Meetings - April 23, 2015 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
April 23, 2015 (All day)
JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council

April 23, 2015 from 9:30-11:00 A.M.

City Hall, Room 288, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 9:45 a.m.
Present: District Attorney’s Office; Police Department; City Administrator’s Office; Department on the Status of Women
Absent: Department of Emergency Management; Mayor’s Office; Juvenile Probation Department; Sheriff’s Department; Department of Technology, Adult Probation Department; Public Defender’s Office; Superior Court

2. Adoption of Agenda - Action Item

No action.

3. Adoption of Meeting Minutes - Action Item

No action.

4. Executive Sponsor Update: City Administrator's Office – Discussion

The City Administrator’s Office is working on purchasing equipment for the move to 1011 Turk Street in June. JUSTIS is participating in meetings of the Hall of Justice Continuity of Operations Plan Working Group led by the Department of Emergency Management. The Decommissioning Committee met and discussed the local criminal history system and how it is used by each department. Three copies of the XML Spy software have been purchased for $2,750 to support JUSTIS Hub connection development.

5. Technical Steering Committee Update - Discussion

JUSTIS is working on supporting the DA’s business and technical analysis of the charging process. The JUSTIS team is working on the Hub upgrade to move from Oracle version 10 to version 12. The team is working on auditing for the CORI data applications. JUSTIS hosted a meeting on stay-away orders and is helping the Sheriff’s Department test the CMS connection as part of their JMS upgrade.

6. Case Management System Updates – Discussion

Department on the Status of Women
DoSW met with the City Administrator’s Office to provide information about their High Lethality Risk Team pilot project in the Bayview neighborhood, and the associated lethality risk assessment smartphone application. DoSW has reached out to the DA’s Office and community based organizations to discuss this project.

Juvenile Probation

Not present.

District Attorney

The DA’s Office is working on the business and technical analysis of the charging process. The DA’s Office has received a JWorks upgrade schedule from the vendor and will start preparing for the upgrade process to begin in December of 2015.

Public Defender

Not present.

Police Department

The Police Department has moved into the new Public Safety Building. The department was not able to launch Crime Data Warehouse Version 3 on March 14th due to a hardware problem. The issue is currently being researched by vendors and Police staff. The department is working on increasing storage for Crime Data Warehouse Version 2.

Sheriff's Department

Not present.

Adult Probation

Not present.

Superior Court

Not present.

7. New Business


8. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 10:26 a.m.