City and County of San Francisco

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May 26, 2011

JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
May 26, 2011 Minutes

Departments Present: Adult Probation (APD), District Attorney (DA), Sheriff (SD), Police (PD), City Administrator’s Office (CAO), Department on Status of Women (DOSW), Public Defender (PDR), Department of Technology (DT), Mayor’s Office (MO)

Call to Order: 09:40 a.m.

Minutes from March 25 Meeting: Approved

From Executive Sponsor’s Update:
Included a status on JUSTIS’s transfer of function from DT to CAO;
Board President David Chiu’s desire to have a Board of Supervisors’ hearing on the status of JUSTIS tentatively in July;
Interaction with COIT to review for approval the Police IT budget request to COIT;
Discussions underway with DT to connect IBM Blade Servers to Production SAN with the intent to do so as soon as possible;
Participation in Technical Steering Committee activities related to the Public Defender, District Attorney, and Police Department.
COIT's Budget and Finance Committee set aside $500,000 for the replacement of the Police Department's Incident Response System pending the Justice Governance Council's approval of the Police Department's application.

From Technical Steering Committee’s Update:
Working with Public Defender to close out their initial Case Management System contract and to initiate activities related to connecting to Hub,
Working with District Attorney to support and fund their activities needed roll out the subpoena module of their case management system.
Working with the Police on their Case Management System issues,
Working with grant team from DCYF to procure equipment to support our JUSTIS failover plan
From Case Management System Updates:
Hub Activity/Server Project – Meetings occurring with DT to move forward with connecting the remaining blade servers to JUSTIS SAN; starting joint discussions with Police and DT on preparing failover site at the Hall of Justice; meetings are occurring with the Courts to connect their system to the JUSTIS Hub, working with Sheriff to test the new software release of their Jail Management System.

A network engineer will be starting work in early June; arranged for our staff and GSA staff to begin cross-training with DT staff on network support. Continuing to recruit and interview staff
to fill Oracle Developer positions.

District Attorney – Identifying HR and Geo File interface requirements for their Subpoena Module.  Looking into identifying and creating new reports out of their case management system

Public Defender – Closing out of their initial contract with the vendor of their case management system, and moving forward with plans for connecting their case management system to the JUSTIS Hub. 

Police Department - Reported that they had successfully launched a pilot of the Crime Data Warehouse to investigations.  This data warehouse will move the Police from paper or access crime reports to automated, searchable crime data available online.  Investigations is working with Technology to give feedback for improvement in the querying capabilities on crimes, persons of interest, modus operandi, etc.  Additionally, the police will be able to share this data with the other agencies through the JUSTIS hub.  Police will be working with Courts, Sheriff, DA, Public Defender to help understand current data needs and prioritize which data is moved to the JUSTIS hub first.  Police also requested that as the sheriff upgrades to new version of JMS that the police and sheriff combine into one system.

Sheriff’s Department – Testing their latest software release from the vendor of their Jail Management System

Adult Probation – Contract with Northpoint has been signed to deliver their case management system.  Pre-Sentence reports are being prepared to go live.

New Business – No new business was raised.

Public Comment – It was brought to the committee’s attention that the Appellate Court overturned the Temponko case.

Meeting Adjourned: 10:41 a.m.


Last updated: 7/29/2011 11:48:05 AM