Executive Committee - February 22, 2021 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
February 22, 2021 - 12:30pm

Monday. February 22, 2021
12:30 p.m.
Remote Meeting via video and teleconferencing

Draft Minutes 

President Ordeñana called the meeting to order at 12:33 p.m.

  1. Roll Call

    Commissioners Present
    Roberto Ordeñana, President
    Janine Shiota, Vice President
    JD Beltran
    Charles Collins
    Debra Walker

    Staff Present:
    Ralph Remington
    Joanne Lee
    Rachelle Axel
    Sandra Panopio
    Alyssa Ventre

    President Ordeñana announced virtual meeting instructions.

    Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre announced public comment instructions.
  2. General Public Comment

    There was no public comment.

  3. Director’s Report

    Director Remington announced the appointment of Vallie Brown as Director for Grants for the Arts. He gave an update on the Monuments and Memorials Advisory Committee and noted the March 1 application deadline. He also shared that Jock McDonald’s We the People video installation will finally be projected on the façade of City Hall. He gave an update on the murals and other artist programs in the arts and recovery space. He added that there will be a presentation at the next full Arts Commission meeting about the agency’s work relating to arts recovery. He also noted that he is in touch with Mayor Breed and her staff about our Prop E General Fund revenue. He asked for feedback from Commissioners relating to ArtCare priorities.

    Commissioners discussed their priorities relating to ArtCare especially given the cuts to the Collections budget. They suggested projects with severe damage such as the murals at COIT tower and they suggested potential philanthropic partnerships.

    President Ordeñana proposed creating a solidarity statement for the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities as well as providing support to the agency’s communities. Commissioners suggested working with the agency’s cultural centers and proposed a muni poster series relating to racial equity.

    Commissioners and staff discussed an agency policy around solidary statements. They agreed they must be aligned with the City’s voice but also tailor the message to the arts community. They also discussed creating partnerships with community leaders.

    President Ordeñana said he appreciated Director Remington meeting with staff to better understand how commissioners and staff can work more closely and more effectively together. He proposed that any commissioner requests go through Director Remington first and copy himself to determine if staff have the capacity to fulfil the requests.

    Commissioners and staff discussed the proposed process for all commissioner-related requests.  

    Director Remington thanked commissioners for their continued partnership with important agency priorities. He said he is now trying to build a strong connection between staff and commission. He also thanked President Ordeñana for his leadership.

    Commissioner Collins asked about vacancies on staff and asked for a human resources update at a future meeting. Director Remington gave examples of how the agency is understaffed and said he hopes to review redundancies.

    President Ordeñana said he values the incredible work of staff. He said he appreciated the concern raised to Director Remington and that he will look at shifts that the agency can make to continue to strengthen partnerships moving forward.

    There was no public comment.
  4. Special Projects Grant

    Commissioner Beltran, seconded by Commissioner Shiota moved to approve recommendations to award two (2) Special Project Grants, funded by District Supervisor Add-Backs to the following organizations and to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into grant agreements with each organization for amounts not to exceed the following at this time:

    District 5 – African American Art and Culture Complex, $27,500 to support mini-grants for performing artist and musicians.

    District 9 – Horizons Unlimited, $25,795 to support artworks memorializing police violence against people of color.

    Deputy Director Lee provide background information for this item.

    Commissioners asked about the requirements for the grant recipients and the relationship with Horizon Unlimited.

    There was no public comment.

    The motion unanimously carried by the following vote:
    Ayes: Ordeñana, Shiota, Beltran, Collins, Walker.

  5. 2021-2023 SFAC Grant Review Panelists

    Deputy Director Lee provided background information.

    President Ordeñana left the meeting at 2:41p.m.

    Commissioner Walker asked about the residency requirements for panelists. Deputy Director Lee clarified the breakdown would be provided in the final grant recommendation report. She explained that the panelists usually reside in the bay area but that this year that had expanded. She said that the main criteria for a panelist is that they are peers to the applicants and they are familiar with the arts sector in San Francisco as well as the genre of grant.

    Commissioner Beltran asked including the percentage of panelists approved versus applied in the upcoming report.

    President Ordeñana returned at 2:44 p.m.

    There was no public comment.

    Commissioner Beltran, seconded by Commissioner Shiota moved to approve the following panelists to serve, as selected by staff, on SFAC review panels for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 fiscal years:

Amanda Bornstein (Community Vision)
Amy Haven
Anna Landa
Andre Jones
Arturo Mendez-Reyes
Bhumi Patel (Shawl-Anderson Dance Center)
Bruce Baker (Idris Ackamoor and Cultural Odyssey)
Cindy Wu
Cristina Carpio
Diego Gómez
Eileen Nagle
Erina Alejo (Filipino-American Development Foundation)
Grendl Löfkvist Moseley
Hillary Good
Hoi Yiu Leung
Imani Sims (RADAR Productions)
Jasmine L. Blanks Jones (B4 Youth Theatre)
Jennifer Anne Chu
Jill Fantauzza
Joanne Kreiter (Flyaway Productions)
Jordan Gash
Jordan Gray
Jose Alexandro Brunner
Josyli Anne Ladia
Ka Yan Cheung-Miaw
Karla Brundage (826 Valencia)
Kathleen Brown
Kathryn Frances Pfaff (Alonzo King LINES Ballet)
Kevin M. Smokler
Lamont Snaer
Lawrence Lindell Martin Jr
Maeve Altas Sullivan (Alonzo King LINES Ballet)
Mary Ruth Ladd
Matt Silady
Michael Phelan
Michella Rivera-Gravage
Muriel Leung
Omer Shapira
Osman Koc
Rodrigo Ehecatl Duran
Sheeka Arbuthnot
Sofya Yuditskaya
Sophia Asia Gunther
Storm Miguel Florez
Tyler Freeman
Vera Hannush
Victoria Alese Osborn
Wahab Algarmi
Winifred Ruth Day (City of Richmond)

The motion unanimously carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Ordeñana, Shiota, Beltran, Collins, Walker.

  1. Racial Equity Update

    Senior Racial Equity & Policy Analyst Sandra Panopio presented an update on the agency’s racial equity initiatives.

    She reviewed the agency’s current racial equity priorities. She shared current racial equity action plan items that she is currently working on with Commission Secretary Ventre and ACLS Fellow Asif Majid including by-laws update, standardizing collection of Commissioner demographic information, Commissioner Recommendation form.

    She asked for suggestions for her quarterly update at the April full Commission meeting.

    Vice President Shiota suggested a high level update of what was accomplished this quarter and upcoming priorities.

    Commissioner Collins suggested surveying all commissioners to see what they’d like to hear.

    Commissioner Beltran asked about racial equity training and learning opportunities.

    There was no public comment.
  1. New Business and Announcements

    There was no new business and announcements.  

    There was no public comment.
  2. Adjournment
    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:05 p.m.

posted 3/8/21, 1:55 p.m. adv

Archives Available
A recording of this meeting will be available online after the meeting at the following address: https://sfgov.org/arts/audio-archive-9.

Language Accessibility

Translated written materials and interpretation services are available to you at no cost. For assistance, please notify Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255, Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org.

我們將為閣下提供免費的書面翻譯資料和口譯服務。如需協助,Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255, Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org

Materiales traducidos y servicios de interpretación están disponibles para usted de manera gratuita. Para asistencia, notifique a Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255, Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org