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City and County of San Francisco
Commission of Animal Control & Welfare Archived Meetings

Meeting Information

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Mailing Address: 1390 Market Street, Room 822
San Francisco, CA 94102
Voice Mail: (415) 252-3817


May 10th, 2001


    1(a). Chair Elissa Eckman convened May 10th , 2001 meeting of the Commission of Animal

Control and Welfare to order at approximately 5:35 p.m. at City Hall, Room 408, San Francisco, California.

Commissioners in attendance: Chair Elissa Eckman, Sgt. Bill Herndon S.F.P.D., Jack Breslin, S.F.D.P.H.; Carl Friedman, Animal Care & Control, June Wilson, Katherine Tchen, Cheryl Bentley, Frederick Hobson, Sherri Franklin.

    The meeting was convened at approximately 5:35 p.m. Commission Chair Eckman presided during all aspects of the meeting. All 9 Commissioners (or their lawful designates) holding valid appointments being present, the quorum requirement of Section 6 of the Commission’s "Rules and Regulations" (50% of those eligible to vote) was satisfied.


    The April 12th meeting minutes were unanimously approved at this meeting and in order to save time in future all commissioners would receive the minutes through the web site, and/or fax and mail.


    (a.) The Chair welcomed the new commissioners, Sherri Franklin and June Wilson and thanked outgoing commissioners, Richard Schulke and Chin Chi for all their good work.

    (b.) Chin Chi thanked everyone on the commission and also the general public for helping and teaching her so much for the past 3 years. She hoped that they will always be good friends and will be able to work together in the future.

    (c.) Status of letters send to the Board of Supervisors:

    (1) Comm. Bentley informed us that Supervisor Paskin has written legislation about the live animal markets and it is now at the city attorney’s office.

    (2) Comm. Friedman said that he is still working with the Mayor’s office to get extra funding for his Dept. He has managed to get 4 more people on staff. Comm Bentley did mention that the Finance committee is meeting in different districts and that it would be a good idea to attend these meetings.

    (3) Nothing has happened yet on the removal of trees

    (4) Comm. Eckman has sent a letter asking for funds for the Commission of Animal Control and Welfare and will give a report at the next meeting. Comm Bentley feels that through talking to Supervisor Paskin, this commission will get some money but how much is the question. Comm. Eckman thanked Comm Friedman for providing the commission with stationary and stamps.

    (5) A letter was sent to District Attorney Terrance Hallanan regarding a special prosecutor for crimes against animals. Comm Hobson said Terrance Hallahan is in support of it and he will have the city attorney draw up some legislation which in turn will turn it over to the Board of Supervisors. They do have a special prosecutor but not a unit.

    (6) Comm Eckman plans to write a letter yet to the Board of Supervisors regarding UCSF apparent disregard of prior Board resolution concerning care and use of laboratory animals at their SF facilities. She now has much more information on this matter and Comm Tchen will help her with more information. The letter will be sent before the next meeting.

    (7) Comm Hobson spoke with the Municipal Transport Agency about eliminating the fares for animals travelling on Muni. It will be introduced at their board meeting next week and they will take action on this either June 5th or June 19th. It also has the support of the Director.

    (8) Former commissioner Chin Chi informed us that there is a letter regarding Owner/Guardian terminology and it will be discussed at the next meeting.

Comm Eckman stated that this meeting was devoted to the change of the Rules and Regulations of this Commission and also 3 commissioners, Friedman, Beslin and Herndon had to leave at 7p.m.


    (a) Comm Herndon has been in touch with crime stoppers about the posters (dog fighting) and there is a problem with funding and he will give a report next month. Comm Wilson asked about crime stoppers and was told that it is a non-profit organization and is a joint effort between the police and the public to offer anonymous rewards up to $1000 for the arrest of a felony crime and it is nation wide. Chin Chi stated that putting up 10 posters would be $2000 to $2500. Crime stoppers support the posters and they will help but Animal Care and Control is in charge. ACC had already said that they couldn’t help because of budget problems. Comm Herndon said that he will be in touch with crime stoppers and understood that it was $50 per location and said that any number of posters is better than none. There is a lot of support for posters all over the US. Comm Friedman said that he would work with Comm Herndon to get some posters out.

    (b) Comm Hobson stated that there has been no action by the Board on the proposed name change of the commission. This item died in committee under the 30 day rule. Comm. Hobson suggested that the commissioners phone Supervisor Leno’s office to have this item re-calendared.


    (a) The City Attorney Rosa Sanchez, stated that this is a discussion only item as the posting for changes is 10 days. It’s a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors, that they approve proposed changes of Rules and Regulations to the Commission of Animal Control and Welfare. The Chair stated that the Rules and Regulations needed to be updated to make the commission more effective and clearer and in the best interests for future chairs and commissioners. Dr. Cole suggested that the first sentence of Rules and Regulations add City and County of San Francisco. Comm Friedman said that in the 1970’s when they made the Rules and Regulations and again when they amended it in 1983, it took a 2/3 vote and the old rules are still in effect, he noticed in the agenda a recommendation to the Board of Supervisors that they adopt proposed Rules and Regulations, he says that we can adopt it here and don’t have to send anything to the Board of Supervisors. Ms. Sanchez told us that these are your Rules and Regulations, has nothing to do with the Board of Supervisors, and that this is your way of conducting business. A name change would have to go to the Board of Supervisors. Ms. Sanchez advised that whether we change or not, we can still go ahead with the Rules and Regulations. Under the new rules, the vote will be by simple majority which is 50%. Comm Friedman suggested to change the name right now. Ms. Sanchez said the commission’s name right now is legal. The Chair suggested either/or with the name change depending the Board of Supervisor’s decision and Ms. Sanchez agreed if that’s what we all want. Ms Sanchez advised to keep the name as it is right now. At the next meeting Ms. Sanchez will have all the options so that we can vote on whatever we want.

    (b) 3.5 Comm Friedman stated that if a commissioner misses 3 meeting in one year, can we request the Board of Supervisors to remove the individual from the Commission. Ms Sanchez said yes, we can do that. 3.4 The secretary will take the roll call at the start of the meeting not the Chair. 3.5 Comm Bentley stated that she thought all commissioners should be on time for the 5.30p.m. meeting and occasionally through traffic or an accident that would be understandable but when it becomes a regular occurrence, the chair should take appropriate action. Comm Tchen argued that the commission used to start at 6p.m. and some people work and others do not. Ms Sanchez said that what is important, is that we have a quorum. If there is no quorum, we can only have a discussion without voting. Lateness, will be recorded by the secretary. Three unexcused absences during a 2 year term will mean that that person is no longer on the commission. Next meeting we will vote on 41.1, 3.5, item B. The maker of a motion requiring correspondence is responsible for providing the chair with a completed letter for signature. Every commissioner has the allotted time of 5 minutes to speak on any item on the agenda. The Chair is responsible for running an orderly meeting. A vote at next meeting. The secretary will record the way each member of the commission voted. Ms Sanchez said to move meetings along, 5 minutes for commissioners and 5 minutes for public comment. In general, the commission should endeavor to conduct meetings within a 2 1/2 to 3 hour time period. A commissioner has to sponsor an item from the public for it to be placed on the agenda. Any calendar items for the next meeting need to be in writing. 4.7 It was suggested that instead of 3 days prior to the meeting, it be 72 hours. Next meeting, a vote for 5.30p.m. or 6p.m. meeting will be decided. As individuals we are free to contact any members of the public and identify ourselves as commissioners but not to speak on behalf of the commission without authorization. The total agenda will be posted 10 days in advance on amendments of the Rules and Regulations. The general public can view these changes. It will be posted on the web site, public library and the Board of Supervisors.


Chin Chi stated that the Humane Society of US, Animal Protection Institute and herself wrote letters to all supervisors asking them to support the ban on fur. Supervisors Daly and McGoldrick have officially supported this ban. They need 4 supervisors by the end of June to get this on the ballot so that the voters can decide. She is urging everyone to send cards to their district supervisors.


    The meeting was adjourned at 8.05p.m. A motion was made by the Chair Elissa Eckman, seconded by Comm Wilson

Dated: May, 23rd, 2001

                      June P Wilson, Secretary