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Meeting Information

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Regular Meeting

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place (Polk Street), Room 408


The meeting was called to order at 6:25 pm

1. Roll Call/Attendance:

Present: Andrew Thornley (District 1), Dianna Waggoner (District 3), Janice Buike Voorsluys (District 4), Bridget May (District 5), Will Henning (District 7), Jerry Ervin (District 8), Cynthia Powell (District 9)

Note: Casey Allen (District 11) arrived 6:33

Excused: Dale Butler (District 6), Rufus Davis, Jr. (District 10)

2. The minutes of November 19, 2003 meeting were approved at 6:26

3. New Business - 6:28 pm

a. LOS (Level of Service) SAR

· Chairman Thornley gave an overview of the issue of LOS for autos versus other modes of transportation.

· Status report from Tilly Chang, Manager of Planning for the San Francisco Transportation Authority on the SAR.

· Bill Wycko of the San Francisco Planning Department explained that all City projects go through the Planning Department, which, among other things, interprets CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) guidelines.

· Tilly Chang clarified that CEQA allows local jurisdictions to define the most important measures and their levels of significance, and that other counties are doing so.

· Bill Wycko answered questions from the Committee and offered to come to a future strategy session.

· Josh Hart, Program Director of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition reported that the SFBC is pleased that the SAR was approved. He pointed out that the SAR mentions that the Transportation Authority involve the BAC, The Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee, and the MTA Citizen's Advisory Committee in the LOS process.

· Oliver Gajda of the Department of Parking of Traffic Bicycle Program distributed a Project Impetus handout.

· Public comment from Victor Veysey: he emphasized that LOS standards for bicyclists measure the bicycle rider's experience, which should go beyond safety and access.

· Public comment from Pi Ra, Chair of the San Francisco Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee: he reported that Walk SF and other groups and counties have done their own LOS studies and that work needs to continue.

· Tilly Chang reported that the next steps are a report back from the SAR Working Committee at six and twelve months.

b. Bike Plan Update

· Chairman Thornley reported that he attend two meetings looking at the first twenty projects including Laguna Honda, SF State Access, and Portola. Community outreach will be held soon for public input.

· The BPU core document is still in progress.

· The DPT will aid the BAC in drafting a resolution to the Board of Supervisors in support of the Bike Plan Update and aid to get it on the Board's agenda. Chairman Thornley will contact DPT to get the templates.

· Public comment: Victor Veysey encouraged BAC members to do outreach in their neighborhoods, and highlighted the need for safety on the road and security for parked bicycles within an integrated bike network.

· Public comment: Josh Hart, Program Director of the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition urged the BAC to be involved with the LOS SAR technical committee as it bears on the BPU and perhaps the BAC hold a joint meeting with the Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee and MTA CAC.

c. BAC website updates

· It was acknowledged that there is still outdated information to be updated in the New Year. Chairman Thornley to forward suggestions made by Jerry Ervin to all members.

· It was suggested that the BAC website address should be listed on any documents issued by the BAC once the updates are made.

d. DPT bike lane grant application - letter of support

· Oliver Gajda of the DPT Bicycle Program handed out a copy of a recent grant application and the grant schedule.

· The motion was made by Casey Allen and seconded by Cynthia Powell that Chairman Thornley write a letter of support from the BAC in support of the grant application recently submitted by Peter Tannen of the Department of Parking and Traffic. The motion passed unanimously.

4. Member Reports

· Dianna Waggoner (District 3) reported that in her research about MUNI's policy on allowing bicycles on Light Rail Vehicles she found that other cities allow access during off-peak hours. She will work with an intern at DPT who is studying the same issue and is going to work with Joe Speaks of MUNI in January.

5. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40pm