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City and County of San Francisco
Commission of Animal Control & Welfare Archived Meetings

Meeting Information

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November  8, 2007

5:34 PM


  1. Call to order and Roll Call


Present: Commissioners: Laurie Kennedy-Routhier, Andrea Brooks, Sally Stephens, Philip Gerrie, Pam Hemphill, Christine Garcia, Mara Weiss DVM


Absent: Vicki Guldbech – ACC, William Herndon – SF Police, Bob Palacio – SF Rec& Park.   Due to oil spill. Emergency personal are on call by order of the Mayor.


  1. Public Comment


Richard Fong – Question about possible fees in the parks in dog–play areas.


Comr. Routhier – Suggests waiting to discuss his question until Bob Palacio returns.


  1. Approval of Draft minutes from the September 13, 2007 Meeting


Comr. Stephens – Spelling corrections.


Comr. Routhier – Statement correction.


Comr. Stephens- moved to approve minutes. Comr Garcia seconded.

Minutes approved unanimously with corrections.


  1. Chairperson’s report and opening remarks


Comr. Routhier –Talked about the State ballot initiative concerning farm animals inCalifornia that would require that they have enough room to turn around, lay down, stretch their limbs or wings. Many people in California are in process of collecting enough  signatures for it to be placed on the ballot to be voted on in November 2008 including several Commissioners on ACWC.


Comr. Gerrie – Noticed on the back side of the petition form that it would not be effective until 2015.


Comr. Routhier – Suggests to Comr. Gerrie  to find more about why the long time to become effective for next meeting.


Comr. Brooks – Understands that several years are needed to make the necessary changes which will  require a complete overhaul of  existing facilities.


Comr. Garica – Two comments. Initiative is limited to three types of farm animals; battery caged chickens, veal cows and sows in gestation crates. Second. Speculates that the year 2015 would make it inoffensive to pass through the legislature.


4 A Public Comment


Richard Fong – Questions how the farm animal statute relates  to the 1937 Farm Act.


Comr Routhier – Recommends going to which is sponsoring this initiative.


Comr. Hemphill – The penalty  for non-compliance in the statute appears relatively  small and is unclear.


  1. Old Business


Comr. Routhier – Unable to move ahead on issue of goat enclosures due to the absence of reports from Vicki Guldbech & Bob Palacio.


Comr. Hemphill – Questions were best to put into the memorandum of understanding. Whether in the contract with the City or as a resolution. Moves to table the issue.

Motion tabled.


5 A Public Comment


Richard Fong – Question on enlarging buffalo paddock in GG Park.


6 New Business


Comr. Routhier – Requests commendation be made for Sherri Franklin for her service and accomplishments  during 6 years on the  ACWC. Has prepared a draft of commendation for commission approval.


6 A Public Comment


Ricahrd Fong – Highly recommends Sherri for her service. Questions whether commendation be through ACWC or the Board of Supervisors.


6 New Business


Comr. Routhier- Makes a motion for the commendation of Sherri Franklins’ service.

Seconded by Comr Brooks. Passed unanimously.


7 Calendar Items


Comr. Stephens –  Concern about binder used on granite by Rec &  Park on Upper Noe Park . Binder is called “polipave” which is not designed for dogs. Requests issue be on the agenda for next meeting. Updated info on the oil spill can be found at Phone numbers for oiled birds rescue are on website.


Closing Review of Task Allotments and Next Steps


Comr. Garcia -  Comr. Gerrie agrees to do follow up and specific questions on the farm animal cruelty act. Comr. Routhier agrees to follow up on the goat enclosures.

Comr. Stephens – will bring up the poli-pave permeability  issue in dog-play areas.


Adjournment  5:59 PM