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Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 17, 2004

City Hall
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place (Polk Street)


The meeting was called to order at 6:25 PM

1. Roll Call/Attendance:

    Present - Andrew Thornley (District 1), Dianna Waggoner (District 3), Janice Buike Voorsluys (District 4), Bridget May (District 5), Francisco Hernandez (District 9), Rufus Davis, Jr.(District 10), Casey Allen (District 11) 

Excused - Dale Butler (District 6), Lionel Shaw (District 2)

Absent - Jerry Ervin (District 8)

2. Announcements:

    · Will Henning has resigned from his District 7 seat

    · Election of new officers will be held at the December 15, 2004 meeting

3. Approval of minutes of September 15, 2004 meeting (6:27) 

4. Public Comment: none

5. Chairman's Report:

      · In October Attended California Bicycle Advisory Committee in Sacramento, sponsored by CalTrans

      · Attended the California Bike Coalition annual meeting

      · Attended the MTA Board meeting, where they approved the policy portion of the San Francisco Bike Plan Update. It is now in the hands of the Planning Department

      · To clarify - the BPU Oversight committee - the bike network document is separate, the policy is considered "the" 2004 Bike Plan Update to be approved by the Board of Supervisors

      · Attended a Potrero Avenue meeting with representatives form DPT, MUNI, and the SFBC to discuss change in the lane configurations to the proposal

6. Member Reports:

Rufus Davis, Jr. (District 10)

      · The SFBC outreach to children in District 10 has been very positive, with more children wearing helmets and riding in the street

      · A Bike Safety Fair was held on 11/6/04.

      · Sharrows have been painted on Oakdale Ave

      · A bike lane has been striped southbound on Bayshore Blvd. starting at 3rd Street

Casey Allen (District 11)

      · Attended a meeting regarding use Prop. K funds

      · There is an ongoing bike education program being put on by the SFBC

Francisco Hernandez (District 9)

      · As members of Regional Bike Plan Subcommittee (MTC), Mr. Hernandez and Ms. Waggoner attended a meeting where they we asked to rank eight projects slated to receive federal money The emphasis of the RPB is to encourage mode of transportation changes for environmental reasons

Bridget May (District 5)

      · The SFBC and SFWALK have been organizing crossing guards to help bikes and pedestrians crossing at Fell and Masonic, where there is danger from cars turning off of Fell

      · A bike race was held in Golden Gate Park on 11/14/04

Dianna Waggoner (District 3)

      · See F. Hernandez report on RBPS. All members agreed on the best way to rank the eight projects.

      · Rode on new Polk St. Sharrows

      · Ms. Waggoner's beloved bicycle was stolen

      · Has ideas about Broadway tunnel improvements and the Embarcadero to be discussed during DPT report

      Janice Voorsluys (District 4)

      · Moved within District 4 from the Parkside to Outer Sunset

7. Old Business (7:15) Rachel Hiatt and Tilly Chang

    Level of Service Technical Working Group - update on SFCTA environmental review planning reform effort

      · Working on six-month progress report to the Plans & Programs Committee due in Jan/Feb 2005

      · The Transportation Authority has been invited to a panel at the National Planning Association LOS Conference in March 2005

      · Two meetings of the TWG have occurred

        o 1st Priority set: how to make current definitions more consistent with the Transit First and Livable City Policies

        o 2nd step will be make alternative definitions of LOS

        • Can significant impact threshold be changed?

        • Parking impacts as social vs. environmental

        • Make a level beyond F

        o Other concepts discussed

        • Remove impact analysis, since it is inexact

            - Charge a "transit impact development fee" on new developments

            - Priority travel network to be developed with those funds

        • Keep impact analysis, but base it on number of person delay versus number of auto delay

      · The scope of use of Prop. K monies was clarified

8. Department of Parking and Traffic Report (7:44) Mike Sallaberry

      · The DPT distributed a report to the BAC with recommended actions and information items

      · The following items were discussed:

      o A. Thornley was pleased to see Conservatory contraflow lane. Park & Rec. supportive of idea according to M. Sallaberry

      o Embarcadero to be discussed under New Business

      o Laguna Honda Boulevard new lane configuration helps cyclists as well as motorists. C. Allen suggests that crosswalks be installed at Laguna Honda and Clarendon. M. Sallaberry reported that, in fact, traffic lights will be installed approximately a year from now.

      o Bike Parking at CalTrain Bikestation at 4th & Townsend is on hold. Member of the public, Bert Hill, reported that the bids have been rejected because the cost has risen from an estimated $400K to $1.1M due to seismic concerns, and other construction concerns

      o Broadway Tunnel - D. Waggoner recommends that a high-tech solution, such as lights are not needed. Instead it should be legal for bikes to be on the sidewalks, provided that glass is cleaned off. Her experience is that there is plenty of room for a cyclist and pedestrian to share the sidewalk

      o Alemany Boulevard - In response to a question from C. Allen, M. Sallaberry reported that DPT has received money for one section (San Jose Ave and Lyell Street), and has applied for a grant for the Northeastern section

      o Caltrans has yet to respond to DPT regarding the right-of-way at Glen Park BART

      o In response to a question from B. May, M. Sallaberry clarified that the San Jose/Guerrero project will cover from Randall to C. Chavez

      o Fell & Masonic Intersection - M. Sallabery stated that improvements will be made by the end of December, in the form of advance lights for bikes and pedestrians. He also clarified that although Plan "A" is being carried out, it does not precluded Plan "B" or "C" from being implemented in the future. Public comment was made by Elmer Tosta, intern at the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition

9. New Business (8:05)

    A. Shared Lane markings (Sharrows)

    · M. Sallaberry reported that money is available for 1,000 Sharrows, they have installed 100 so far in order to get feedback

    · 2,500 will be painted by December 2005 to cover about 60 miles of roadway. There was discussion about their placement on the pavement

    · The placement criteria is based on:

      - 11' from curb, 12' if a fast downhill (measured from center of arrow to the curb)

      - Placed 250' apart, which averages to about three per block

      - Generally not placed on streets slated to receive bike lanes, i.e. Market Street

      - Currently only on Bike Network streets

    · M. Sallaberry is working with the paint shop on tweaking placement of Sharrows, such as not right next to a manhole cover

    · Several BAC members stated that both cyclists and motorists need to be educated about what Sharrows really mean

    · It was agreed that the "Bicycles Allowed Full Use of Lane" signs are effective. Perhaps they could be placed better

    · C. Allen suggested a form of Sharrow could be installed to show the way to public bike parking in buildings

    · The following resolution was adopted (M/Allen, S/Hernandez, Carried Unanimously) 8:18:

      The BAC supports the DPT Bike Program's effort to extend "Sharrow" shared-lane markings on appropriate routes throughout San Francisco, and endorses DPT's application for funding from Federal TEA sources.

    B. Citywide Bike Network projects

    · The following resolution was adopted (M/Allen, S/Hernandez, Carried Unanimously):

      The BAC supports and endorses the DPT Bike Program's funding applications to the MTC Regional Bike/Ped Program for bicycle route improvements to Townsend Street (4th to 8th Streets), Alemany Boulevard (Lyell Street to Bayshore Boulevard), and Cesar Chavez Street (between Kansas and Mississippi Streets).

    C. Golden Gate Park - JFK Drive bike lanes

    · The following resolution was adopted (M/Allen, S/May, Carried Unanimously):

      The BAC supports and endorses the Golden Gate Park Concourse Authority's funding applications to the MTC Regional Bike/Ped Program for bicycle route improvements to JFK Boulevard.

    D. Embarcadero Sidewalk right-of-way - Port of SF proposal to ban bikes from Embarcadero pathway

    · Discussion - in the past the sidewalk was shared by bicycles and pedestrians. Now that a bike lane has been installed the Port feels that bikes should not be allowed on the sidewalk. However, several members recognize that slower riders, especially tourists, would be more comfortable on the sidewalk due to the dense traffic

    · The following resolution was adopted (M/Voorsluys, S/Allen, Carried Unanimously):

      The BAC requests that the Port of SF make full and balanced consideration for continued limited bicycle use of the Embarcadero Promenade walkway as policy for that right-of-way is re-evaluated, with allowance for the safety and convenience of all modes and types of user. The BAC recommends that multiuse designation, informational signage, pavement marking, and other mechanisms be fully explored among all stakeholders and interested parties before a final policy decision is made.

    E. Potrero Avenue project - DPT Livable Neighborhoods proposal

      · Members reviewed schematics of the proposed changes to the traffic lanes on Potrero Ave. They had changed since the first community meeting due to concerns from MUNI about passing cyclists

      · The following resolution was adopted (M/Allen, S/May, Carried Unanimously):

      The BAC supports and endorses the program of traffic calming improvements proposed by DPT's Livable Streets program for Potrero Avenue between 25th and 17th Streets.

      Furthermore, the BAC supports and endorses a trial of the lane design configuration proposed by DPT's Livable Streets program, placing a northbound dedicated transit lane at the curb and a bike lane (as wide as possible) to the left of that transit lane

    F. SFBAC Report to the Supervisors - draft and present one-year summary SFBAC report to the Board of Supervisors

      · This item was continued to the next meeting

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM

Materials distributed:

Minutes of September 15, 2004 BAC meeting

DPT Bicycle Program Report dated 11/17/04