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City and County of San Francisco
Commission of Animal Control & Welfare Archived Meetings

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Minutes from October 13, 2006




I.      Call to Order & Roll Call by Chair Richard Schulke


Present:  Commissioners Sherri Franklin, William Hamilton, Christine Garcia, Sgt. Herndon and Capt. Goldbeck

Absent:  Commissioner Richard Schulke (out of town), Mara Weiss (sister having baby), DVM, Laurie Routhier-Kennedy (previous engagement), Sherri Franklin, JR Yeager (stuck in traffic on other side of bridge)


II.  Public Comment


Richard Fong discussed newspaper reportings on the Sars scare and the animals that are live in Chinatown for food consumption.  He questioned what the commission is going to do about the respiratory problems that Sars may bring since he notices the amphibians, such as tutles, and birds poorly maintained in the Chinatown.


III.          Approval/Comments of Draft Minutes


Moved to next month.


IV.            Chairpersons Report and Opening Remarks

A.  Pet Pride Day is Coming Up on October 29, 2006


It’s a fundraiser for animal care and control.


B.  Two RhesusMonkeys


Female vet at UCSF managed to get two of the Rhesus monkeys out of USCF and into a sanctuary.  Bob O’Brian knows more.  There may also be a third Rhesus monkey going to a sanctuary.


  1. Governor Schwarzenegger signed the Anti-Tethering Bill


State of California outlawed the tethering of an animal for more than 3 hours.  SB1578

V.  Commissioners’ Reports – Discussion Only Item (No Quorum)

Commissioner Hamilton

A.  Report re: Communications with Director of ACC on whether a formal Animal Welfare Program at ACC Should be Formally Recognized and Funded

Tabled until next month because a Quorum is preferred to discuss this item.

VI.            Old Business

Commissioner Garcia


A.  “Helping Hands for Animals” new Ordinance


Comr. Garcia is working with City Attorney Rebecca Katz and the District Attorneys (DA’s) Office. 


Comr. Hamilton asked if there would be a representative from the DA’s or City Attorney’s office at the next meeting and asked what the process would be like.


Comr. Garcia shared what she learned from City Atty Katz, who stated that the Commission needed to sign the resolution, then the attorney assigned to the ordinance would be in contact with me for drafting.


Comr. Franklin recommended sending this Draft of the resolution to the Commission so they may review it.


Comr. Garcia explained that Attachment 1 (PDF)    to the previously handed out Ordinance is the same language of the resolution for the Commission to sign, except the Commission Chair is in place of the Bd. Of Sup. signature


Comr. Hamilton suggested adding a link to the Draft of the Helping Hands for Animals Ordinance.


Public Comment:  Richard Fong asked a question about enforcement and citizen’s arrest.

Comr. Garcia explained that the process would be the same regarding reporting incidents.

Dr. Ron Cole expressed his concern about deciphering legitimate concerns because of personal gripes.

Comr. Garcia explained that the standards of proof remains the same for these crimes.  (i.e. A private attorney would still have to prove something beyond a reasonable doubt.)

Capt. Goldbeck shared her concern about the due process of the suspects.  What would happen if the DA discharges the animal cruelty crime?


Comr. Garcia noted that more language to account for these nuances can be added (for example the initial ticket written on site, versus the actual open formal case charging the suspect with animal cruelty in Court)

Comr. Franklin and Capt. Goldbeck suggested meeting with the District Attorney to help with this language.  Capt. Goldbeck suggested that the DA charge the crime and then a private attorney take them because the DA often doesn’t have the manpower to take care of all the cases that comes before it.

Commissioner Franklin


B. Letterhead and Logo
Brief discussion about logo, letterhead, envelopes, what the room number is and whether we should be adding a website to the letterhead.
Comr. Hamilton asked when the letterhead would be used.
Comr. Franklin and Garcia explained that we could use the letterhead for legislation between the Board of Supervisors and other contacts necessary to get legislation passed, as well as invitations to invite people to meetings.

VII.    Public Comment


VIII.  Closing Review of Task Allotment and Calendar Items

A.        Comr. Hamilton’s Agenda Item will be put on next month’s calendar.


B.         Comr. Garcia’s Agenda Items will be put on next month’s calendar.

IX.      Non-Adjournment

Comr. Hamilton moved to adjourn the meeting.  Comr. Garcia seconded.  There was no Quorum, but Comr. Franklin allowed us to go home anyway.



If you have any questions/comments about the minutes, please e-mail [email protected]