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City and County of San Francisco
Commission of Animal Control & Welfare Archived Meetings

Meeting Information

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February 29, 2008

5:36 PM


1. Call to order and Roll Call


Present, Commissioners: Sally Stephens, Laurie Kennedy-Routhier, Andrea Brooks, Pam Hemphill, Philip Gerrie, Bob Palacio – SF Rec. & Park.


Absent, Commissioners William Herndon – SF Police, Christine Garcia, Vicky Guldbech – ACC, Mara Weiss – DVM


2. San Francisco Zoo, Special meeting Agenda


Discussion of animal welfare issues at the SF Zoo, including concerns about the conditions under which animals are being kept, what is in the best interest of the Zoo’s animals, and the kind of zoo San Franciscans want.


Comr. Stephens – Invited representatives from the Zoo  to come speak. None have come tonight. Speakers who did come are Deniz Bolbol and Dr. Elliot Katz.


Deniz Bolbol – Citizens for Cruelty Entertainment – Presents short video. Animals in video; Flamingoes unable to fly due to half of wing being cut. Equivalent to cutting a leg off of a four-legged mammal. Black Rhinoceros – shows stereotypic behavior. Animal problems due to lack of proper management and oversite. Management places emphasis on amenities for people.  Mutilated flamingoes are in front of café. Zoo Master Plan shows continued disregard for animal welfare. Animal welfare issues brought to the  Joint Zoo Committee are not addressed based on personal attendance at many meetings. Same response when brought to Rec & Park meetings, who are responsible for Zoo animals. American Sanctuary Association has been contacted about bringing in rescue animals  in need to SF Zoo. Cites Folsom City Zoo as an example of a well run rescue zoo.


Comr. Routhier – What arguments do zoos give against rescuing animals?


Deniz Bolbol –  Some zoos focus on breeding programs that need to establish lineage of breeders. Rescue animals can not be a part of that being of unknown background and possible a mixed breed. The SSP, Species Survival Plan, argues that they are keeping endangered species alive. That program could be grandfathered in. Right now that includes 10 species. If all other animals that come in could be rescue would be ideal.  Rescued animals would not be used for breeding.


Dr. Elliot Katz – Thanks Commission for past work concerning elephants at the Zoo. Encourages Supervisor level Zoo hearings so that Zoo officials will  come.


Comr. Stephens – Zoo officials were invited but were unable to come.


2 Public comment


Eric Brooks – SF Green Party – Party proposes change to regional wildlife rescue and habitat restoration center. Considers way to create funding  using virtual technology, a natural history museum, and marine component. Would like an emergency response to handle local and regional animals emergency concerns. Large mega fauna need to be sent to a sanctuary as soon as possible.


Mark Ennis – Feels current Zoo management not interested in animal welfare overall. Visitors allowed too close to many animals.


Justin Barker – Citizens Lobbying  for Animals in Zoos – Concerned about mismanagement currently at SF Zoo. Supports change to rescue zoo and putting animal welfare first. Media attention on rescuing animals would be beneficial for SF.


Coco Ha – Animals treated as prisoners. Supports rescue zoo.


Anna Aliolis – Feels welfare of animals not considered. Blames Zoo Director.


Douglas – Supports previous speakers and only rescued animals  be in the Zoo.


Nidi Singh – Wants SF to be a leader in animal welfare. Supports Zoo as rescue center.

Zoo as  it is, is discredited . Mismanagement continues with more preventable zoo animals deaths. Wants animal welfare oversight body appointed.


Pat Covello – Past member of Zoological Society. Became critical of zoo and had wanted to shut it down. Now supports conversion to rescue zoo.


Wendy Bean – Noticed zoo animals looking unhealthy and sad. Supports a sanctuary be created soon.


Susan Ferrano – SF native. Bond money misspent. Citizens wanted money to be spent of zoo animals. Supports zoo rescue center.



Dr. Elliot Katz – Rescue center would create warm feelings in the public. Would promote compassion & caring in children. Animals just shells of what they could be. Currently does not create caring in public.


2 Commissioners Discussion


Comr. Stephens – Disturbed by Zoo Master Plan 2007. Focusing on, non-animal concerns; botanical gardens, nature trails, and improving human amenities. Concerned by 2000 Performance Audit prepared for Board of Supervisors. Mentions sub-standard conditions of polar bears not included in 2004 Master plan. Polar bears continue in same condition 8 years later.

Comr. Brooks – Visited Zoo  recently. Upset by current conditions but excited by Commissions’ roll in making change soon. Supports taking care of existing animals before bringing in new animals.


Comr. Routhier – Specific items in Performance Audit of 2000 cited as needing improvement have not happened 8 years later. Dissatisfied with current management. Supports new Zoo Oversight body to be accountable to promises made. Recommends that letter to Supervisors support holding hearings to make animal welfare a priority, form an independent Zoo Oversight body , and  creating a rescue zoo.


Comr. Gerrie – Moved & saddened by recent visits to Zoo. Observed animals as well as human visitors interaction. Giraffes, in particular, showed signs  of extreme stress. Many species pace back and forth as if sentenced to prison. Wants remedial action soon. Supports letter to Supervisors.


Comr. Brooks – Rescue zoo would add educational aspect and foster compassion.


Comr. Hemphill – Current enclosures are too small. Animal education currently comes through video of animals in their habitat versus zoos. Wants to move quickly for recommendation.


Comr. Brooks – Draft recommendation prepared by Comrs. Stephens, Routhier, and Brooks. Problems and possible solutions are outlined in draft.


Comr. Palacio – Rec & Park supports concern for animal welfare. Peer Review  Panel already meeting to look into zoo issues. Rec & Park actively meeting with zoo officials to address operational issues at the zoo. Also Joint Zoo Committee will meet to listen to animal welfare concerns.


Comr. Routhier – Do you know what is coming up in the Peer Review Panel? I understand they are mainly meeting about safety concerns for the public. Zoo related panels and committees have a long history of not addressing animal welfare issues as a priority.


Comr. Palacio –  There are people on those committees that will look at animal welfare issues closely.


Comr. Stephens – Cites statement by Oakland Zoo director Joel Parrott that increasing well being of animals will drive attendance up. People respond to normal animal behavior versus stereotypical behavior. Zoo audit from 2000 quotes zookeepers unable to spend time with animals for enrichment. Encouraged by recent rescued grizzly exhibit as an example of what zoo could do.


Comr. Hemphill – Grizzlies are still very young. When they get older the enclosure will not be adequate.


Comr. Routhier – Wants to plan for specific recommendations for next regular ACWC meeting in two weeks.( Comrs. Brooks, Stephens, and Routhier  agree to work together on draft recommendations.)  Objective should be to encourage Supervisors to hold hearings.  Specifics on what is needed to change at the zoo should be left to Supervisors after hearings are held.


Comr. Gerrie –Should, and can, draft recommendations be discussed now?


Comr. Stephens – We can briefly discuss general  items we want in the document. We should give more to the Supervisors a document outlining the problem. We should also give possible solutions to zoo problems.


Comr. Routhier – We should recommend items for action and background information of why.


Comr .Stephens – We should include points of justification such as the Zoo Master Plan and what has or has not been done in  it  - the lack of oversight in the current Joint Zoo Committee. If the Zoological Society  cannot attend our next meeting, we could send the  five or ten questions that we would like them to answer. Such as how many acres does the zoo have?


Comr. Gerrie – We have twice  invited the head of the zoo and the head of the Zoological Society to attend our meetings. No one from or representing the zoo has appeared.  Mr. Mollinedo was supposed to have sent a letter to our commission but we haven’t received anything from his office. Therefore we haven’t heard  a different point of view about this issue. They have been conspicuous by their absence.


Comr. Brooks – We’ll continue to work on the draft  to get it ready before the next meeting keeping in mind to follow the Sunshine  Ordinance.


Adjournment 7:15 PM


Respectfully submitted by

Philip Gerrie

Commission Secretary