City and County of San FranciscoSan Francisco Arts Commission

March 21, 2012

Visual Arts Committee - March 21, 2012
Wednesday March 21, 2012
3:00 p.m.
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 70
San Francisco, CA 94102

The meeting commenced at 3:01 p.m.

1. Roll Call

Commissioners Present:
Barbara Sklar, Chair
JD Beltran
Greg Chew
Jessica Silverman

Commissioners Absent: Dorka Keehn


2. Bernal Heights Branch Library
Susan Pontious

Program Director Susan Pontious presented an overview of the Bernal Heights Branch Library Mural removal and replacement effort. Ms. Pontious stated that three murals, created in 1982 through a community process led by artist Arch Williams, became a point of discussion when the library branch was remodeled in 2009. She said that some people in the Bernal Heights community wanted the building repainted and the murals removed, while others wanted to keep and restore the murals. Ms. Pontious stated that the Visual Arts Committee (“VAC”) had heard the matter in October 2009 and voted to remove the murals on the Moultrie Street and playground sides of the building due to their deteriorated condition, and to restore the mural on the Cortland Avenue side. She added that this recommendation was heard at the full Arts Commission meeting of November 2009 where former Commission President PJ Johnston tabled the item at the request of the Library Commission and Supervisor David Campos. Ms. Pontious explained that Supervisor Campos then led a mediation process with various members of the Bernal Heights community representing different viewpoints on the state of the murals to reach a solution. As a result of this process, Precita Eyes Muralists and artist Rueben Rude were selected to create new mural designs for the Cortland Avenue and Moultrie Street sides of the building, and ultimately the existing murals would be removed. Ms. Pontious said that the Library Commission approved those mural designs which were forwarded to the Arts Commission in August 2011. At that time, the conceptual designs were approved with the stipulation that some changes be made to the color palette and that tile samples be reviewed. Ms. Pontious reported that following that approval, it was discovered that the actual removal of the murals was never approved by resolution by the full Arts Commission.

Ms. Pontious clarified that the jurisdiction of the Arts Commission is solely to approve the removal of the existing murals and to approve the new mural designs. She added that the approval of all murals on City property is contingent on whether or not the artist have met the requirements outlined in the Public Art Program’s Mural Guidelines. Ms. Pontious noted that traditionally the Arts Commission has not accepted murals into the Civic Art Collection because they are not considered permanent works of art and therefore, do not have the same level of protection from being removed. She stated that because the Arts Commission recognizes the important role of murals in the community, they impose minimal criteria for approval. In regards to the Bernal Heights Branch Library murals, Ms. Pontious said that she and Senior Registrar Allison Cummings had personally inspected them and could attest to their advanced state of decay. She explained that restoration would be extensive and would essentially require creating a new painting. She said that the murals’ main merit is its historical and cultural significance and suggested that a commemorative plaque be installed at the library after their removal.

Commissioner Sklar asked Supervisor Campos and City Librarian Luis Herrera to report on the item.

Mr. Herrera stated that the Bernal Heights Branch Library murals had been an issue without closure dating back to 2009 when the building was renovated. He reported that Supervisor Campos had led a mediation process with constituents of two divided perspectives who eventually came to an agreement to replace the existing murals with new designs. He said that the Library Commission had endorsed through resolution the new mural designs by Precita Eyes and Rueben Rude knowing that the Arts Commission had final authority over their designs. He then read a letter of support for the new mural designs from Library Commission President Jewelle Gomez.

Supervisor Campos stated that while the issue being discussed was specifically the removal of the murals, he thought it was important to include context for some of the public comment that had been heard on the matter. Supervisor Campos noted that the couple of people who are the most outspoken about this subject have focused on the transparency of the mediation process and its compliance with the Sunshine Ordinance. He stated that the issue will be heard at the Sunshine Task Force as a number of complaints have been filed. He stated that mediation processes historically have not had to comply with certain requirements of open meeting laws, but the issue will be clarified at the Sunshine Task Force.

Supervisor Campos said that when he was elected in 2008, he heard people with strong views on what to do with the library building and its murals. At the time, he and Mayor Gavin Newsom agreed that a mediation process should take place. He thanked the people involved in the mediation process for taking the time to talk through the different perspectives and for reaching a common ground after several months. He stated that he was proud of the outcome of the mediation process as it reflects a community coming together. He explained that the outcome of the mediation did go through a public process as it was heard at both the Library and Arts Commissions. He asked on behalf of the Bernal Heights community to have closure on the issue.

Bernal Heights Branch Library Mural Project Manager Gia Grant spoke about the process to select artists for the new mural designs. She stated that a call for artists was issued, and an interview process took place resulting in the selection of Precita Eyes and artist Rueben Rude. Ms. Grant said that there were two major community meetings held at the Bernal Heights Neighborhood Center, each with about 50 people in attendance. At the meetings, the significance of the existing murals and what they would like to see in the new work was discussed. The artists then considered the comments made at those meetings as they developed their designs. Ms. Grant added that the new mural designs were displayed around the community and on websites with opportunity for feedback. Those designs were then presented to the Library and Arts Commissions for approval.

Commissioner Beltran suggested that the first motion associated with this agenda item include language about the community process lead by Supervisor Campos.

Commissioner Sklar announced that public comment would be limited to two minutes per person. She called for public comment.

Terry Milne introduced himself as a citizen of Bernal Heights and a member of the task force for the mural project. He asked the Commissioners to approve the motion as amended. He stated that the best start would be to remove the murals to start the process of something else.

Darcy Lee said that she had attended many of the community meetings regarding the murals. She said that the library is the neighborhood’s civic building and that it made sense that this controversy took place. Ms. Lee stated that originally she wanted the building to be repainted and remain blank, but eventually changed her mind. She said she learned a lot from her community members about the murals through the meetings. She said she is proud of what the artists submitted and how they arrived at those designs.

Peter Warfield, Executive Director, Library Users Association said it struck him as extraordinary that specifics aspects and elements of the mural, including the figures represented and what elements will be transferred to the new design, have not been discussed at either the Library or the Arts Commission meetings. He said there had not been discussion about the mural’s substance and significance. He said that the Commissioners could do some research on what the murals looked like new and what they could have looked like refreshed, and that the Library Commission never provided that information to the Arts Commission. Mr. Warfield stated it was shocking that the Commissioners would consider destroying murals that were initiated by a community process, endorsed by the Arts Commission and on view for 30 years. He said the discussion at the Arts Commission regarding this mural has been focused on a community process that has evaded every concept of the Sunshine Ordinance. He said that there were no public announcements about the community meetings and that there were no agendas, minutes or recorded votes. He said that the 12 people selected to by the mediator to sit on the community processes were only 12 people and not the whole community. He said those 12 people were not elected, they were appointed by the mediator who was appointed by Supervisor Campos. He said that this was not a community process. Mr. Warfield said that in 2009 Supervisor Campos had favored saving the mural on the Cortland Avenue side of the library and that Assemblyman Tom Amiano said that he and his constituents favored saving all the murals. He restated that the history and significance of the murals had not been discussed by the Arts Commission.

Commissioner Beltran asked Ms. Pontious if the Arts Commission has jurisdiction over the content of the artists’ designs. Ms. Pontious stated that the Arts Commission’s jurisdiction is to approve the removal of the murals and the new design which includes the appropriateness of content.

Commissioner Beltran asked Ms. Grant to explain how the figures represented in the new murals were decided on by the community. Ms. Grant stated that she held many widely publicized meetings to discuss the design process. She said a presentation was given at one of the meetings about the historical content of the mural and that every single image and their significance were discussed. Ms. Grant said that an elaborate community discussion commenced at which the artists were present. She stated that the artists took the discussion in to consideration when creating their designs.

Commissioner Beltran asked Mr. Herrera if the Library Commission has any jurisdiction over the content of the artist’s design. Mr. Herrera stated that the authority of the artwork rests on the Arts Commission. He clarified that the Library Commission was provided with information about the historical significance of the mural and its elements which were discussed at previous Library Commission meetings.

Commissioner Beltran asked Supervisor Campos how the task force for this project was assembled. Supervisor Campos stated the task force was created following the mediation process and the development of a consensus statement.

Commissioner Chew stated that commemorative plaque was a positive thing. He asked where it will be installed. Ms. Pontious replied that the location is yet to be determined. Ms. Grant added that the task force is committed to commemorating the historic mural with the plaque.

Rueben Rude stated that he attended many community meetings and created his design content based on conversations with over 100 people in the Bernal Heights neighborhood. He said that the historic mural had a different significance to everyone. He explained that he tried to create iconic versions of some of the images from the historic mural that would allow for different interpretations.

David Dupre said that his neighborhood was about to go through the same process. He commented that the City has much community engagement, that there is something special about the citizens of San Francisco and that the processes are unique. He said this is a chapter in the history of San Francisco and would like a written component to this project.


Motion to approve, after completion of a two-year community process commencing in January 2010 and facilitated by Supervisor David Campos and the Bernal Heights community, the removal of the murals by Arch Williams and others on the Cortland Avenue and Moultrie Street sides of the Bernal Heights Branch Library, which will be replaced by a tile and bronze artwork by Precita Eyes on the Cortland Avenue side of the library and a painted mural by Rueben Rude on the Moultrie Street side of the library.
Moved: Beltran/ Silverman
The motion was unanimously approved

Ms. Pontious presented the most recent version of Rueben Rude’s mural design for the Moultrie Street side of the library. She stated that the Commissioners had previously asked the artist to revise his color palette to be more muted. She showed different iterations of the color palette leading to the artist’s most recent version. Mr. Rude explained that he focused on browns and sepias, and had eliminated bright colors. He stated that he was familiar with every image in the historic mural and was confident in the images he decided to incorporate into his design. He said that the only image that he added himself was a tree which symbolizes the strength of the community. He stated that the rest of his design is composed of images from the historic mural, but simplified to remain iconic. Ms. Pontious then showed images of Mr. Rude’s past work.

Commissioner Sklar called for public comment.

Mr. Warfield stated that he objected to the two minute time limit on public comment and felt it was very wrong. He said that with respect to Mr. Rude’s design there was no discussion about the historic mural’s content. He stated that the most prominent figure in the historic mural is Victor Jara, a Chilean songwriter and activist who was tortured and murdered by the Chilean military. Mr. Warfield said that Victor Jara represents social justice. He explained that this figure is located near the library’s entrance and that there are words associated with that part of the mural. He commented that words were not included in the new mural designs. He stated that Victor Jara is the most important figure in the mural and is also not included in the new mural designs. Mr. Warfield stated that Mr. Rude’s mural will replace the Moultrie Street murals which pay homage to working women. He said that this too is not present in the artist’s new design and that the fundamental elements of the murals have been lost.

Motion: Motion to approve final design of the mural by Reuben Rude for the Moultrie Street side of the Bernal Heights Branch Library.
Moved: Silverman/Beltran
The motion was unanimously approved

Ms. Pontious presented the most recent version of Precita Eyes’ mural design for the Cortland Avenue side of the library. She stated that when the design was presented to the Commissioners in August 2011, Public Art Program staff had not realized it would be tile and include a three dimensional bronze book element. Ms. Pontious noted that the artists had revised their color palette to be more related to the time period of the architecture at the request of the Commissioners. She added that the artist brought tile samples for review. She introduced Susan Cervantes of Precita Eyes and Daniel Macchiarini who will be fabricating the bronze element.

Ms. Cervantes explained that the mural will be executed in hand-made tiles with a bronze relief sculpture. She said that the image is derived from the historic mural by Arch Williams and represents the four elements. Ms. Cervantes noted that the community particularly liked those aspects of the historic mural, especially where they converged. Ms. Cervantes said that the community also wanted to include a sculptural element that would be representative of the library, thus the bronze book was incorporated into the design. She showed images of a clay mock-up of the book laid over a design drawing. Mr. Macchiarini stated that the bronze book will weigh less than 300 pound and this this was relatively light for expanding 12 feet. He explained that the clay model was a simplified version of the design and that the actual element will incorporate more detail.

Ms. Pontious clarified that the artists are requesting the approval of design development because the Arts Commission will need to approve later phases of the project as it develops.

Commissioner Sklar called for public comment.

Mr. Warfield stated that he has high respect for the reputation and work of Ms. Cervantes but was disappointed that this image would replace the mural on the Cortland Avenue side of the library. He said that he heard the artists discuss carrying themes from the historic murals into their new designs, but felt none of the humanity of the historic murals was transferred. He added that it was unclear if the murals on the right side of the library entrance would be maintained or not. He said he would like to know what the various stages of design development are. He commented that the new design did not include Victor Jara, Holly Near, words, or an African American singer. He stated that this process has parlayed an $18,000 restoration project into a more expensive project with a fee for the Friends of the Public Library. He said he would like to see Ms. Cervantes’ contract. He stated that these are public murals that are publicly paid for by a $50,000 Community Challenge Grant partly supported by library donations. He asked how it was decided not to depict any humans in the new mural.

Ms. Pontious stated that the financial arrangement between the artists and the Friends of the Public Library is not the jurisdiction of the Arts Commission.

Motion: Motion to approve design development of the proposal for a tile and bronze mural by Precita Eyes for the front of the Bernal Heights Branch Library on Cortland Avenue.
Moved: Beltran/Silverman
The motion was unanimously approved

3. Art on Market Street
Mary Chou

Project Manager Mary Chou presented the revised sketches for the Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series by artist Paul Madonna. Ms. Chou reminded the Commissioners that the theme of this series is “celebrating the arts in San Francisco” in honor of the 80th anniversary of the Arts Commission. Ms. Chou explained that the six unique posters pair a notable artist in each of the following genres with a scene in the City related to that genre/artist: writing arts; modern visual arts; murals; music and film; modern dance; opera. She noted that in these revised designs, the artist has responded to previous feedback from the Commissioners to incorporate more interesting angles of perspective.

Commissioner Beltran stated that she has been a fan of Mr. Madonna’s work for decades and is delighted that his gorgeous depictions of San Francisco will be highlighted through this poster series. Commissioner Chew agreed.

Public Relations Manager Kate Patterson reported that Mr. Madonna has offered to run the images from the poster series in his San Francisco Chronicle column All Over Coffee.

Commissioner Sklar called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve revised designs for the Art on Market Street Poster Series by artist Paul Madonna.
Moved: Beltran/Silverman
The motion was unanimously approved

4. Bayview Branch Library
Mary Chou

Ms. Chou presented the designs for the artwork at the new Bayview Branch Library by artist Ron Saunders. She explained that the artwork will be located in two locations at the library: the open courtyard and the children’s area. Ms. Chou noted that the courtyard artwork will consist of photograms digitally reproduced in porcelain enamel. The children’s area artwork will consist of photograms digitally reproduced on paper, mounted on aluminum and placed behind glass. She introduced Mr. Saunders who described his process of creating these artworks.

Mr. Saunders explained that all of his images are created as photograms incorporating natural elements that have a connection to the history of the Bayview neighborhood such as wood shavings, turkey feathers, cotton balls, and sugar cubes. Ms. Chou stated that these images were recently shown to Linda Brooks-Burton, the prior Bayview Branch Librarian, Beverly Hayes, the current Bayview Branch Librarian, and Edward Melton, Chief of Branches, who responded with enthusiasm and support. Ms. Chou said that mock-ups for both the courtyard and children’s area artworks will be presented to the VAC at a later date.

Commissioner Sklar called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve designs for the artwork at the new Bayview Branch Library by artist Ron Saunders.
Moved: Beltran/Chew
The motion was unanimously approved

5. Hamilton Recreation Center

Susan Pontious

Ms. Pontious reminded the Commissioners that they had approved the use of the remaining Hamilton Recreation Center art enrichment funds to commission a new work by Johanna Poethig similar to Dragon, Snake, Monkey, Bird at Boeddeker Park. Ms. Pontious reported that she met with the Supervisor for Hamilton Recreation Center to discuss themes and approaches to the site. She remarked that the artist will develop a conceptual design which will be presented to the VAC at a later date for review.

Commissioner Sklar called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into a contract with Johanna Poethig an amount not to exceed $49,000, for the design, fabrication, transportation and installation/consultation of an interior mural at Hamilton Recreation Center.
Moved: Silverman/Chew
The motion was unanimously approved

6. Daggett Park
Marcus Davies

Project Manager Marcus Davies presented the finalists for the Daggett Park Public Art Project selected by the Daggett Park Public Art Selection Panel. Mr. Davies reported that the panel was held on February 24, 2012 and consisted of Commissioner Sklar, three community representatives (one non-voting), three arts professionals, the project architect, and a representative from the Planning Department. Mr. Davies explained that he received 124 applications for this project, and screened those down to 22 artists for the selection panel to review. Of the 22 artists, three were chosen as finalists to make proposals for the site: Michael Arcega; Adriane Colburn; and Charles Sowers. He then showed examples of those artists’ past work.

Commissioner Sklar called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve the following finalists for the Daggett Park Public Art Project as recommended by the Daggett Park Art Selection Panel: Michael Arcega; Adriane Colburn; and Charles Sowers.
Moved: Silverman/Beltran
The motion was unanimously approved

7. 17th and Folsom Park
Marcus Davies

Mr. Davies presented the public art program outline for 17th and Folsom Park. He explained that the park deign had been in development since 2010 with significant community input. Based on community feedback the park will feature many amenities including:

Mr. Davies stated that park includes a fence which has been identified as the art opportunity. He reported that the park plan had already incorporated decorative fencing into the general contractor’s scope of work, leaving the budget to be used for artwork’s design. Mr. Davies said that he will use the 2011-2012 Prequalified Artist Pool to create a shortlist of artists to show to a selection panel that will meet in April 2012. He requested a Commissioner’s participation on the panel. Commissioner Silverman volunteered.

Ms. Pontious added that she presented this project at a community meeting where members of the public were upset that they were not informed about the artwork prior to the meeting, that there was not opportunity to involve neighborhood artists, who may have already been working on the project. Ms. Pontious stated that she had recently learned about the project herself, and given the budget was only able to accommodate a fence design by an artist who was part of the 2011-2012 Prequalified Artist Pool. Ms. Pontious stated that she plans to ask the Recreation and Parks department to increase the budget because the community would like a project with more opportunity for their involvement. Mr. Davies added that he will focus on San Francisco Based artists and those based in the area of the park when possible in the selection process.

Mr. DeCaigny mentioned that the park design had recently been granted conceptual design approval from the Civic Design Review Committee. He stated that he was working on ways to improve early conceptual design partnership between the Arts Commission and the Recreation and Parks Department. Mr. DeCaigny noted that at the Civic Design Review Committee meeting where the park was reviewed, Commissioner Chow expressed concern about sound coming from children’s play area. It was mentioned that the art piece could potentially be a solution to that problem.

Commissioner Sklar called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve public art program outline for 17th and Folsom Park.
Moved: Silverman/Chew
The motion was unanimously approved

8. Church & Duboce Streetscape Improvement
Jennifer Lovvorn

Project Manager Jennifer Lovvorn gave a project update on Gateway and presented the construction document phase deliverables for Chairs by Primitivo Suarez-Wolfe for the Church and Duboce Public Art Project. Ms. Lovvorn reported that Gateway, which was funded by the Upper Market/Castro Community Benefits District (CBD), was originally proposed to be located at the north east corner of the intersection of Church and Market near the steps leading to the Safeway parking lot. Because this small plaza area is privately owned property, legal and logistical complications made installing the work at this site infeasible. The artist, Arts Commission staff and the CBD developed a plan to move the sculpture to an upcoming bulb out on Market and 14th streets. However, the CBD ultimately was not happy with the change and has decided to terminate the project.

Ms. Lovvorn presented the final design, quantity, and location of Chairs to be installed near the intersection of Church Street and Duboce Avenue. Ms. Lovvorn stated that the chairs would be cast in bronze and she presented a material sample showing the proposed patina. She added that the proposed coating is acceptable to the Arts Commission’s Senior Registrar. Ms. Lovvorn stated that she met with the City’s Americans with Disabilities Act Access Coordinator to ensure that the proposed design was accessible. Ms. Lovvorn then presented the final project budget.

Commissioner Sklar called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve construction document phase (which includes final quantity of chairs, final site plan of chair installation locations, artwork material and surface treatment sample, and final budget) of the Church & Duboce Public Art Project (Chairs) by Primitivo Suarez-Wolfe.
Moved: Beltran/Chew
Commissioner Silverman recused herself for this vote
The motion was approved unanimously by the remaining Commissioners

9. Central Subway 4th and Brannan Platform Station
Jennifer Lovvorn

Ms. Lovvorn reported that at the February 2012 VAC meeting, Commissioners requested that an additional Commissioner be added to the 4th and Brannan Platform Station Artist Selection Panel for the second selection panel meeting. Commissioner Beltran volunteered. The updated Project Outline reflects the revised panel composition and indicates the inclusion of Commissioner Beltran as a panelist for the second panel meeting.

Commissioner Sklar called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve the updated Central Subway 4th and Brannan Platform Station Project Outline indicating the inclusion of Arts Commission President JD Beltran as a panelist for the second selection panel meeting.
Moved: Chew/Silverman
The motion was unanimously approved

10. Civic Art Collection
Allison Cummings

Ms. Cummings reported that the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles requested to borrow Mark Adams’ Pond in Golden Gate Park original tapestry for the exhibition Mark Adams scheduled to be on view from May 15 through July 29, 2012. She stated that the exhibition will feature works that span the artist’s career. Ms. Cummings reminded the Commissioners that this tapestry was recently recovered after being stolen from the Moscone Center in the 1990s. She remarked that the tapestry is currently being assessed and treated by a conservator for damages sustained from the period it was missing. She said she recently viewed the work and felt that overall it was in good condition. Ms. Cummings noted that the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles will insure the work and pay for its transportation. She added that the artist’s estate is enthusiastic about the loan.

Commissioner Sklar called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve the loan of Mark Adams’ Pond in Golden Gate Park, 1981, a flat weave wool tapestry, approximately 84 in. x 96 in. (San Francisco Arts Commission Accession Number 1985.5.1) to the exhibition Mark Adams, organized by the San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles in San Jose, California. The exhibition will be on view from May 15 through July 29, 2012.
Moved: Silverman/Chew
The motion was unanimously approved

11. Public Safety Building – Police Memorial
Mary Chou

Ms. Chou presented the phrase for the backdrop behind the glass cylinder and the revised concept for the text inscribed in the cylinder for Shimon Attie’s police memorial artwork for the new Public Safety Building. Ms. Chou reported that the artist has chosen the phrase “Look Up, their Valor Shines.” She stated that the Arts Commission staff supports this phrase because it is positive and uplifting, and make direct reference to the glass cylinder above. Ms. Chou noted that the phrase was presented to members of the Bay Area Law Enforcement Assistance Fund (“BALEAF”) and the Chief of Police who also gave their support. Ms. Chou added that members of BALEAF suggested that the artist capitalize the “t” in “their,” which the artist has agreed to do if it adheres to American grammar standards.

Ms. Chou explained that originally the text inscribed in the glass cylinder was to consist of written expressions of gratitude to police officers gathered by the artist from the public. However, the artist is now proposing to work collaboratively with the poet Gwyneth Lewis to generate a poem based on these written expressions from the public. Ms. Chou stated that this process will result in a more elegant use of language as well as allow for the opportunity to make direct references to the form of the memorial as well as the name panels to be placed further down the lobby. The poem will be presented to the Chief of Police and to members of BALEAF for approval prior to presentation and approval by VAC.

Commissioner Sklar called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve phrase for backdrop behind cylinder and concept for text inscribed in cylinder for Shimon Attie’s police memorial artwork for the new Public Safety Building.
Moved: Beltran/Silverman
The motion was unanimously approved

12. Public Safety Building – Community Plaza
Mary Chou

Ms. Chou presented the revised design and material samples for Paul Kos’ community plaza artwork for the new Public Safety Building. Ms. Chou explained that Mr. Kos has responded to the Commissioners’ request that he address issues raised about the landscape elements of his design. She stated that previously the artist included a row of bamboo that obstructed the visibility of the plaza from Third Street. The bamboo also created a dark corner in the plaza that raised security issues among some Commissioners. Ms. Chou noted that the artist has responded to these concerns by replacing the bamboo with trees. Ms. Chou reported that the artist had worked with a landscape architect on the selection of an evergreen tree to include in the plaza design. She explained that a previous choice of tree concerned Commissioner Stryker of the Civic Design Review Committee as well as Commissioners from the VAC, due to its ability to grow 20 feet in diameter. Ms. Chou reported that the artist has now selected a spruce tree that, when full grown, reaches 6 to 7 feet in diameter and 35 to 40 feet high. She added that the artist and the project team are happy with this selection.

Director of Cultural Affairs Tom DeCaigny asked Ms. Chou if Commissioner Stryker had been informed of the selection of the spruce tree. Ms. Chou said that Commissioner Stryker had been contacted and she was waiting for a reply. Civic Design Review Program Manager Vicky Knoop stated that Commissioner Stryker had seen the new tree selection and felt it was a greatly improved choice.

Commissioner Sklar called for public comment. There was no public comment.

Motion: Motion to approve revised design and material samples for Paul Kos’ community plaza artwork for the new Public Safety Building.
Moved: Beltran/Silverman
The motion was unanimously approved

13. Port Pier 92
Mary Chou

Ms. Chou presented the project outline for the Port Pier 92 public art project. Ms. Chou reminded Commissioners that this project was presented to the VAC in April 2011. However, the Port just recently transferred funds to the Arts Commission to begin the selection process. She explained that this project is funded through discretionary funds and will be installed in advance of the art enrichment projects associated with the Blue Greenway project. Ms. Chou explained that the Port had asked the Public Art Program to manage a long-term temporary art installation at Pier 92. She stated that one silo façade presented a good opportunity for an artist to create a mural artwork or a kinetic work. She added that the whole site, including the two silos and a nearby crane, presented an opportunity for an artist to create a lighting piece. Ms. Chou noted that the site can be seen from the surrounding neighborhoods and the nearby freeways, and lends itself well to bold, graphic artwork. Ms. Chou stated that this project will follow the Public Art Program’s usual selection process and the Request for Qualifications will be open to artists residing in the Western States. She said the selection panel will consist of an Arts Commissioner, a Port representative, three arts professionals, and Bayview Hunters Point Community representative. She requested a Commissioner’s participation on the panel. Commissioner Chew volunteered. Commissioner Sklar offered to be an alternate.

14. Temporary Sculptures – Civic Center Plaza and War Memorial

Jill Manton

Director of Policy and Planning Jill Manton presented sculptures by Jun Kaneko and locations at Civic Center and the War Memorial Veterans Building where they will be temporarily displayed from May 1st, 2012 through December 18, 2012. Ms. Manton reported that she recently presented this project to the War Memorial Board who is very enthusiastic about the project. She explained that up to three black and white sculptural heads will be installed at the War Memorial Veterans Building site, and up to four sculptural heads will be installed at Civic Center Plaza (one marble, one pink, one blue, and one black and white). Ms. Manton showed images of the works that were chosen and renderings of where they will be displayed.

Commissioner Sklar called for public comment. There was no public comment.


Motion: Motion to approve the placement of up to three black and white sculptural heads by Jun Kaneko from May 1, 2012 through December 18, 2012 at the War Memorial Veterans Building site.
Moved: Chew/Beltran
The motion was unanimously approved

Commissioner Sklar called for public comment. There was no public comment.


Motion to approve the placement of up to four sculptural heads from artist Jun Kaneko in Civic Center Plaza, pending approval from the Mayor and the Department of Recreation and Parks.
Moved: Silverman/Beltran
The motion was unanimously approved

15. Public Comment

(This item is to allow members of the public to comment generally on matters within the Visual Arts Committee’s purview as well as to suggest new agenda items for the Visual Arts Committee’s consideration at a future meeting.)

There was no public comment.

16. New Business and Announcements

(This item is to allow the Commissioners and Arts Commission staff to introduce new agenda items for consideration at a future meeting, to report on recent arts activities and to make announcements.)

Ms. Pontious announced that the Public Art Program staff will be conducting its first round of portfolio reviews on March 29, 2012. She explained that 22 artists who recently applied and were not selected for public art opportunities will meet with the Project Managers to get feedback on their applications.

17. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 5:39 p.m.

ZT 4/2/12