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City and County of San Francisco
Commission of Animal Control & Welfare Archived Meetings

Meeting Information

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Minutes from April 12, 2007




1.        Call to Order and Roll Call

Present: Commissioners Richard Schulke, Mara Weiss, DVM, Laurie Routhier, Sherri Franklin, JR Yeager, William Hamilton, Christine Garcia, Sgt. William Herndon and Capt. Vicki Guldbech, Kenneth Sato from the Health Dept. and Scott Reiss from Park & Rec. Dept.

 2.       Public Comment

-         None


3.       Minutes

-         February 2007 Minutes were approved with corrections from Comr. Hamilton.

-         March 2007 Minutes were postponed to next month.


4.        Chairperson’s report and opening remarks


May 3rd is the deadline for applications for the Animal Commission.  It has been a privilege to work beside the people that are here.  The Black Rodio inGolden Gate Park has been cancelled.  Texas is banning the importation of Turtles for consumption.  New Anti-teathering law is in effect.  He will be leaving early and Christine Garcia will be Chairing the meeting.


5.        Committee Reports/Old Business Commissioner’s Reports

  Commissioner Garcia; Operation Helping Hand Proposal.


Comr. Garcia discussed the new proposal for the policy that would in essence state that the City of SF believes that the prosecution of animal cruelty cases was of the utmost importance. 


Commissioner Discussion:


Comr. Hamilton asked whether there would be compensation for the volunteers.  Comr. Garcia explained private attorneys would not be compensated.  Comr. Routhier asked how the district attorney felt about this.  I explained that the district attorneys office said that they were open to volunteers.  Comr. Herndon asked about the priority level for crimes.  Comr. Garcia welcomed the proposal of more Court time for these types of cases.  Comr. Yeager asked about the licensing issues. 


Public Comment:


John Beaparant discussed his dog Haddie’s unfortunate experience which he would have liked prosecuted by the SF DA’s office.

Elisa discussed her support of this ordinance.


Sally Stevens from SF Dog discussed her concern about abuse of power, but is glad that those concerns have now been addressed.


Richard Fong believes that it is important to have clarity between civil and criminal laws.


Bob O’Brien likes this ordinance and says that the DA will take criminal cases only, not civil.


Commissioner Comments:


            Comr. Garcia gives commentary in response to the following concerns.


            Comr. Routhier says that we should have the DA support on this.


Comr. Sgt. William Herndon and Comr. Capt. Vicki Guldbech discussed the civil action possibilities of cases and the DA’s view on this item.


6.        Old Business

  Commissioner Schulke; Dog Licensing.


Comr. Routhier summarized her discussions about this professional dog licensing item.


Comr. Capt. Vicki Guldbech requests that we push this item over and she will have another update.

Comr. Scott Reiss from Park & Rec. Dept. discussed his pleasure at being included in this discussion and would like to participate with us.

Public Comment:


Unnamed Female #1:  Opposed the item and fee.


Unnames Female #2:  Likes this item.  Wants it to be changed to an infraction.


Elisa Baker, Defender of Dogs requests a tabling of this item.


Richard Fong discussed his concern about this new licensing and impact on the industry.


Pam Hemphill:  Concerned about the driving record of the dog walker


Bad Rap representative requests a delay in the decision making on the 6-8 dogs issue.


Commissioner Comment:


Comr. Franklin supports this and wants to move it forward.


Comr. Garcia doesn’t think we should discriminate against people with points on their driving record.


7.     Public Comment


      Bob O'Brian wanted to announce the April 24th event.


      Richard Fong wanted to address birth control of animals.


      Female is concerned about the age of the Spay/Neuter item.


9. Calendar Items


Tabling minutes and Helping Hands for Animals will be added to this Agenda for next month.


10. Adjournment “Special Motion to Adjourn in Memory of Seals Slaughtered in Canada”  7pm

Comments:  [email protected]