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City and County of San Francisco
Commission of Animal Control & Welfare Archived Meetings

Meeting Information

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San Francisco Commission of Animal Welfare
Minutes of August 10, 2000 Meeting

1.The meeting was called to order. A quorum was achieved.
Commissioners Present:

Richard Schulke
Elissa Eckman
Frederick Hobson
Chin Chi
Cheryl Bentley

Commissioners Absent: Catherine Tchen-Kenna

Department Representatives Present:

Carl Friedman
Jack Breslin
Sgt. Bill Herndon

*Please note there are two vacancies on the Commission: Veterinarian seat and Parks and Recreation Department seat.

  1. The meeting agenda was adopted. Minutes from the June and July meetings were presented, however, adoption was postponed to the September 14, 2000 meeting of the Commission.

  2. Commission President Richard Schulke reported background information on agenda items, and gave an update on state and federal legislative actions. Commissioner Hobson requested that time be allowed during this agenda item for other Commissioners to make brief reports as needed. The President indicated his approval. The President reported that, in future, the agenda and minutes would be mailed or faxed to the Commissioners and Department Representatives by the Friday preceding the monthly meeting. The agenda and minutes will be provided to those others who request this in the same manner as well. The Commission agenda and minutes are also posted at the government information center at the Main Library and at the Board of Supervisors. Concern was raised by Commissioner Chin Chi in regards to the new policy of calendaring items as action items rather that discussion items. Commissioner Hobson commented that the new policy was instituted as a result of his insistence. He felt that this was prudent in view of the possibility that there might be items that needed action immediately, rather than waiting an additional 30 to 60 days. Commissioner Hobson stated that if the Commission needed more discussion, it has been done with the California Quail Reintroduction Plan for Golden Gate Park. President Schulke confirmed that the City Attorney had advised that this new policy conforms with all existing law.

    4a.Quail Reintroduction Plan. The Resolution sent to the Commission by Supervisor Leslie Katz office and the Commission on the Environment was continued from the June meeting as an action item. Discussion centered again on the concern over any relocation of the feral cats in the park and the danger the feral cats pose to the few quail now living in the park. Commissioners presented passionate views, as did members of the public. Representatives of the SPCA and the Audubon Society spoke. The representatives stated that they had reached consensus that the feral cats would not be relocated from the park. The possibility of a cat-proof fence around a quail nesting site in the Arboretum was discussed and viewed favorably by some. Commissioner Hobson spoke of his conversations with SPCA, Audubon, and the Commission on the Environment and they had all agreed in principle to an amendment or condition to the Resolution’s passage before the Animal Welfare Commission. The amendment was presented to the Commission and public in written form as follows: The Board of Supervisors would create a select committee on implementing the Golden Gate Park California Quail Restoration Project and the composition of the select committee would be a representative from each of the following groups: SPCA, Audubon, Animal Welfare Commission, Environment Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission or Department, Board of Supervisors. The charge of the select committee would be to oversight the implementation of the quail project. The amendment/condition was adopted by a 3-2 vote with Commissioners Chin Chi and Eckman in opposition. The commission will forward this to the Board of Supervisors for action.

    4b.President Richard Schulke informed the Commission that California Senate Bill 1060 Bowen had been killed in committee. He offered the hope that this bill or another providing for limited prohibition of the debarking of dogs would be calendared for the next session of the state legislature.

    4c.Prohibition of Wholesale or Retail Sale of Animal Fur Products. Discussion and testimony were given on this discussion item presented by Commissioner Chin Chi. Two horrific films were shown to the Commission and public regarding the brutal killing of dogs, cats and other animals for fur, and the inhumane way in which they are housed. Information was given that California law prohibits the sale of dog or cat fur which was obtained in the state. However, this law does not prohibit the importation of fur obtained in foreign markets. The exorbitant costs of DNA testing to determine species-origin were said to be prohibitive. Members of the public spoke in unison against the sale of fur products. Commissioner Hobson offered that she was greatly offended by inappropriate comments and actions of rock musician Ted Nugent concerning animals, fur, and rape. A motion was made by Commissioner Hobson, seconded by Commissioner Bentley, and adopted unanimously that read as follows: The S.F. Commission of Animal Welfare censures, and strongly condemns the outrageous and contemptible actions and words of rock musician Ted Nugent, and calls for a boycott of any product, recordings, and concerts of this insensitive person who so callously advocates the murder of animals and trivialization of rape. Commissioner Chin Chi was roundly applauded for bringing this item to the Commission. It will be scheduled for action at the September 14, 2000 meeting.

    4b.Fort Funston Dog Walk. This discussion item was continued to the September 14, 2000 meeting. Public testimony was offered on why the dog walk should remain open and why it should be closed.

    4e.Pigeon Feeding Violation Law proposed change. Director Carl Friedman of the Department of Animal Care and Control was excused from the meeting earlier and was not present to offer information on the proposed change increasing enforcement and fines for violations of pigeon feeding prohibitions. This will be presented, discussed, and responded to at a future meeting of the Commission.

    4f.Election of Commission Officer-Secretary. The Commission has been without a secretary (Officer) since the departure of Commissioner June Wilson in April. Commissioner Hobson was nominated. There were no other nominations. Commissioner Hobson was elected Secretary by a unanimous vote.

  3. Public Testimony. Members of the public gave comment on the actions of the Commission.

  4. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted by Commissioner-Secretary F. Hobson.

Approved on: ____________________________

Signed by Secretary or Presiding Officer: __________________________