Meetings - May 21, 2019 - Minutes
JUSTIS Council Meeting
Minutes from May 21, 2019
City Hall, Room 201
Present: City Administrator, Sheriff, District Attorney, Public Defender, Adult Probation, Status of Women, Superior Court, Emergency Management, Mayor’s Office, City CIO; Office of Justice Technology and 1 member of the public.Â
(Absent: Police, Juvenile Probation)
Meeting called to order at 9:40 a.m.
Adoption of agenda and meeting minutes from April 9th.
General Update:
JUSTIS meeting schedule and JUSTIS web site for meeting notes
JUSTIS funding for FY 19/20. COIT approved CMS decommissioning request for $2,950,000 and JUSTIS governance work for $400,000. The workplan for these projects will follow the JUSTIS roadmap.
CMS Decommissioning Update:Â
Departmental staffing needs to assist with the query and report analysis for CMS was outlined. List of critical reports (MIRs) is needed from each Department. Controlling the creation of new reports will enable the IBM team to focus on the migration work. JUSTIS Team will develop guidelines for how to manage new MIR report requests.
JUSTIS team is researching IBM toolsets and vendors that can lessen the burden on the departments: tools to document calculations, business logic in CABLE 3, specialize CABLE 3/CMS; data elements, MIR’s (management information reports), screen data that are calculated on demand.Â
Work has started on converting an MIR to PowerBI. Examples done in Power BI: DA NOT-IN-TABLE statutes. To include date range option. JUSTIS is investing in training staff on Power BI to reduce the ask for departments to allocate staff.
JUSTIS Roadmap Status:
Review of Roadmap schedule and upcoming contracting to supplement resources.
Council approved putting Gartner documents on the JUSTIS web site.
Advisory Boards:Â
Discussed proposed committees, including mid-management as well as technical resources, and voting and non-voting members. Advisory Committees will evaluate focused discussion and raise up recommendations for action to the JUSTIS Council executives. JUSTIS Team to distribute committee organization and recommendations.   Â
New Business:Â
Discussion on how JUSTIS gets project funded through COIT. JUSTIS is general fund. Discussion about cost sharing moving forward. Concern about JUSTIS expansion funding budget next year. JUSTIS member departments to coordinate funding requests to the Mayor’s Office and Board of Supervisors.
Meeting Adjournment 11:29 a.m.