City and County of San Francisco

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August 25, 2011

JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
August 25, 2011 Minutes

Start of Meeting: 10:07 a.m.

Departments Present: Adult Probation, District Attorney, Sheriff, Police (PD), Public Defender, City Administrator’s Office, Juvenile Probation, Department of Technology (DT)

Minutes from Prior Meeting – Approved

From Executive Sponsor’s Update:
Indicated that there is still some funding movement that needs to occur to complete the transfer of function from DT; reminded Council that the JUSTIS Project will be making recurring visits to the Board of Supervisors’ Public Safety sub-committee reporting on the general status of the project and the progress being made in each of the departmental projects; working on developing four key components to an ongoing Program Summary Report; provided a status of our project budget .

From Technical Steering Committee’s Update:
Continued working with the Department of Children, Youth, and Families on grant reporting in preparation for an upcoming audit that would include recent JUSTIS procurements; assisted the Public Defender with a procurement request related to their Hub connection work;  preparing a recommendation on the Police Department’s request for release of COIT funding.

From Case Management System Updates:

Hub Activity/Server Project:
The JUSTIS team is continuing their focus on fine tuning Hub performance; working with the Department of Technology to connect our blade servers to the JUSTIS SAN and reviewing our equipment warranty coverage ; working with the Sheriff on the implementation of the latest release of their jail management system; providing connectivity specifications to the Police for JUSTIS data sharing; having our new network engineer starting to build VM environments; and expecting to reinitiate activity related to creating reports using our ORACLE Business Intelligence resources.  

Juvenile Probation: 
Reported that they are exploring the possibilities of obtaining a new case management system .

District Attorney:
Working with their vendor to implement the Subpoena module in their case management system


Public Defender:
Made a vendor selection on recently-released RFQ to connect their case management system (Gideon) onto the JUSTIS Hub, to assist with importing legacy data into their Gideon database, and to refine their user interface.
Indicated that the Data Warehouse project was their top priority, and that they would be prepared to connect to the JUSTIS Hub in October.  They are currently focusing on incident reports and city-side booking, and they are committed to being active participants in the unified charge code process.

Activities are focused around the implementation of the latest vendor release of their jail management system.  A mock implementation will be held in September, with the production rollout to follow soon thereafter.

Adult Probation:
Hosted an environment assessment with their vendor; expect to be live within one year with COMPASS.  They are currently addressing pre-sentence investigations.

From Discussion on including SATS within JUSTIS:
The JUSTIS team has been working with the Courts, District Attorney, Sheriff, and other Criminal Justice departments to identify high volume, habitual offenders and set up a process that requires them to appear at the Criminal Justice Center.  Council voted to make this a JUSTIS-sponsored project.

From Discussion on Status of FAIL OVER SITE:
Summarized recent events that have necessitated interest in finding a new home for the JUSTIS failover site.  Informed Council members that some preliminary discussions were occurring with the Department of Emergency Management about their 1011 Turk Street facility.  The Department of Technology suggested contacting their staff who was already assessing space at 1011 Turk Street.

New Business – No new business was raised.

End of Meeting: 11:30 a.m.


Last updated: 10/13/2011 3:46:21 PM