Citizens Advisory Committee for the Central Market and Tenderloin Area - October 6, 2016 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
October 6, 2016 - 5:45pm
City Hall, Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

October 6, 2016
5:45 pm
City Hall 1 Dr Carlton B Goodlett Place, Room 416

*Note: Meeting started without a quorum of the committee. Meeting had quorum at 6:45PM and the minutes reflect time of quorum.

Order of Business

  1. Call to Order/Roll Call

Members Present:
Rob Gitin (Chair, Seat 8)
Stephen Tennis (Vice Chair, Seat 11)
Peter Masiak, Chair (Seat 2)
Brad Paul (Seat 5)
Sam Dennison (Seat 6)
Antoinetta Stadlman (Seat 10)

Members Absent:
Vacant (Seat 1)
Vacant (Seat 3)
Vacant (Seat 4)
Julian Dash (Seat 7)
Vacant (Seat 9)

  1. Approval of Minutes [Action] – December 3, 2015
    Minutes 6-0
  2. Approval of Excused Absences December 3, 2015
    None excused  
  3. CAO Update
    1. Since the last meeting Jack Gallagher has taken over as the representative of City Administrator’s Office.
    2. Jack Gallagher reported on the following items:
      1. Currently there are four vacancies on the committee. All seats are by appointment of the District 6 Supervisor.
        1. Seat 1: Must be a representative of a low-income family who lives with his or her family in the Central Market Street and Tenderloin Area or in District 6.
        2. Seat 3: Must have expertise in job creation and/or workforce development, for a term to be determined
        3. Seat 4: Must be a senior or disabled resident of the Central Market Street and Tenderloin Area or in District 6 bounded on the southern side by 13th Street and Townsend Street.
        4. Seat 9: Must have expertise in commercial real estate and leasing within the Central Market Street and Tenderloin Area.
      2. Currently Supervisor Kim’s office is looking into legislation on either reducing the number needed for quorum or removing the requirement on seat that have been difficult to fill.
      3. The process has started for new companies to apply for a CBA and renew soon to expire CBA’s.
  4. Follow-Up on Scheduling Town Hall or Forum [Discussion]
    1. The item of a future town hall or forum was put off to the side until further consistencies of ongoing meetings takes place.
    2. For each of the company reports Chair Rob Gitin asked them to address displacement within their respective companies and if they have seen or heard of any issues.
  5. Presentation by Community Liaisons [Discussion]
    1. Due to the length of time between meetings each company was asked to give a brief synopsis of their progress since the last meeting.
    2. Twitter: Represented by Caroline Barlerin
      1. Mrs. Barlerin discussed Twitter’s on going work with many neighborhood organizations like Compass Family Services, Catholic Charities, and the Tenderloin Technology Lab at St. Anthony’s Foundation.
      2. She further addressed the advancements of the NeighborNest and its growing popularity.
    3. Spotify: Represented by Sennie Clark
      1. Mrs. Clark reported on Spotify’s continual growth with History Through Hip-Hop. Spotify has expanded their participation and internship program within the organization. Many of Spotify’s staff have connected strongly with the program.
    4. Zoosk: Represented by Adam McBain
      1. Mr. McBain announced that Pratibha Guha will be taking over as liaison to the CAC on behalf of Zoosk.
      2. In Mr. McBain’s reporting he addressed the continual relationship Episcopal Community Services. He also stated that Zoosk CEO Kelly Steckelberg has recently taken a position on the Board of Directors of ECS.
      3. The company recently started to offer monthly walking tours of the Tenderloin with Del Seymour. This has connected the company and its staff more with neighborhood.
    5. Zendesk: Represented by Megan Trotter
      1. Mrs. Trotter reported on the work Zendesk has done in the community with continued support of DeMarilac Academy, Curry Senior Center and St. Anthony’s Foundation.
      2. Zendesk has also provided on multiple occasions Del Seymour walking tours. Which have been a hit with employees who want to connect and understand the community more.
    6. Microsoft / Yammer: Represented by Jakob Rosenburg
      1. Mr. Rosenburg is representing in place of Cristina Fink who is on leave.
      2. Microsoft has continued its support Year Up and providing an additional intern and hosted a number of events for De Marillac Academy, Project Homeless Connect, and Compass Family Services.
      3. Staff at Microsoft have been working closely with Project Homeless Connect on helping connect individuals to the correct resources through technology.
  1. General Public Comment

    a. At this time, members of the public may address the Citizens Advisory Committee on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Committee but do not appear on the agenda. With respect to agenda items, the public will be given an opportunity to address the Committee when the item is reached in the meeting. Each member of the public may address the Committee for up to three minutes. The Brown Act forbids a Committee from taking action or discussing any item not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at Public Comment. In response to public comment on an item that is not on the agenda, the Committee is limited to: briefly responding to statements made or questions posed by members of the public, or requesting staff to report back on a matter at a subsequent meeting, or directing staff to place the item on a future agenda. (Government Code Section 54954.2(a).)

    Ennis Johnson:

      • Speaking on his PHD dissertation which he is currently writing. For the dissertation he hopes to conduct a panel that has two side, one for homeless non-profits and the second side for businesses in the area that connect with homeless non-profits. At the moment getting representatives from the business community has been difficult.
    1. Committee Members’ Proposed Future Agenda Items [Discussion]
      1. Discussion on displacement and housing
      2. The real needs of a non-profit
      3. Ideas from companies on what should be talked about in the future (December Meeting)
    2. Committee Members’ Comments and Announcements
      1. Chair Rob Gitin announces that At the Crossroads has moved into the Tenderloin.
    3. Next Meeting Schedule [Discussion/Action]
      1. Possible Special Meeting November 10, 2016
      2. Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting is December 8, 2016
    4. Adjournment
      1. 7:45PM