City and County of San Francisco

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July 28, 2011

JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
July 28, 2011 Minutes

Start of Meeting: 9:34 a.m.

Departments Present: District Attorney, Sheriff, Police (PD), Public Defender, Emergency Management, Superior Court, City Administrator’s Office, Mayor’s Office, Department of Technology (DT)

Minutes from Prior Meeting – Approved

From Executive Sponsor’s Update:
Indicated that the transfer of function from DT included the Owens Information Systems contract (for Court Management System applications support) and that its funding for FY12 was addressed by a budget adjustment; reported that the JUSTIS Project was an agenda item at the Board of Supervisors’ Public Safety Committee Meeting on July 7 and that we will be making recurring visits to that committee reporting on the general status of the project and the progress being made in each of the departmental projects; working on developing four key components to an ongoing Program Summary Report; indicated that a presentation of our project budget would be delayed until a future meeting.

From Technical Steering Committee’s Update:
Met with representatives from the Reentry Council who are involved with a Justice Reinvestment grant initiative, and who agreed to share their findings with JUSTIS; met with the Department of Children, Youth, and Families on grant reporting in preparation for an upcoming audit that would include recent JUSTIS procurements; assisted the Public Defender with closing out their case management system contract; continuing to work with DT on addressing the transfer of project-related contracts and budgets, and a Memorandum of Understanding between the two departments for FY12 services; preparing a recommendation on the Police Department’s request for release of COIT funding.

From Case Management System Updates:

Hub Activity/Server Project:
The JUSTIS team is continuing their focus on fine tuning Hub performance; working with the Department of Technology to connect our blade servers to the JUSTIS SAN and reviewing our equipment warranty coverage ; working with the Sheriff on the implementation of the latest release of their jail management system; providing connectivity specifications to the Police for JUSTIS data sharing; having our new network engineer starting to build VM environments; and expecting to reinitiate activity related to creating reports through our ORACLE Business Intelligence resources.

District Attorney:
Concerned about the state of the departmental server that runs their case management system and looking forward to migrating over to the JUSTIS blade server environment as soon as possible; continuing to make progress with programming enhancements needed to begin training staff on their subpoena module; working to identify and create statistical and standardized reports.

Public Defender:
Expect to submit their RFQ selection for professional services to OCA in mid-August. This RFQ includes addressing the activities that need to be added to their Case Management System (Gideon) to connect to JUSTIS, importing legacy data into their Gideon database, and refining their user interface.

Indicate that they would be working on activities needed to share their data warehousing information with JUSTIS members and requested specifications for connecting to the JUSTIS hub; also indicated that they would be consolidating with the Sheriff and using NWS to enter Arrest Bookings.

Activities are focused around the implementation of the latest vendor release of their jail management system.

Meet regularly with JUSTIS team to identify content and format for data that will be sent to JUSTIS.

From Discussion on including SATS within JUSTIS:
The JUSTIS team has been working with the Courts, District Attorney, Sheriff, and other Criminal Justice departments to identify high volume, habitual offenders and set up a process that requires them to appear at the Criminal Justice Center. The discussion focused on whether this should be a JUSTIS project.

From Discussion on Status of FAIL OVER SITE:
Made the Council aware that several factors have led to the conclusion that the Hall of Justice is no longer a viable JUSTIS fail over site. As a result of a City-wide project related to data center consolidations, the Department of Technology would not be supporting any activities related to installing new equipment at the existing Hall of Justice data. And Chief Suhr indicated that the Hall of Justice would not be a desirable location for the Fail Over site.

New Business – No new business was raised.

End of Meeting: 10:47 a.m.
Last updated: 8/26/2011 10:27:43 AM