JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
September 22, 2011 Minutes
Start of Meeting: 10:00 a.m.
Departments Present: Adult Probation (APD), City Administrator’s Office (CAO), Department on Status of Women (DOSW), District Attorney (DA), Juvenile Probation (JPD), Police (PD), Public Defender (PDR), Sheriff (SD), Department of Technology (DT),Mayor’s Office. No members of the public were present.
Minutes from Prior Meeting – Approved
From Executive Sponsor’s Update:
Council members were reminded that each new task added to the JUSTIS team’s workload results in some degree of staff dilution be it a newly approved project like SATS or other requests not of a project level; Council was also told that funding and staff may require a significant reallocation to stay on course to meet the goals of the Program in a timely manner.
The JUSTIS team is working with DT to meet infrastructure project requirements. Of the 28 JUSTIS blades (servers) at the 200 Paul Street data Center, all fourteen (14) blades in Server Rack #2 are now connected to the SAN (Storage Area Network). Ten (10) blades in JUSTIS Rack #1 remain unconnected, and no work has begun on Rack #3 at the failover site. While this report is an upgrade in capability, significant work remains undone for JUSTIS to reach its basic required configuration. JUSTIS and GSA IT have requested full administrative access and rights to the JUSTIS infrastructure system to ensure that development and operations needs are met.
A draft format of the slides that will be used to present project status to the Board of Supervisors and COIT was shared with the Council. JUSTIS will reach out to the individual departments for status information through the monthly reporting requirements.
Departments that receive COIT and grant funding for JUSTIS-related activities must present (cost, scope and schedule) documents for discussion at the Technical Steering Committee (TSC). The TSC will be reviewing these projects for their impact on JUSTIS. Presently the TSC has been notified of funding being given to the Police, Adult Probation, and Juvenile Probation.
From Technical Steering Committee’s Update:
JUSTIS has been engaged in AB109 Realignment meetings with the departments to help clarify and assess processing and reporting needs currently unmet. A request was made to have TSC report to Council on this issue in future meetings.
JUSTIS provided a reminder to the attendees that point to point data exchange connections between the department case management systems may look attractive but are generally to be discouraged. It will remain very difficult to get point to point connections approved.
JUSTIS is supporting the effort to prepare for the ARRA grant audit for the JUSTIS purchases.
JUSTIS team has been working with PD to design and implement the PD Incident System #1 interface with JUSTIS. JUSTIS announced that its written recommendation to the Council will be to approve release of COIT funds held on reserve to the PD for the Incident and Crime Warehouse project. Under the Brown Act notification will be made that a vote on this matter will be taken at the next Council meeting. JUSTIS will provide the voting departments with a written recommendation prior to the next Council meeting. A question arose in discussion relating to the use of proceeds. PD responded that the money would support hardware and software.
From Case Management System Updates:
Hub Activity/Server Project:
JUSTIS is working with the COURTS on the interface between the Hub and CX2000. This is expected to be in production readiness testing in December/January.
JUSTIS expects to engage with DOSW and PD to review previous agreements between PD and DOSW to determine if the information provided by the Incident System and RMS Booking system interfaces will meet the needs of DOSW. The prior work included required documentation and a demonstration with a Proof of Concept (POC) portal approved by DOSW.
JUSTIS reported that 2 of the 3 pending production software issues had been remedied.
JUSTIS engineering team is working on the PD Incident System interface, and they are also working on the JUSTIS interface to the Public Defender’s Case Management System
JUSTIS reminded stakeholders that there are 3 key operational documents including:
1) Server Support Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
2) Data Exchange MOU
3) System Configuration MOU
Each department may have additional MOU’s if dependencies are different from the basic needs.
Juvenile Probation:
JPD requested drafts of each MOU document; JPD further reported that it was working on a specification for a proposed Compass deployment.
District Attorney:
DA reported working on their Subpoena module; JUSTIS to follow-up on the interface and integration of the DA Case Management System to JUSTIS
Specific data fields for statistical reporting needs have been provided in email and JUSTIS will follow-up with DA.
Public Defender:
PDR reported that there was no change in status from their last report.
Their warehouse data exchange is set up and in alpha testing; their User Interface should be in limited production with 30/40 users by mid-October; Incident data should be available in January 2012.
SD is implementing the most recent release of their vendor’s corrections module.
SD is working to implement their vendor’s Field Reporting module.
SD has presented its design of the SD Programs Module to their vendor.
SD has requested their vendor to review previous work on the interface between the Police RMS booking and the Sheriff’s JMS Corrections booking for development and deployment.
Adult Probation:
APD reports no change since last reporting period.
From Discussion on including SATS within JUSTIS:
JUSTIS is using Courts data to identify frequent infraction offenders; The User Interface and algorithms used allow cognizant criminal justice members to identify people who are frequent violators of (quality of life) infractions and have them booked and referred to CJC (community court) for ensure they are referred for services and tracked.
The Superior Court, the District Attorney, and the Sheriff’s Department have been major participants in this effort. And DT is completing the configuration work on the JUSTIS reporting sub-network that will allow departments the needed access.
From Discussion on Status of FAIL OVER SITE:
Recent events have necessitated interest in finding a new home for the JUSTIS failover site. Council members were informed that preliminary discussions were occurring with the Department of Emergency Management about using their 1011 Turk Street facility. The Department of Technology suggested contacting its staff who were already assessing space at 1011 Turk Street. JUSTIS storage disks at the Hall of Justice will be removed and added to the current JUSTIS production SAN to expand capacity.
New Business – No new business was raised.
End of Meeting: 11:00 a.m.
Last updated: 10/27/2011 2:54:40 PM