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City and County of San Francisco
Commission of Animal Control & Welfare Archived Meetings

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Commission of Animal Control and Welfare

January 8, 2004

Draft Minutes of Meeting

1. Call to Order and Roll Call

· The meeting was convened at 5:35pm by Chair Kennedy, who presided during all aspects of the meeting.

· Commissioners in attendance: Chair Laurie Kennedy, Vice-Chair Sherri Franklin, Elissa Eckman, Chin Chi, Susan Wheeler, Joanne Kipnis, Kelly Jensen DVM, Vicki Guldbach of Animal Care and Control, Bill Herndon SFPD and Dan McKenna from Park and Rec.

· Commissioners absent: Jack Breslin, Health Department

2. Public Comment

3. Approval of Draft Minutes from the October 9. 2003 meeting tabled due to technical difficulties. The secretary has apparently resigned and no copies of the minutes are currently available.

4. Chairperson's report-Chair Kennedy welcomed all Commissioners.

5. Committee/Commissioner Reports

· Commissioner Eckman reported a news story regarding SARS and its transmission through civets, which merchants claim have not been sold in the SF markets for over 2 years. She expressed interest in renewing activity on this subject.

· Commissioner Wheeler expressed similar interest.

6. Status and tracking of letters of recommendation approved by the Commission

· Proposed establishment of a local ordinance that would prohibit veterinarians from declawing cats.

    i. Commissioner Wheeler has been in touch with an aide from Supervisor Sandoval's office regarding a second meeting, possibly including the Paw Project and a cat behaviorist. She is waiting for details.

    ii. Commissioner Franklin reported that the Koret's bill has been amended to include only large cats but encouraged all to send letters of support as individuals in support of the bill.

    iii. Public comment

      1. June Wilson reported that pamphlets regarding the issue should be made available again.

· Establishment of a "Responsible Dog Guardianship" legislation package

    i. Commissioner Franklin reported that a revised version of the bite and run guidelines were submitted to Sgt. Herndon, SF Dog and the Health Department for feedback and will be resubmitted to Supervisor Dufty.

    ii. Commissioner Herndon stated that the guidelines need to be run by the city attorney; he will prioritize this.

    iii. Chair Kennedy commends the committee's excellent work.

    iv. Public comment

      1. Lorella Harris wonders what happened to #7 on the agenda and recommends that this information is posted at every dog park in the city.

7. Old Business

· Cambridge-type ordinance for oversight of UCSF

    i. Commissioner Eckman reported that the proposed ordinance is done with the help of Susan Roy and Attorney Carter Dillard. Need to contact a city attorney with experience writing ordinances, suggests Commission contact Supervisor Gonzalez for last look at the ordinance and a suggested attorney.

    ii. Commissioner Franklin agrees to contact the Supervisor.

    iii. Public Comment

      1. Bob O'Brian thanks Commissioner Eckman for her efforts and requests a copy of the ordinance; Commissioner Eckman suggest he look up the Cambridge ordinance online, as the proposed UCSF ordinance is still in draft form.

    iv. Chair Kennedy wonders if Commission should contact a Supervisor before contacting the city attorney, and Commissioner Eckman points out that Supervisor Gonzalez would be likely to contact a city attorney since he requested to see the ordinance in the first place. Commissioner Wheeler thanks Commissioner Eckman as well.

8. New Business

· Proposal to designate Trap-Neuter-Adopt-Return (TNR) as an officially approved means to address the homeless/feral cat issue in SF

    i. Commissioner Chi introduced the topic, proposing that the Commission urge the Board of Supervisors to officially sanction TNR. The program has been used successfully in other communities. Commissioner Chi emphasizes that no money will be asked from SF, just the backing needed to avoid harassment of the participants in the program. She has 30 letters of support.

    ii. Public Comment

      1. Bill Hamilton, the founder of Friends of Animal Care and Control, appreciates Commissioner Chi's efforts but advises against taking action at this time due to the current political climate. Education of the public and of the Supervisors is needed prior to action; he is happy to help in this endeavor.

      2. Kristina Hoerler supports the resolution, points out that the individual efforts will continue despite any action taken by the Board.

      3. Eva Hoerler supports the resolution and is finding it difficult to continue feeding the cats in her neighborhood.

      4. L Danyielle Yacobucci feels that education is more important than the ordinance at this time and that much more information gathering and support are needed. Suggest we table the issue and gather support for action at the later date.

      5. Lurilla Harris supports the idea and resolution, but feels that education is needed and that the Commission needs to emphasize education of the public more in general.

      6. Martha Hoffman has practiced TNR in Golden Gate Park for years and has seen significant results. Supports Commissioner Chi's idea but concerned that the proposed resolution may affect other current resolutions facing the Board and that this is poor timing.

      7. June Wilson supports the idea but feels timing is poor.

      8. Jean Lungren favors TNR but agrees that timing for resolution is poor and anticipates more opposition that Commissioner Chi expects.

    iii. The item was not moved and can be reagendized at a later date.

· Proposal to restore Commission voting rights to city department representatives.

    i. Commissioner Franklin introduced the proposal and feels that voting rights might offer more incentive to the city representatives to be more involved in the process. Item was moved by Commissioner Kipnis.

    ii. Public Comment

      1. Ron Cole wondered why the votes were banned and who can overrule this.

      2. L Danyielle Yacobucci wondered why the Health Department was not represented tonight.

      3. Lorilla Harris suggested that the City Attorney be consulted.

    iii. Commissioner Eckman thought that previous Commissioner June Wilson had brought the ban forth about 7 years ago due to the potential for bias on the part of city employees. Commissioner Jensen pointed out that city employees chosen to represent their departments should be biased. Commissioner Herndon stated that he attends meetings in an advisory capacity and tries to prioritize meetings. He does feel that city employees are obligated to vote with their department and that no vote allows him to more freely speak his mind. Commissioner Guldbech states that her consistency representing her department would not be affected by the capacity to vote. Commissioner Kipnis pointed out that departments reps could have voting rights but recuse themselves as necessary. Commissioner Chi was present at the original vote and felt that conflict of interest was the reason to ban votes for city reps allowing the advisory relationship of these reps to be maintained. Commissioner McKenna felt that his views would be consistent with the head of Park and Rec and would not have advise outside his area of expertise. He pointed out that the opinions expressed would be public record and can be presented to the Board as needed for support. Chair Kennedy wonders if voting rights would be incentive to gather the department reps at the meetings. Commissioner McKenna said to let him know when agendized items affect Park and Rec and he will prioritize those meetings. Commissioner Jensen stated that she thought Jack Breslin had the same request. Commissioner Eckman felt that the opinions of the department reps were valuable outside their specific areas of expertise and their attendance was what the public expected but does not feel voting rights would be advantageous to the process.

    iv. The item was withdrawn.

9. Approval of Draft Minutes (out of order)

· Commissioner Kipnis did not make the TNR calendar request.

· Commissioner Wheeler adds the continued absence of Park and Rec to Roll Call.

· Commissioner Eckman does not recall talking about an oversight committee for the Cambridge-type ordinance and wants that stricken.

· Commissioner Chi strikes "not against a ban" from her discussion of the declaw issue.

· Commissioner Eckman strikes her statement regarding Dr. Gross from the same discussion.

· Public Comment

    i. Bob O'Brian strikes his comments about the oversight committee of the Cambridge-type ordinance.

· Commissioner Eckman moved to approve the revised minutes and Commissioner Franklin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.

10. Public Comment

· L Danyielle Yacobucci announced the vote on Audubon Save the Quail program at noon next Wednesday. Site unknown, time may be different.

· Bob O'Brian wants to address abandoners of homeless cats and dogs in SF and define a penalty for these people. He also wants to do something to discourage breeders in the city. Commissioner Herndon stated that the penal code includes pet abandonment, Commissioner Guldbech pointed out the difficulty of proving abandonment. Commissioner Wheeler feels that microchips can be an effective way to identify abandoners.

11. Calendar Items

· Email requests encouraged by Chair Kennedy and are required by the Friday before the next meeting.

· Commissioner Chi wants to reagendize the tabled resolution regarding having all animal issues in SF brought before the Commission and wants to involve the city attorney ASAP.

· Commissioner Kipnis wants to agendize a discussion of postings of animal-related activities in SF on the Commission website.

12. Task Allotment

· Commissioner Wheeler to contact Supervisor Sandoval's office to continue discussion of cat declaw issue.

· Commissioner Franklin to contact Supervisor Gonzalez to discuss a city attorney to help with the Cambridge-type ordinance.

· Commissioner Herndon with get a response regarding the responsible dog guardianship legislation from the city attorney.

· Commissioner Franklin will send copies of the legislation to SF Dog, SPCA, Health Department and SFPD.

13. Adjournment-Commissioner Wheeler moves to adjourn, Commissioner Kipnis seconds.