Meetings - January 22, 2015 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
January 22, 2015 (All day)
JUS.T.I.S Governance Council
Meeting Minutes

January 22, 2015

Start of Meeting: 9:31 a.m.

Departments Present: Adult Probation; District Attorney; Police; Public Defender; Sheriff; Superior Court; City Administrator

Absent: Emergency Management; Juvenile Probation; Department on the Status of Women

Minutes from Prior Meeting: Minutes from the meetings held on October 23, 2014 and December 4, 2014 were approved.

Executive Sponsor’s Update:

- The City Administrator’s Office introduced the new staff member who has been selected for the 1824 position. He starts on February 2, 2015. JUSTIS is now fully staffed.
- The City Administrator shared a draft budget and JUSTIS project organizational chart.
- New World Systems (NWS) has signed a new five-year maintenance agreement that will save approximately $500,000 over this time period.
- The District Attorney’s Office suggested that the Council examine the possibility of moving departmental Case Management Systems costs into the JUSTIS budget.
- The Mayor’s Office suggested that in the future the relationship between JUSTIS and COIT be examined.

Technical Steering Committee’s Update:

- Given as part of the HUB Activity report.

Case Management System Updates:

HUB Activity:

- JUSTIS is deploying the Proposition 47 updates and will be reaching out to departments to update the statute attributes.
- JUSTIS is working on the bi-directional connection to the DA CMS.
- JUSTIS is meeting with the departments on the definitions of domestic violence.
- JUSTIS is working with the Sheriff’s Department to get New World Systems to update JMS.

JUSTIS Infrastructure:

- JUSTIS is examining options for moving servers from the 5th floor of 200 Paul St. to either the 1st floor of 200 Paul St. or 1011 Turk St.

Department on the Status of Women:

- None.

District Attorney:

- MOUs have been signed.

Public Defender:

- The Public Defender test migration was moved from last weekend to this coming weekend.

Police Department: 

- The Crime Data Warehouse development and production teams, previously under separate management, are now headed by the same project manager.
- SFPD will re-prioritize tasks with the Oracle team for production implementation.
- SFPD has the MOU paperwork from DA regarding data sharing.

Sheriff Department:

- New World Systems (NWS) was not able to resolve the Citrix issue which prevented Sheriff’s software upgrade and patches for a year. JUSTIS will set up a new environment for this testing.

Adult Probation:

- For the SRF interface, the project manager is now dedicated to operational and IT implementation.
- No updates on the Case Management System.

Superior Court:

- The Superior Court will start the criminal module development discussion with JUSTIS in November.

New Business:

- None.

End of Meeting: 10:36 a.m.