Executive Committee - January 28, 2021 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
January 28, 2021 - 12:30pm

Thursday, January 28, 2021
12:30 p.m.
Remote Meeting via video and teleconferencing

Draft Minutes 

President Ordeñana called the meeting to order at 12:34 p.m.

  1. Roll Call

    Commissioners Present

    Roberto Ordeñana, President
    Janine Shiota, Vice President
    JD Beltran
    Charles Collins
    Debra Walker

    President Ordeñana announced virtual meeting instructions.

    Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre announced public comment instructions.
  2. General Public Comment

    Todd Berman submitted an email statement read by Commission Secretary Ventre:
    Mr. Berman said that all applicants were sent an email that some of the proof-of-residence documents were inadequate after submitting an application for the individual artists grant. He explained that the process was messy and it was difficult to confirm that all artists received the email. He said that staff should be given leeway to make phone calls and judgment calls to make sure all individuals have the opportunity to provide appropriate documentation. He asked to make the process more human and less robotic. He also noted that he attended the information session for the new Artivist-in-Residence grant. He complimented the design of this new grant and noted that it puts arts education in a framework that sets artists, organizations, and their students up for great success in making meaningful, relevant, world-changing art. He added that he was disappointed to learn that there is funding for only one organization and urged the commission to consider expanding the funding.

    Wendy Baker submitted an email statement read by Commission Secretary Ventre:
    Ms. Baker asked the Executive Committee to address the problems that occurred with the grant application process regarding the proof of residency. She stated that staff sent one mass email to all applicants to address a common problem. She explained that the email asked applicants to determine on their own if they submitted sufficient evidence and provided a short deadline. She explained that she experienced network issues and lost access to email for a week and therefore missed the deadline. She said that even though she was a former grantee in good standing who works and lives in San Francisco, she was told her application was ineligible. She noted that there is time before applications are sent for panel review. She stated that staff does not have discretionary power to make judgements in extenuating circumstances and wanted to know how many other applicants were eliminated because of missed emails. She asked to consider making improvements to important communication during the granting process. She noted that the current process is overly concerned with procedure at the expense of efficiency or common sense. She added that staff should be allowed to provide more efficient support whenever possible to make the granting process more fair and efficient.

    President Ordenana thanked the public for their comments and asked staff to speak to the challenges raised.

    Commissioners requested staff to look into these circumstances since staff could have administration authority to provide a possible resolution.

    Deputy Director Lee said she would supply the commissioners with more information at the upcoming full Commission meeting. She noted that it was a record setting year: 232 individual artist applications were received which is an 81.2% increase. She added that staff are following same timeline to process applications as in years past. She said that panels are scheduled in March so there is some time to look into this issue. She also noted that about 60 applicants were asked to provide additional information and only 10 applicants did not respond in the requested 5 day window.
  3. Director’s Report

    President Ordenana welcomed Director Remington to his first Executive Committee meeting.

    Director Remington thanked all for their help and assistance during the hiring process and for their warm welcome.

    Director Remington reported that he has been on a listening tour in his first few weeks as Director of Cultural Affairs. He said that he has been meeting with internal and external partners and plans to finish meeting with all program staff and commissioners soon. He noted he was interviewed by Julian Glover from ABC News to talk about his vision for the agency and about arts and recovery. He said he will share the link when it goes live. He also announced that the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts (MCCLA) was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in December. He said that we are honored to be included in the nation's official list of cultural resources worthy of preservation, and to have a second cultural center building attain landmark status.  He noted that the landmarking process was initiated at the SF Historic Preservation Commission and the process includes approval from the Board of Supervisors. He added, in response to the public comment earlier, that it’s important to look at complaints individually to determine if inequity occurred or if folks missed the deadline.

    Commissioners congratulated Jennie Rodriguez and MCCLA. They noted the importance of its legacy and history in San Francisco. They also discussed MCCLA's important role in helping the neighborhood recover during COVID times as the pillar of art infrastructure. They also commended Ms. Rodriguez on her use of the space to support neighborhood arts education and how she leverages local community artists to teach accessible and free classes.

    Commissioner Shiota asked about status of the Art Vendor Program. Deputy Director Lee stated the program is open and licensed artists can participate in the lotteries. She noted that the agency is trying to seek a fee waiver or reduction. She also noted that there have been added COVID guidelines for social distancing and the safety protocols are listed on the SFAC website. Commissioner Walker asked staff to look at expanding locations to open spaces across the City.

    There was no public comment.
  1. Arts Commission FY 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 Draft Budget

    Finance and Accounting Manager Kevin Quan gave a budget presentation. He noted that this is the second meeting to provide an opportunity for public input.

    Mr. Quan reviewed the narrative budget memo and provided a budget timeline. He noted the impacts that the City is facing given the public health crisis and the severe revenue loss. He added that the City’s goals are to achieve equitable outcomes for all residents. He explained that the SFAC budget was created in tandem with the Mayor’s priorities and SFAC’s Racial Equity Action Plan.

    Mr. Quan presented the proposed program budget for the coming two fiscal years.

    The Committee discussed the operating budget, including the impact of the severe revenue loss across the City and the potential decrease in hotel tax funds. Mr. Quan said there is no plan yet from the Controller’s Office and the Mayor’s Budget Office on the status of the hotel tax funds. They discussed strategies to meet funding directives from the Mayor’s Office.

    Mr. Quan presented the proposed capital budget. He noted that the cultural center requests reflected the needs of the centers based on assessments relating to building infrastructure. Deputy Director Lee added that there is a lot of deferred maintenance across the centers but that the biggest need would be at AAACC and SOMArts. She explained that seismic retrofit upgrades are needed and provided a status update on some current projects and planned projects.

    Commissioners discussed technology and accessibility needs both for staff and the community. Commissioner Walker asked for a presentation for future cultural center work and hoped those projects were forward looking.

    Director Remington emphasized the importance of the maintenance of the cultural centers. President Ordeñana shared the concern and noted the importance of communicating with the Capital Planning Department that these requests were for health and safety reasons.

    Commissioner Beltran, seconded by Commissioner Walker moved to approve proposed Fiscal Year 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 Arts Commission budget.

    There was no public comment.

    Mr. Quan noted that former SFAC Capital Analyst, Kate Faust, works at Capital Planning. He added that she is very familiar with the cultural centers and their needs.

    The motion unanimously carried by the following vote:
    Ayes: Ordeñana, Shiota, Beltran, Collins, Walker.

  2. Racial Equity Update

    Senior Racial Equity & Policy Analyst Sandra Panopio presented an update on the agency’s racial equity initiatives. She added that the Racial Equity Action Plan (REAP) includes an action item where she provides updates the Executive Committee monthly.

    Ms. Panopio reviewed on-going administrative action items, policy action items requiring research, and commission planning items. She also asked the committee for their feedback regarding items to share with the full Commission as well as other important equity issues.

    Commissioner Collins raised a concern about the current agency racial equity statement. Ms. Panopio added the statement should be reviewed periodically. She said that staff are planning to add an accountability statement. President Ordeñana agreed with updating the current racial equity statement to include accountability and asked staff to provide an appropriate timeline.

    Commissioner Walker noted the importance of this work in order to carry out the commitment to equitable resources for the community especially as we work towards recovery.

    Director Remington added that updating the racial equity statement would most likely fall in alignment with the new strategic plan.

    President Ordeñana suggested sharing reports and presentations with the full Commission.

    Ms. Panopio spoke on the agency’s work outside of the REAP which included the monuments advisory committee as well as ideas of creating affinity groups and how to address other inequity issues such as gender or LGBQI issues. President Ordeñana added ability to the list of intersections.

    There was no public comment.
  1. New Business and Announcements

    There was no new business and announcements.  

    There was no public comment.
  2. Adjournment
    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.

posted 2/11/21, 3:35 p.m. adv

Archives Available
A recording of this meeting will be available online after the meeting at the following address: https://sfgov.org/arts/audio-archive-9.

Language Accessibility

Translated written materials and interpretation services are available to you at no cost. For assistance, please notify Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255, Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org.

我們將為閣下提供免費的書面翻譯資料和口譯服務。如需協助,Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255, Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org

Materiales traducidos y servicios de interpretación están disponibles para usted de manera gratuita. Para asistencia, notifique a Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255, Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org