn-Smith, Stauffacher- Solomon, Cochran, and Gatti were present.  The project was rejected for phase three because there had been significant revision to the design since the previously approved Phase 2, the community process was not clearly defined and the design team did not adequately show the design process the used to arrive at the final scheme.  Commissioner Freebairn-Smith asked for a more defined site plan, Commissioner, Stauffacher- Solomon preferred the design presented at Phase 2. Commissioner Gatti stated that the design team return for a combined Phase 2 & 3 and present additional schemes outlining the design process that lead to the current design.


    Mr. Ryan Cayubyub, Manager, PUC briefly reviewed the design criteria for the project.  He stated that the tower needed to be at an optimal height of 80’ and uniform diameter of 28’.  These dimensions maximize the performance of the water tank. He also stated that the access and safety systems must comply with all currently accepted guidelines. Finally the design of the tank must maximize seismic stability.


    Mr. Cayubyub reviewed the community outreach process. He explained that the design was a direct result of many meetings with a wide variety of community groups and individuals. He reiterated that the community is in favor of the design and the current design satisfies the criteria outlined by the PUC.


    Mark Dorian, Bureau Manager, DPW BOA reviewed the key design features and decisions regarding the modified design.  He reiterated Mr. Cayubyub’s comments on the extensive community involvement in the design process.  Mr. Dorian stated that the form and color of the tower was directly influenced by community voices.  He commented that further modifications like the conical screen element at the top of the tower were added to address concerns as stated by the Friends of McLaren Park.  Mr. Dorian also presented a visual history of design schemes that lead to the final scheme presented today.  The final scheme is a more sculptural form with a more uniformly integrated stair.  The color has remained sky-blue as requested by community groups and the fence has been redesigned to integrate better with the overall design plan.


    Jeet Baswa, Manager, PUC explained to the commission that this was the first of six projects out the gate of an 3.6 billion dollar capital improvement plan being undertaken by the PUC.  He commented that the project is currently 6 months behind schedule and would urge the commissioners to approve the project.


    Commissioner Meyer opened the floor to public comment.


    Franco Mancini, Friends of McLaren Park, expressed opposition to the project.


    Joe Johnson, Portola Merchant Association expressed support for the project.


    Sharon Eberhardt, Cayuga Improvement Association, expressed support for the project.


    Rebecca Silverberg, Excelsior Improvement Association, expressed support for the project.


    Claire Zvanski, District 11 Council Member and Excelsior resident, expressed support for the project.


    Mary Harris, District 11 Council President, expressed support for the project.


    Dwayne Jusino, Community Alliance of Portola & Silver Terrace, expressed support for the project.


    Bill Carlin, CAPS, expressed support for the project.


    Lucia Paulazzo, Excelsior District Action Committee, expressed support for the project.


    Pat Martel, General Manager, PUC stated the importance of this project in terms of the security and safety function it provides.  Ms. Martel explained that this has truly been a collaborative effort between agencies as well as the community. She urged the commissioners to approve the project.

    Commissioner Meyer closed the floor to public comment.


    Commissioner Stauffacher Solomon still supports the originally approved Phase 2 design scheme.


    Commissioner Meyer asked why the team changed the design from the originally approved Phase 2 scheme.


    Stanley So, Architect, DPW BOA stated that the revisions were made in response to community input and comments made by the Friends of McLaren Park.  He said that the design was an attempt to compromise on different aesthetic ideas.


    Commissioner Cochran stated that the originally approved Phase 2 was acceptable particularly in light of expressed community support for the design.


    Commissioner Meyer stated that he could not support the current design with the screen on top.  He liked the originally approved Phase 2 design as well with the addition of the integrated stair as presented today.

    Motion to approve La Grande Tank Replacement Project Phase 2 as presented at the February 2003 meeting including the integrated saftey stair design: Cochran
    Vote: Unanimous

  5. New Business

    Presentation by Lick Wilmerding High School students. Alternative possibilites for the La Grande Tank project.

  6. Adjournment 5:30 p.m

Revision Date 03-02-04