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City and County of San Francisco
Commission of Animal Control & Welfare Archived Meetings

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Mailing Address: 1390 Market Street, Room 822

San Francisco, CA 94102

Voice Mail: (415) 252-3817

MINUTES OF MEETING - September 13, 2001


(a) Chair Elissa Eckman convened the September 13, 2001 meeting of the Commission of Animal Control to order at approximately 5.35 p.m. at City Hall, Room 408, San Francisco, California.

Commissioners in attendance: Chair Elissa Eckman, Vice-Chair Cheryl Bentley, Secretary June Wilson, Catherine Tchen, Frederick Hobson, Sherri Franklin, Carl Friedman, Animal Care & Control, Sgt. Bill Herndon, S.F.P.D. Absent: Jack Breslin.

The meeting was convened at approximately 5.35 p.m. Commission Chair Eckman presided during all aspects of the meeting. All 8 Commissioners (or their lawful designates) holding valid appointments being present, the quorum requirement of Section 6 of the Commission’s "Rules and Regulations" (50% of those eligible to vote) was satisfied.


As there was no quorum at the August 9, 2001 meeting and City Attorney, Rosa Sanchez was going to check with her colleague’s about excused absences. Comm. Hobson has a note from his doctor concerning his absence of 9th August, 2001.

There was a review of notes (Public Comment) taken by Comm. Wilson.

The July 12,2001 minutes were unanimously approved.

Comm. Eckman stated that the webmaster wants only the final drafted minutes for posting in future. City Attorney, Rosa Sanchez will find out what is best to do and inform us at the next meeting.

There is still a big question about the June minutes and Comm. Wilson offered to let those concerned listen to the tape.


(a) The Chair wanted to thank Animal Care & Control and SF/SPCA and many volunteers who helped a little dog, Sara Sue. The Chair saved the dog from drowning and now she is at the Maddie Centre. She also thanked Eric Mills and SF/SPCA for saving some live fish who were being given away at a children’s camp.

(b) Funding of $10,000 for this commission is underway and should be in place soon, and the chair will seek to find a transcriptionist.


The vote was unanimous to go to 5A as Comm. Friedman, and Herndon had to go to another meeting.

(A) Discussion of possible recommendation to the Board of Supervisors regarding amending the SF Health Code to add the definition of "Guardian", and amending Section 41.12 to provide for duties of guardians. City Attorney Rosa Sanchez said that she had reviewed previous attorney’s file where he had made a draft a while back. It went to the Board of Supervisors but nothing was done about it. Elliot Katz handed out a package and urged to send a message to the new Board of Supervisors. We all voted to support "Guardian" and Comm. Franklin and Wilson will write a letter.

(B) Live animals sold at Farmer’s Markets will be discussed at the October meeting as one speaker who has knowledge of this was unable to attend this meeting.


(A) Motion to rescind the previous recommendation to the Board of Supervisors to change the name of the Commission from the Commission of Animal Control and Welfare to the Commission of Animal Welfare of the City and County of S.F. Comm. Hobson stated that this has been a long ongoing issue and that they had approved it back in July of last year with a 5 to 0 vote. Elliot Katz and Eric Mills support the name change. Comm. Bentley stated that remarks in public comment had been overwhelmingly in favor of the name change. She recalled only Comm Wilson and Dr. Cole speaking against the name change in all the times the matter had been heard before the Commission. All other speakers had supported the name change. Comm. Friedman stated that he was for the name change as he thought that was the mood of the commission and also, if there was a big animal issue on the news, the general public would get mixed up with his Department and the Commission. A vote was taken, 3 voted no, Bentley, Hobson and Tchen and 3 voted yes, Wilson, Franklin and Eckman. The vote to rescind failed. The prior recommendation stands.

(B) A veterinarian was at the meeting to observe and intends to apply to fill the vacancy.

(C) San Francisco Recreation and Park’s Department City-Wide Dog Policy Draft was discussed. Comm. Franklin and Wilson have sent letters to Rec and Park etc. in support of shared use in parks and have had no replies. The vote was unanimous that it was an emergency to make this a discussion/action item.

Laura Cavaluzzo of SF Dog Owners Group spoke at length and said that shared use was their main goal and public education next goal and they have put out a Pet Policy package of their own. Comm. Bentley would like SF Dogs to add more about the language of dogs so that people know how to protect themselves. Comm. Hobson would like SF Dogs to include pet birds in their policy.

Elliot Katz stated that the owner/guardian had been around for about 3 years and was disappointed SF Dogs hadn’t included that name in their group. He had not read the Pet Policy and has many reservations about it, but thought dogs, people and children should be separated because where the dogs play, often round worms stay in the grass.

Dr. Ron Cole stated that he disagreed to the last speaker’s statement of owner/guardian and he thought that either word should help show respect for animals. In Dolores Park since the dogs have been going to the park, people don’t see hardly anymore, drug dealing and homeless. Rec and Park recommends a hard surface for easy cleanup but Dr. Cole says that that is dangerous for big dogs.

Lisa Victorie stated that she likes her dog off leash. Parks with dogs are recreational, social and mental health benefit.

Steve Cockrel stated he thinks an alternative would be better. San Francisco’s 2500 acres of parks, Rec and Park is only recommending 18 dog play areas totaling as little as 4 acres an allocation of 8000 feet, per DPA. By comparison, Rec. and Park maintains 157 tennis courts, that’s 141 DPA’s, 95 basketball courts, 82 baseball fields which would be the equivalent of 656 dog play areas, 30 soccer fields, 145 children’s play areas, and 6 golf courses totaling 555 acres, the equivalent of 3000 dog play areas, 8 acres of shotgun ranges would be the equivalent of 4000 dog play areas.

Robin Buckley said that he works in the Health Dept, in the communicable disease dept for past 10 years. From a previous speaker’s comments, he has yet to hear of any child getting round worms from feces.

Comm. Bentley said that we have 120,000 dogs in SF and with 6 golf courses, she questioned, how many golfers do we have.

Comm. Tchen was concerned that the general public doesn’t realize how much the dog people clean up, not only after their dogs, but also pick up needles etc.

Comm. Hobson and Franklin will write a letter of support to Rec. and Park. It was a unanimous vote.

(D) A unanimous vote was taken that the agenda for each meeting of the commission be reviewed by the City Attorney to determine compliance with the Brown Act and Sunshine Ordinance and the written wishes of the maker of the motion, prior to the agenda being published and officially noticed to the public.

Dr. Cole expressed concern regarding the importance of complying with the 72 hour agenda notice. The Chair stated that the 72 hour requirement has been met with only one exception which was due to a computer problem. Comm. Hobson said that the items for the agenda must be in to the Chair, 8 days beforehand.


1). Live Animal Market (Kuehl Bill). Still in city attorney’s office

2). Removal of trees. Still no word

3). Elimination of fares for animals travelling on MUNI. No news yet.

4). UCSF lack of cooperation about animal testing. Nothing has happened yet.

5). Dog license fees was put off to next month.


a. Crime stoppers posters

Comm. Franklin stated that the posters should be ready any day now and that KCBS interviewed her by phone on a very positive note.

b. Fur Ban

Comm. Franklin said that the city attorney has the first draft and will go on the March ballot if everything goes according to plan. They have 3 supervisors and need a 4th. Many supervisors wanted to see the draft before they endorsed it.

c. Review of API draft pamphlet

The veterinarian has left API but will be in touch with us.

d. Letter thanking the finance Committee and Supervisor Peskin for funding

Chair Eckman will write a thank you letter

e. Regarding dog license fee increase.

No news yet.

Comm Hobson commented on AB161 and that it was now on the Governer’s desk. Also he has letters from the Rent Board, SF Health Plan and Drug Abuse Advisory Board, all attesting to his good attendance and good work.


Elliot Katz echoed the sentiments of Comm. Tchen and Bentley and complimented us on a nice meeting.

Eric Mills gave a report on roto ducks, he went to the Fish and Game Commission. There were about 350 angry fishermen there complaining about commercial and recreational fishing being closed down. The wardens in the East Bay cannot go out to check on the live animal markets because they are so understaffed. Then the Commissioners voted 3 to 0 to allow these roto ducks decoys. There is great opposition from the hunters themselves.

Lisa Victorie said that she worked for GGNRA for many years and this dog business has been brewing for 5 to 7 years.

Christine Garcia thought it was a good idea to have a lot of diversity and she was concerned about keeping the horses in Golden Gate Park.

Steve Cockrel said that SF golf courses are played on an average of 750 people per day year round. In SF, an 18 hole golf course averages about 200 people per day, and is about 150 acres of space and that’s about 3/4 of an acre per person, also from RPD, half of those people are non-residents of SF, so that means each of our SF golfers gets about an acre and a half to use per day. By comparison, the suggested dog play areas have 8000 square feet with a recommended capacity of 20 dogs and their guardians approx. the size of a tennis court. Sharp Park golf course in Pacifica own a 1/2 mile of beach which is SF owned. They have recommended this beach for off-leash use. Recently the city of Pacifica has been giving out $136 tickets to dogs off-leash. We also have 80 acres of archery range in Pacifica


Comm. Hobson would like to calendar a discussion of animal testing of cosmetics to include Proctor and Gamble.

Comm. Franklin wants to find out what is happening at the stables in Golden Gate Park

Chair Eckman wants to look into distress call requirements at ACC

Comm. Bentley wants public comment at the beginning and end of the meeting.


The meeting was adjourned at 7.50p.m., motion by Comm. Franklin, seconded by Comm. Bentley.

Dated: 22nd September, 2001 ________________________

Amended: 14th October, 2001 June P. Wilson, Secretary