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City and County of San Francisco
Commission of Animal Control & Welfare Archived Meetings

Meeting Information

2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 

Call to Order: 5:38 p.m.


Roll Call: Present -  Commissioners Sherri Franklin; Christine Garcia; Vicky Guldbech; William Hamilton; William Herndon; Laurie Routhier-Kennedy; Richard Schulke; JR Yeager. Commissioner Mara Weiss, DVM arrived 6 p.m.



2. Public Comment


Rex Reginald - Is working on pet-friendly legislation inSan Francisco; Supervisor Ma supports his efforts to get San Francisco declared a pet-friendly city; he encourages everyone to call all the supervisors to this end.


Robert Nunn - Supports a resolution for pet-friendly legislation.



3. Approval of Draft Minutes from the May 11, 2006 Meeting: Commissioner Yeager did not have time to do the minutes; approval was postponed until the July 13 meeting.



4. Chairperson©ˆs report and opening remarks 


a. Commissioner Routhier-Kennedy formally welcomed new Commissioner Christine Garcia to the Commission and invited her to introduce herself, which she did.


b. Commissioner Schulke Is attempting to negotiate with Supervisor Peskin's office to get a budget for the Commission that would allow a part-time city employee to record the minutes and other needs; Commission meetings may also some day be broadcast.


c. Although the Commission's work focuses on the great variety of animals in San Francisco, some members of the public raised an issue at the Board of Supervisors Rules Committee meeting that the Commission is not giving enough attention to nondomestic animals. However, of the 18 most recent major issues considered by the Commission, eight concerned nondomestic animals, including wildlife, animal experiments at UCSF, frogs, zoo animals, rabbit coursing, pigeons and Fish & Game Dept. issues.


Commissioner Franklin - The Commission deals with those issues that the public brings before it, and more people in the City have dogs and cats.


Commissioner Schulke - No representatives from the Rec & Park Dept. or the Public Health Dept. have attended Commission meetings for a long time, even though they could provide valuable feedback regarding nondomestic animal issues.


Public Comment:

Pam Hemphill - Raised concerns about the status of wildlife in San Francisco.



5. Old Business


Regarding legislation to include and protect companion animals in domestic violence cases, Commissioner Franklin requested that the item be tabled for one or two months so that she can first meet with Carl Friedman and the City Attorney.


It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to table this item.



6. New Business


Commission officer elections:


a. Chair -  Commissioner Routhier-Kennedy nominated Commissioner Schulke, who commented that offices should rotate annually. The Commission voted unanimously to elect Commissioner Schulke chair.


b. Vice Chair - Commissioner Routhier-Kennedy nominated Commissioner Franklin (seconded by Commissioner Yeager); Commissioner Schulke nominated Commissioner Hamilton (seconded by Commissioner Garcia). Commissioner Yeager protested the nomination of Commissioner Hamilton, citing his association with the Friends of San Francisco Animal Care and Control as a conflict of interest. Commissioner Schulke pointed out the many contributions of Commissioner Hamilton to the Commission during his first year of service. Commissioner Herndon pointed out that the Board of Supervisors Rules Committee would not have appointed Commissioner Hamilton to the Commission in the first place if there had been a conflict of interest. Commissioners Franklin, Routhier-Kennedy, Yeager and Weiss voted for Commissioner Franklin; Commissioners Garcia, Hamilton and Schulke voted for Commissioner Hamilton, thus electing Commissioner Franklin Vice Chair.


c. Secretary - Commissioner Hamilton nominated Commissioner Garcia (seconded by Commissioner Routhier-Kennedy). Commissioner Routhier-Kennedy explained the role of the Secretary as summarizing the minutes but not recording them verbatim. Commissioner Yeager offered to help Commissioner Garcia if elected. Commissioner Garcia said she would be delighted to serve as Secretary. The Commission voted unanimously to elect Commissioner Garcia Secretary.


Public Comment:

Rex Reginald - A description of who the Commissioners are needs to be made available to the public.


David Bopell - Explained the role of the Secretary for the Commission, according to Sunshine Ordinance 67.15-16, which is also described in the Administrative Code and the Appendix to the Good Government Guide. Minutes recording requirements are not as formal for the Commission as for other City agencies. The Commission may "do whatever it wants," as long as there is "a record of the proceedings."


David Bopell - Former Animal Commissioner Frederick Hobson, also known as "Miss Kitty," died on June 5, 2006.


Commissioner Yeager - There appears to be a conflict in the timing of Commission officer elections, with enacting legislation saying they are on a calendar-year basis.


Commissioner Routhier-Kennedy - The Commission Bylaws say elections are to occur immediately after new appointments, so enacting legislation needs to be reconciled with this.



7.  Closing Review of Task Allotment and Next Steps


Commissioner Franklin - Commissioner Schulke will investigate further the status of a budget for the Commission.


Commissioner Schulke requested that Commissioners send proposed agenda items to him no later than one week before each meeting.



8. Adjournment - 6:25 p.m. in honor of Commissioner Frederick Hobson