City and County of San FranciscoSan Francisco Arts Commission

Nominating Committee - January 9, 2012 - Meeting Minutes

Nominating Committee - January 9, 2012


Monday, January 9, 2012
2:00 p.m.
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 450

Draft Minutes

Committee Chair P.J. Johnston called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m.

  1. Roll Call
    Commissioners Present

    P.J. Johnston, Chair
    Dorka Keehn
    Barbara Sklar
    Commissioners Absent
  2. Nomination of Candidates
    President Johnston announced that he would be resigning from the Commission at this time of transition, with the new Director of Cultural Affairs starting work. He discussed the responsibilities of the President and Vice President, and pointed out that their responsibilities require a great deal of additional time beyond those of other Commissioners.
    He nominated JD Beltran as President and Sherene Melania as Vice President, and he reviewed their qualifications, noting that the election of Commissioner Beltran as President would convey support for the reforms and greater transparency instituted in the past year, and that Commissioner Melania had actively pressed for greater transparency.
    The Committee discussed the fact that any Commissioner was free to make a nomination for either office at the meeting of the full Commission, and they discussed the voting procedure. The Committee discussed the two candidates, and raised the names of other potential candidates, including Commissioners Breitenberg, Chow and Young. While the Committee thought highly of all of them, some expressed concern about how whether they would be able to devote the significant amount of time required.
    President Johnston reminded the Committee that this term of office would end in the fall.
    Public Comment:
    Ray Hartz of San Francisco Open Government said that the process of nominations was problematic, and seemed pro forma. He said that there was no opportunity for the public to know who was eligible or to nominate someone.
    Peter Warfield of Library Users Association did not know how the Committee was created, and whether it was a standing committee. He questioned the openness of the process and thought that President Johnston was the only Commissioner who really understood the Sunshine rules. He thought a change in leadership was appropriate, and cited the Bernal Heights Library mural, which he said went through the Visual Arts Committee without in-depth discussion.
    There was no further public comment.
    President Johnston reviewed the bylaws, which describe the composition of the Nominating Committee and the timing and process for elections.
    There was no further public comment, and the motion was approved unanimously as follows.
    Motion to nominate JD Beltran as President and Sherene Melania as Vice President of the Arts Commission.
  3. Public Comment
    Mr. Hartz argued that this agenda was in violation of the Sunshine Ordinance, that the meeting was not posted on the Arts Commission’s website, it was impossible to know whether there was a quorum since the members were not listed online, and that the meeting should be voided.
    Mr. Warfield said that while general public comment was not on this agenda as a separate item, he appreciated the opportunity to comment. He said that the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force had found the Arts Commission in violation for several complaints. He said that the Visual Arts Committee minutes should be turned over promptly in response to his public records request, and that it was important for the new President and Vice President to appreciate and respect Sunshine.
    There was no further public comment.
  4. Adjournment
    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:56 p.m.

posted 12/2/14 spr

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