Full Commission - February 6, 2017 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
February 6, 2017 - 2:00pm
City Hall Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Monday, February 6, 2017
2:00 p.m.
City Hall Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place


Commission President JD Beltran called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.

  1. Roll Call
    Commissioners Present
    JD Beltran, President
    Roberto Ordeñana, Vice President
    Gregory Chew
    Charles Collins
    Simon Frankel
    Dorka Keehn
    Sherene Melania
    Abby Sadin Schnair
    Janine Shiota
    Jessica Silverman
    Lydia So
    Kimberlee Stryker
    Paul Woolford
    Commissioners Absent
    Marcus Shelby
    ​Barbara Sklar
    Rich Hillis, ex officio
    President Beltran announced that she would take agenda items 4 and 5, the Director’s Report and the FY2017-2018 and 2018-2019 budget, respectively, after the Committee Reports and Consent Calendar.
  2. Approval of Minutes
    There was no public comment, and the minutes were unanimously approved as follows.
    RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-018: Motion to approve January 9, 2017 Minutes.
  3. General Public Comment
    Former District 1 Supervisor Eric Mar thanked the Commission for its leadership, particularly in light of new federal threats to the arts.
    He wanted to recognize the many people in attendance who had spent years building the Rape of Nanjing Redress Coalition, a largely Chinese-American group, and who felt that it was important to expand to a pan-Asian and women-led organization, the “Comfort Women” Justice Coalition; as a man, he was very proud to be an ally. He thanked Mayor Lee and First Lady Anita Lee for their support, and said that the pan-Asian coalition that came together focused on breaking silence and giving voice to people without a voice. He credited the leadership of women in developing language for a fitting universal memorial to say “never again” to the trafficking of women and girls and to rape culture. He thanked Commissioner Keehn and the Visual Arts Committee, Mr. DeCaigny and Public Art Program Director Susan Pontious for their work behind the scenes. He named some of the groups active in the coalition, including Japanese-American organizations such as Asian Americans for Peace and Justice and Nikkei for Civil Rights and Redress, as well as many Japanese-American leaders.
    There was no further public comment.
  4. Committee Reports and Committee Matters
    1. Executive Committee—JD Beltran, Chair
      1. President Beltran reported that the Committee spent most of its time on an extensive discussion of the proposed budget for 2018-2018 and 2018-2019 which appears later in today’s agenda.
        The Committee also received an update on the Americans for the Arts conference to be held for the first time in San Francisco June 15-18 this year.
        There was no public comment.
    2. Civic Design Review Committee—Kimberlee Stryker, Chair
      1. Commissioner Stryker reported that the Committee approved three projects, including the Central Shops facility, the hotel at San Francisco Airport, and the West Side Pump station at Sloat Boulevard and the Great Highway. She added that the Committee discussed where to place the public art for the project. Commissioner Schnair praised the architects for their accomplishments within the project’s constraints, and noted that the artwork on the original structure will be moved to a new site where it will look much better.
        There was no public comment.
    3. Visual Arts Committee—Dorka Keehn, Chair
      1. Commissioner Keehn was very pleased that the text for the “Comfort Women” memorial had been approved, with the participation of a variety of groups. Mr. DeCaigny noted that there was one edit to the Visual Arts Committee minutes in the memorial text, changing “so-called” to “euphemistically called.”
        Commissioner Keehn reported that the Committee discussed celebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of the “Summer of Love.” She also reported that the Committee discussed a large new development at 1500 Mission Street which will house City offices, including the Planning and Building Inspection departments. It is expected to generate some $4 million in public art funds, likely for projects in the entryway and first floor areas.
        There was no public comment.
    4. Community Arts, Education and Grants Committee—Sherene Melania, Chair
      1. Commissioner Melania reported that the Committee did not meet, and she presented the following motion. There was no public comment, and the motion was approved as follows.
        RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-020: Motion to approve the following panelists to serve, as selected by staff, on SFAC review panels for the 2016-17 and 2017-18 fiscal years:
        Kayan Cheung-Miaw, independent cartoonist, teaching artist
        Lily Tung Crystal, Founding Artistic Director, Ferocious Lotus Theatre Company
        Nizhoni Ellenwood, mixed media artist
        David Inocencio, Program Founder and Director, The Beat Within
        Avanna Lawson, visual artist
        Peggy Simmons, Founding Director and Lead Facilitator, Green Windows
    5. Street Artists Committee—Barbara Sklar, Chair
      1. In the absence of Commissioner Sklar, Commissioner Shiota reported that the Committee heard an update from the working group on efforts to modernize the program. She reported that they also held a hearing on violations of program rules by artist Steven Pogni. She reported that the Committee will take action in a future meeting.
        There was no public comment.
  5. Consent Calendar
    President Beltran severed item 1 on the Consent Calendar, regarding the Visual Arts Committee minutes, making the correction to the text for the “Comfort Women” memorial, changing “so-called” to “euphemistically called.” She called for public comment on the Consent Calendar.
    Public Comment:
    Kathleen Kimura spoke, following up on her prior written communications. She said that she has been involved in the international community in San Francisco for 40 years, and she wanted to draw the Commission’s attention to a factually incorrect statement that the history of the “comfort women” was hidden. She described two books on the subject published in 1949 and 1973, which she said she had presented to the Commission, and to Mayor Lee, and that there were three publications prior to 1990. She requested the deletion of that sentence in the inscription on the memorial plaque in the interest of accuracy. Additionally, she said that it was probably more accurate to say that many did survive to tell the story, rather than that most of the women died.
    Judith Mirkinson, Vice President of the Board of Directors of the National Lawyers Guild, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, said that “hidden” was the right word because the survivors were shamed into silence because they were continuously raped. She said that it wasn’t until the development of a large and vocal women’s movement that these women, then in their 50’s and 60’s, came forward. She said that an estimated 80-90% of the women were killed in the war, that women couldn’t survive being raped as much as 20 to 40 times in a day, and that many of those who did survive rape were killed outright afterwards. She called for a rejection of denialism and “fake history,” and for the Commission to ally itself with the international community in saying that this is what actually happened.
    There was no further public comment and the minutes were unanimously approved as follows.
    RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-022: Motion to approve the corrected Visual Arts Committee Meeting Minutes of January 18, 2017.
    President Beltran severed item 4 of the Consent Calendar, regarding the text of the plaque for the “Comfort Women” memorial. She called for a vote on the remainder of the Consent Calendar, items 2, 3 and 5 through 16. There was no public comment, and the remainder of the Consent Calendar was approved unanimously as follows.
    RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-021:
    Approval: RESOLVED, that this Commission does hereby adopt the following items on the Consent Calendar and their related Resolutions:
    1. Visual Arts Committee Recommendations (January 18, 2017)
      RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-023: Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to increase Magna Chrome’s contract from $418,945 to $562,701 (an increase of $143,756) for the fabrication of 65 additional artwork reproductions for Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center.
    2. RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-024: Motion to approve the updated list of artworks for purchase and display inside the new Office of the Chief Medical Examiner:
      Sure Blue, Oil on wood panel, 44 in. by 51 in., by Suzy Barnard
      Preferring the poetic, Acrylic, 50 in. by 40 in., by Elaine Coombs
      Rodeo Beach Sunny, Oil on paper, 20 in. by 30 in., by Stanley Goldstein
      Rise-Fall, Acrylic on canvas, 48 in. by 48 in., by Beryl Landau
      Twin Palms, Acrylic on canvas, 24 in. by 24 in., by Beryl Landau
      Mt. Diablo from San Bruno Mountain, Acrylic on canvas, 24 in. by 24 in., by Beryl Landau
      Walking Along, Acrylic on canvas, 24 in. by 24 in., by Beryl Landau
      Gateway, Acrylic on canvas over panel, 36 in. by 24 in., by Alan Mazzetti
      Higher Heights, Acrylic, 48 in. by 44 in., by Alan Mazzetti
      Dune Trail, Photography, 24 in. by 36 in., by Wendell Shin
      Man and His Best Friend, Photography, 20 in. by 30 in., by Wendell Shin
      Dumbarton Bridge – 3, Photography, 32 in. by 40 in., by Donna J. Wan
    3. RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-026: Motion to approve a temporary sculpture installation, titled Tide/Untied, by artists MoreLab. The sculpture will be composed of COR-TEN steel rail which will stand at 15-1/2 ft. by 13-1/2 ft. by 34 ft. and will be on exhibit at the entrance of Fort Mason Center for a duration of seven years, commencing July 2017 through July 2024. The artwork is commissioned by Fort Mason Art and Culture Center and will not become part of the Civic Art Collection.
    4. RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-027: Motion to approve the final poster designs for Deborah Aschheim’s Art on Market Street Kiosk Poster Series, The Zeitgeist, on view February 13–May 12, 2017.
    5. RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-028: Motion to approve the public art project outline for Willie Woo Woo Wong Playground.
    6. RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-029: Motion to approve the following artworks for reproduction and installation at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center as recommended by the Selection Panel:
      Lennell Allen: Ocean Beach at Noriega #285; Ocean Beach at Pacheco #165
      Radcliff Bailey: Between Two Worlds
      Jennifer Bain: Paradise
      Louisiana Bendolph: Triangles (After Annie E. Pettway)
      Mary Lee Bendolph: Get Ready
      Chris Brown: Corner
      Lynette Cook: Chinatown-Donaldina Cameron Alley; Out to Dry; Rigging the Line; Study of Stripes
      Elaine Coombs: Daybreak 3; For What Comes Next
      Binh Danh: El Capitan, Yosemite, CA May 22, 2012; Yosemite Falls, March 8, 2012
      Peter de Lory: Couple Yosemite Falls 1990s
      Sara Ferguson: Angel Island, CA
      Frances Freyberg Blackburn: Big Basin; Iris River, Japan
      Annie Galvin: 7 Hills
      Stanley Goldstein: Field and Fence; Marin Field; Panhandle Park
      Phillip Hua: Don’t Forget Your Bonds; Magnolia (with Tiffany)
      Diane Jacobs: Moon Cloud Hillside; Mt. Hood and Summer Sun
      Hiroyo Kaneko: Bathing #50, Bathing #2
      Lisa Levine: 28 Days of Water; Vertical Waters
      Joann Lindelof: Waiting for a Ride
      Hung Liu: Luzao (Stove)
      Cybele Lyle: Blue Crush; Blue Grain
      Paul Madonna: AOC555; AOC599
      Vanessa Marsh: Landscape #1; Landscape #8; Landscape #21; Landscape #22
      Nikki McClure: To Market To Market
      Robert Minervini: As the Wick Burns (Still Life with California Endangered Species); United by Fate (Still Life with California Endangered Species)
      Naoki Onodera: Ocean Beach; Pool Party; Ukiah
      Kelly Ording: Arronax; Ovid
      Maria Park: CN2_5
      Eric Rewitzer: 10am; Good Morning Sunset; Mavericks
      Lance Rivers: Bridge
      Regina Stadnik: Deviled Eggs, Making Mushroom Soup
      Miriam Stahl: Odetta; Tool Lending Library; Untitled
      Jason Tannen: Two Shirts
      June Yokell: Another Day; Bolinas Bay; Pink Marsh; Walking on My Own
    7. RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-030: Motion to pay the following artists an honorarium of $1,500 per image in return for license to the City to make limited edition reproductions and up to $400 for scanning costs. Their artworks will be on display in public waiting rooms and corridors at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center:
      Lennell Allen
      Radcliff Bailey
      Jennifer Bain
      Louisiana Bendolph
      Mary Lee Bendolph
      Chris Brown
      Lynette Cook
      Elaine Coombs
      Binh Danh
      Peter de Lory
      Sara Ferguson
      Frances Freyberg Blackburn
      Annie Galvin
      Stanley Goldstein
      Phillip Hua
      Diane Jacobs
      Hiroyo Kaneko
      Lisa Levine
      Joann Lindelof
      Hung Liu
      Cybele Lyle
      Paul Madonna
      Vanessa Marsh
      Nikki McClure
      Robert Minervini
      Naoki Onodera
      Kelly Ording
      Maria Park
      Eric Rewitzer
      Lance Rivers
      Regina Stadnik
      Miriam Stahl
      Jason Tannen
      June Yokell
    8. RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-031: Motion to approve the selected artist Marc Fornes/THEVERYMANY and proposal for the SFO Consolidated Administrative Campus—Phase 1 Building Public Art Project, pending approval of the Airport Commission.
    9. RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-032: Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into contract with artist Marc Fornes/THEVERYMANY for an amount not to exceed $400,000 for design, fabrication, transportation and installation consultation of an artwork for the SFO Consolidated Administrative Campus—Phase 1 Building, pending approval of the Airport Commission.
    10. RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-033: Motion to approve project outline for the 1500 Mission Street Office Building.
    11. RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-034: Motion to approve Construction Document Phase deliverables by Leo Villareal for an artwork for the Moscone Expansion Project.
      Civic Design Review Committee Recommendations (January 23, 2017)
    12. RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-035: Motion to approve Phase 3 of the San Francisco Central Shops Replacement Facilities (Selby-Galvez Site).
    13. RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-036: Motion to approve Phase 1 of the SFO Airport Hotel Project contingent upon: 1) studying suitable green roof plans; 2) investigating signage options, including reducing the size and incorporating airport signage materials; 3) further developing the entry canopy structure design; 4) finding design alternatives for the tower fins; 5) studying alternatives to the quercus agrifolia tree species; and 6)7nbsp;studying alternatives for landscape design where grid of trees was proposed.
    14. RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-037: Motion to approve Phase 2 of the Westside Pump Station Reliability Improvements Project contingent upon: 1) the relocation of the louver on the Great Highway façade; and 2) further discussion of the location for public art.
    President Beltran then took up agenda item 4, the text of the “Comfort Women” memorial plaque. She agreed with Ms. Kimura that the history had not been completely hidden, and proposed changing “hidden” to “largely hidden.” She then read the text in its entirety, incorporating that change, and called for public comment.
    Public Comment:
    A speaker thanked the Commission for being very sensitive and considerate, and said she was very touched by how seriously they have taken this matter. She said that she supported the adoption of the text, because so many of the women have died and she didn’t want to delay the monument any further. She said that she was from Shanghai, and was born during World War II. She said that she wanted the surviving women to see the memorial, and that it is never divisive to tell the truth.
    Retired Judge Julie Tang, Co-Chair of the “Comfort Women” Justice Coalition, thanked the Commission for its support, and expressed her deep appreciation of the staff. She appreciated the support and help of Mr. DeCaigny in facilitating the process, and she praised the work of Ms. Pontious and of Director of Communications Kate Patterson-Murphy, calling the Arts Commission’s staff “five-star.” She asked to change the word “crusade,” noting its divisive and controversial connotations and history, and suggested “call for action” instead. She also endorsed the change from “so-called” to “euphemistically,” noting the recent dismissive use in referring to a “so-called judge.” Judge Tang noted that she was born after, but very close to, the end of World War II. She said that she knew the Commission had been bombarded with e-mails, and that many came from a single source in Japan, a denialist group which calls the women prostitutes. She urged the Commission to go beyond that, noting that not only were they artistically inclined, but now they were being called on to be social justice activists.
    Richard Ow supported the comments of the previous speakers, calling them leaders in San Francisco, not only in the Chinatown community. He said that he had served as a United States Army soldier in the Korean War, and that the U.S. comfort stations provided showers, clean clothes and good meals; he said “comfort” had a very different meaning for the Japanese Imperial Army. He asked the Commission to pass the motion quickly.
    There was no further public comment.
    Commissioner Keehn suggested removal of the phrase “call for action,” simplifying the final sentence. The Commission agreed, and the motion was unanimously approved as follows.
    RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-025: Motion to approve the text as further revised for the identification plaque for the “Comfort Women” Memorial, entitled Women’s Column of Strength, designed by Steven Whyte. The memorial is an intended gift to the City from the “Comfort Women” Justice Coalition to be installed in St. Mary’s Square Extension. The text reads as follows: “This monument bears witness to the suffering of hundreds of thousands of women and girls, euphemistically called ‘Comfort Women,’ who were sexually enslaved by the Japanese Imperial Armed Forces in thirteen Asian-Pacific countries from 1931 to 1945. Most of these women died during their wartime captivity. This dark history was largely hidden for decades until the 1990s, when the survivors courageously broke their silence. They helped move the world to declare that sexual violence as a strategy of war is a crime against humanity for which governments must be held accountable. This memorial is dedicated to the memory of these women, and to eradicating sexual violence and sex trafficking throughout the world.”
  6. Director’s Report
    Mr. DeCaigny thanked everyone for their efforts in getting to the final language for the memorial plaque.
    He reported on activities of the agency, including the recent workshop in connection with the Galleries’ current exhibition Not Alone: Exploring Bonds Between and With Members of the Armed Forces, and the recent opening of the Galleries’ City Hall ground floor photography show, Jim Marshall’s 1967. Mr. DeCaigny explained that the show includes iconic music photographs, including Jimi Hendrix burning his guitar, and is part of the Bay Area-wide celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Summer of Love; he noted that a full calendar is at summeroflove2017.com. President Beltran praised the show, and Galleries Director Meg Shiffler, noting that Mr. Marshall is the only photographer to have received a Grammy award. Mr. DeCaigny also introduced Maysoun Wazwaz, a new member of the Galleries' staff, who came most recently from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
    Mr. DeCaigny invited Senior Registrar Allison Cummings to present her report on activities of the Collections program during the 2015-2016 fiscal year; this report was previously presented to the Visual Arts Committee. She reviewed the historic increases in the capital budget for the care of the Civic Art Collection in recent years, an acknowledgment by the City that these are important assets worth protecting and caring for; Commissioner Keehn noted that in 2011 the budget was only about $15,000, and last year it was over $500,000. Ms. Cummings gave a brief overview of the budget, noting that storage costs were high last year because of the agency's move from 25 Van Ness to 401 Van Ness. She reported on some of the artworks that were repaired or restored. She also reported that 269 artworks were added to the Collection, and 212 new digital records were created. Finally, she reported that the Coit Tower restoration was honored with an award from the Governor as an exceptional achievement. Ms. Cummings thanked the great staff of the Collections team: Ms. Pontious, Project Manager Jennifer Correia and Program Associate Jennifer Doyle Crane.
    Mr. DeCaigny thanked the Mayor's office for championing a more appropriate level of funding for the care of the Collection.
    He reported on the recent Arts Education Resource Fair, presented in partnership with the Asian Art Museum and the San Francisco Unified School District, and he reported on the temporary installation on Civic Center Plaza of Sui Sui Ping An, six colorful LED-lit bamboo lanterns by Hong Kong artist Freeman Lau, in partnership witih the Hong Kong Trade Alliance. He thanked Special Projects Director Jill Manton and Program Associate Aleta Lee for their work on the project, and President Beltran for speaking at the dedication. President Beltran praised Ms. Patterson-Murphy for a great job getting the word out on the Commission's work.
    President Beltran noted that she had inadvertently failed to sever item 5 on the Consent Calendar, regarding the temporary installation of Tide/Untied at Fort Mason Center; she is on the board of directors of Fort Mason and needed to recuse herself from consideration of the item. She asked the Commission to reconsider the item and she left the room at 3:19 p.m.
    Vice President Ordeñana called for reconsideration of the following motion. There was no public comment, and the motion was unanimously approved, with the recusal of President Beltran.
    RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-026: Motion to approve a temporary sculpture installation, titled Tide/Untied, by artists MoreLab. The sculpture will be composed of COR-TEN steel rail which will stand at 15-1/2 ft. by 13-1/2 ft. by 34 ft. and will be on exhibit at the entrance of Fort Mason Center for a duration of seven years, commencing July 2017 through July 2024. The artwork is commissioned by Fort Mason Art and Culture Center and will not become part of the Civic Art Collection.
    President Beltran returned to the meeting room at 3:20 p.m.
  7. Arts Commission FY 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 Draft Budget
    Deputy Director Rebekah Krell presented the proposed budget, which is due to the Mayor’s Office on February 21. The budget and memo were reviewed in detail by the Executive Committee. Ms. Krell reviewed the timeline and process, along with the budget documents.
    The Commission discussed the budget. In response to questions about the Citywide deficit, Ms. Krell explained that it was influenced by a variety of factors, including set-asides and restrictions approved in the recent election, and salaries and pensions. She offered to send a written overview to Commissioners.
    President Beltran observed that the Commission was fortunate to have added a staff position last year, through the efforts of Mr. DeCaigny and Ms. Krell. Mr. DeCaigny pointed out that this position, the capital analyst, has not yet been filled, but hopefully will be in the next few months. The position is intended to address the capital needs of the Cultural Centers, and to help with more effectively determining the revenues of the percent-for-art for public projects, as well as working with Civic Design Review.
    The Commission discussed the impact of potential cuts in federal funds. Ms. Krell reported that the Mayor’s Office was following this question closely for all departments. Mr. DeCaigny added that the National Endowment for the Arts grants close to $2 million annually in San Francisco. He reported that at the Western States Arts Federation (“WESTAF”) meeting he recently attended, the feeling was that cuts were quite likely, and WESTAF is monitoring the situation. Ms. Krell added that the City prepares a six-month report every year, and if needed, any midyear budget cuts could come after that report. Mr. DeCaigny pledged to continue to monitor the situation. President Beltran noted that San Francisco and California have strong and brilliant leaders protecting the interests of the City and the State.
    President Beltran praised the efforts of Ms. Krell and Mr. DeCaigny on preparing the budget. There was no public comment, and the motion was unanimously approved as follows.
    RESOLUTION NO. 0206-17-019: Motion to approve proposed Fiscal Year 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 Arts Commission budget.
  8. New Business and Announcements
    Commissioner Shiota reported the formation of a new group in response to the fire at Oakland's Ghost Ship, We the Artists of the Bay Area (“WABA”), working to insure the safety and long-term availability of spaces for artists. She announced the website, artiststofthebay.org.
    There was no further news or announcements, and there was no public comment.
  9. Adjournment
    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:41 p.m.

posted 2/17/17, 5:45 p.m. spr
approved 3/6/17


Language Accessibility

Translated written materials and interpretation services are available to you at no cost. For assistance, please notify Commission Secretary Sharon Page Ritchie, 415-252-2256, sharon.page_ritchie@sfgov.org.

我們將為閣下提供免費的書面翻譯資料和口譯服務。如需協助,Commission Secretary Sharon Page Ritchie, 415-252-2256, sharon.page_ritchie@sfgov.org.

Materiales traducidos y servicios de interpretación están disponibles para usted de manera gratuita. Para asistencia, notifique a Commission Secretary Sharon Page Ritchie, 415-252-2256, sharon.page_ritchie@sfgov.org.

Ang mga materyales na nakasalin sa ibang wika at ang mga serbisyong tagapagsalin sa wika ay walang bayad. Para sa tulong, maaring i-contact si Commission Secretary Sharon Page Ritchie, 415-252-2256,sharon.page_ritchie@sfgov.org.