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City and County of San Francisco
Commission of Animal Control & Welfare Archived Meetings

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Minutes from November 9, 2006
I.   Call to Order & Roll Call by Chair Richard Schulke
Present:  Commissioners Richard Schulke, Sherri Franklin, Mara Weiss, DVM, JR Yeager, Kenneth Sato, William Hamilton, Christine Garcia, Sgt. Herndon, Capt. Vicky Guldbech, and Laurie Routhier-Kennedy
II.  Public Comment
Pam Erring Update:  Meeting on Domestic Violence resulted in idea sharing of new protocol, coming together to share information and attend useful conferences.  Would like to work on community education to let people know what is available to them.
III.      Approval/Comments of Draft Minutes
Approved:  With Comr. Hamilton’s corrections of Pet Pride Day being an awareness event and Capt. Guldbech’s name.
IV.      Chairpersons Report and Opening Remarks

A.  Reminder of Jurisdiction re: GGNRA animal issues
GGNRA is now giving tickets for off-leash dogs.
B.  Reminder of Elections Coming up in January
We will not be having a meeting in December.
C. Chairperson’s Holiday Vacation
Wanted to applaud San Francisco for having an excellent Animal Shelter and Animal Welfare programs.

V.  Commissioners’ Reports

Commissioner Hamilton
A.  Report re: Communications with Director of ACC on whether a formal Animal Welfare Program at ACC Should be Formally Recognized and Funded

Read an exchange of e-mails between Hamilton and Carl Friedman.  Comr.Hamilton clarified that not every program will be codified, just a select few.  (i.e. Give A Dog A Bone, Wildlife Program in Marin or SF Rescued Orphan Mammal Program)  Comr. Hamilton hopes to get these programs permanently funded. 

Capt. Guldbech explains that Save Pets Program is enhancing an existing law.  Comr.

Comr. Yeagar wants to learn more about the current status of Give A Dog A Bone.

Comr. Franklin thinks it’s a great idea because it elevates animal welfare laws for everybody to see.

Comr. Hamilton explains that the city takes care of abandoned animals whose ownership status is in question for one reason or another.

Comr. Weiss wonders if we will move forward even if Carl Friedman’s position is questionable.

Comr. Garcia supports the idea because of the national implications of SF codifying that the quality of life for animals is important.

Sgt. Herndon suggests a sunset provision so that there is a time-limit on the funding for starters.

VI.  Old Business

Commissioner Garcia
 A.  “Helping Hands for Animals” new Ordinance
Comr. Garcia is working with City Attorney Rebecca Katz and Rebecca Prozan from the District Attorneys (DA’s) Office.  She explains the process of how the Helping Hands Resolution will go up to the Board of Supervisors and answers some previous questions regarding.  Because of discussions with the District Attorney’s Office, more amendments have been made to the Ordinance Proposal.
Comr. Hamilton had questions about “legality” of taking over the case from DA’s office.

Capt. Guldbech explains that presently the DA’s office can assign the case to anybody.

Public Comment:  Dr. Ron Cole expressed his concern about deciphering legitimate concerns from personal gripes.

Bob O’Brian wanted to know what percentage of cases were downgraded.
Richard Fong wanted to know if this would occur in any type of community court.

Sgt. Herndon wanted to know if he could hire a private attorney to take the case.  Yes.

Comr. Hamilton asks if a private attorney could prosecute again after the DA rejects the item.  No, if the DA settled with a plea bargain,

Commissioner Franklin
 B. Letterhead and Logo

Brief discussion about logo, letterhead, envelopes, what the room number is and whether we should be adding a website to the letterhead.

Public Comment:  Dr. Ronald Cole thinks we should make sure that the official name is correct (i.e. is the County included?).

Commissioner Schulke
C. Proposes Professional Dog Walker Regulations in San Francisco

Comr. Schulke read the new professional dog walker’s license requirements.

Capt. Guldbech would like “regular” defined and voices a concern for #6, “encouraging” people to have a licensed dog.

Comr. Routhier notes that a class may cost only $20 and then a person would have the fee waived for the year.  Plans on speaking with people regarding this matter.

Comr. Yeagar wants to discuss the number of dogs.

Comr. Hamilton suggested participation with Rec & Park.

Public Comment:  Dr. Ron Cole mentioned “Proof of Rabies” as being more important than a proof of license so he thinks it should be included Pam Erring suggested having ACC enforce this instead of Park and Rec.

# 1 Unnamed Female Dog Walker thought this was a good idea, but would also like the word “comfortable” defined and suggested it being a “fix-it” ticket.

# 2 Unnamed Female in concerned about Rec and Park going after unlicensed dog walkers as a source of revenue and recommends ACC enforcing this

Comr. Weiss responds that proof of rabbies vaccinations is not that necessary for this licensing policy because the same information can be found out by calling the veterinarian and some dogs cannot receive the vaccination so it opens up a different issue

Commissioner Schulke
D. GGNRA ticketing off-leash dogs
Breifly outlined the concerned phone calls that he has received about people who have been ticketed for having off-leash dogs.

Unnamed Female #1:  Spoke regarding a resolution that is needed here.  Included Judge Ulsup’s opinion. 

Numerous people spoke after this unnamed speaker.  Each speaker stated that dogs should be allowed off-leash in the areas that are said to be seasonal Snowy Plover egg laying habitat.  There was no speaker present in opposition to the invited speakers.

Commissioners asked questions about the Snowy Plover and clarification on what the public wanted.  It was decided that this topic should be announced for all opinions to be invited and heard in February 2007.

VII.  Public Comment

VIII.  Closing Review of Task Allotment and Calendar Items
A.  Comr. Hamilton’s Agenda Item will be put on next month’s calendar.
B.  Comr. Garcia’s Agenda Items will be put on next month’s calendar.

IX. Adjournment

If you have any questions/comments about the minutes, please e-mail [email protected].