City and County of San Francisco

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February 24, 2011

JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
February 24, 2011 Minutes

Departments Present: Adult Probation, District Attorney, City Administrator’s Office, Public Defender, Sheriff, Mayor’s Office

From Executive Sponsor’s Update:
Board Of Supervisor’s Public Safety Committee heard and recommended item 110011 amending the Administrative Code to add City Administrator to JUSTIS Governance Council and to designate the City Administrator as Chair of the Council.

Next step: Recommendation goes to full Board of Supervisors.

From Technical Steering Committee:
JUSTIS equipment was successfully migrated from the One Market Plaza (OMP) data center to the new data center at 200 Paul Street on Feb 11th

Migration of the Mainframe from the OMP data center to 200 Paul Street is scheduled to occur on Feb 20th

The JUSTIS development team is in the process of organizationally moving from the Department of Technology to the Office of the City Administrator and physically relocating to City Hall.

From Case Management System updates:
Hub project – Upon completion of activities related to the data center migration, the JUSTIS team will be working on performance fine tuning and building out the Hall of Justice portion of the infrastructure.  Resumes for the hiring of staff to fill project vacancies are coming in, and interviews will be scheduled in the next few weeks.
District Attorney – With the appointment of George Gascon as the new District Attorney (DA), there has been some reorganization of staff.  The IT staff is now reporting to Eugene Clendenin.  Work is going on to prepare the Subpoena Module for production. The new DA will be looking for more statistical information from their Case Management System (Damion).

Public Defender – The City Attorney’s Office is working with the Public Defender’s staff to exercise contractual options related to the vendor of their case management system.  A resolution is anticipated by late March.

Superior Courts – Not present, but it was reported that they have been in discussions with the JUSTIS team on a new data extract and identifying information related to a citations extract.

Sheriff – Anticipating a new software release from their vendor in late March.

Adult Probation – Are in negotiations with their vendor on the conditions of their contract and licensing.

New Business – No new business was raised.

Last updated: 3/25/2011 7:53:16 AM