City and County of San Francisco

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June 23, 2011

JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
June 23, 2011 Minutes

Call to Order: 9:40 a.m 

Departments Present: Sheriff, Police (PD), Public Defender, City Administrator’s Office, Mayor’s Office, Department on Status of Women, Department of Technology (DT)

Minutes from May 26, 2011 Meeting – Approved minutes as amended.

From Executive Sponsor’s Update:
Indicated that the transfer of function from DT included the Owens Information Systems Contract (for Court Management System applications support) and that funding for FY12 would be addressed by a budget adjustment; a status report on the JUSTIS Project will be an agenda item at the Board of Supervisors’ Public Safety Committee Meeting on July 7; a presentation of our project budget will be made at our next meeting: announcement of the hiring of one new staff member, one staff promotion, and current recruitment for two additional staff.

From Technical Steering Committee’s Update:
We are assisting the Public Defender with closing out their case management system contract; continuing to work with DT on addressing the transfer of project-related contracts and budgets, and a Memorandum of Understanding between the two departments for FY12 services; preparing a recommendation on the Police Department’s request for release of COIT funding.

From Case Management System Updates:
Hub Activity/Server Project –The JUSTIS team has been working with the Sheriff's department to support the JMS 8.x to 9.0 upgrade.  JUSTIS has been focusing on performance fine tuning around the Hub, working with the Police Department and DT to build out the fail over site at the Hall of Justice, and resuming work with the Department of Technology to connect 24 blade servers to the JUSTIS SAN.  JUSTIS team is ready to setup test environments for Courts CX2000 and Public Defender connections.

Police – Indicated that they would be working on activities needed to share their data warehousing information with JUSTIS members and requested specifications for connecting to the JUSTIS hub.

Sheriff – Initiated activity around the implementation of the latest vendor release of their jail management system. 

Public Defender – Closed out their initial Case Management System contract and will be putting out an RFQ to address their JUSTIS interface activity.

New Business – No new business was raised.

Meeting Adjourned: 10:40 a.m.


Last updated: 7/29/2011 11:48:04 AM