City and County of San Francisco

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January 26, 2012

JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
January 26, 2012 Minutes

Start of Meeting: 09:35 a.m.

Departments Present: Adult Probation, District Attorney, Sheriff, Police, Public Defender, Superior Court, Chief Administrator’s Office, Juvenile Probation, Mayor’s Office, Department of Technology, Department on Status of Women

Members of the Public were present

Minutes from Prior Meetings – Approved minutes from meetings held on October 27, 2011 and December 1, 2011

New Co-Chair for 2012

Martha Knutzen was unanimously elected as the new co-chair to replace Eileen Hirst. Members of the Council acknowledged Ms. Hirst’s contributions to JUSTIS.

From Executive Sponsor’s Update:

Provided the Council with an update on the past year’s accomplishments 

JUS.T.I.S 2011 Achievements

Assembly Bill 109 Activity:

The Controller’s Office under the sponsorship of Adult Probation informed the Council on the activities that they are performing for the City related to Assembly Bill 109. They would like to use JUSTIS information as a source to satisfy some of their data reporting needs. No official request was made to the council.

From Case Management System Updates:

Hub Activity/Server Project:

JUSTIS reported that the hub has been operating in a very stable state over the past month.
The JUSTIS team is working with the Superior Court on the interface between the Hub and CX2000, their Court Management System.
The JUSTIS team is working with the Public Defender’s Office to provide a data feed from JUSTIS to their case management package.
Additional RAM has been added to each of the blade servers to support VMware usage.

Juvenile Probation:
Juvenile Probation will be addressing their annual data reporting requirements during the 1st quarter of 2012.

District Attorney:

The DA and their case management system vendor are continuing their work with Emergency Management to obtain geographic information and with the Police Department to obtain officer information for their Subpoena module.

The District Attorney is also working with the JUSTIS team to migrate their case management system onto the JUSTIS servers at 200 Paul Street.

Public Defender:

The Public Defender reported that they are working with their developers and JUSTIS to receive JUSTIS data.


The Police are now running their Crime Data Warehouse software at Ingleside Station, and they are getting ready to roll the software out at their second station, Northern Station. The target is to have the Crime Data Warehouse available at all stations in July 2012.

The Police Department is working on their MOU with JUSTIS related to the IRD project.

They are in discussions with the Sheriff on combining the arrest booking process.

The Sheriff is working to implement their vendor’s Field Reporting module.
The Sheriff’s Department has developed their requirement specifications to their jail management system vendor for their Programs module.
The Sheriff has been meeting with Police to discuss how to implement single entry booking for both departments.

Adult Probation:

APD will be meeting with their vendor in the 1st quarter of 2012 to finalize user requirements.

Data Portal for Status of Women:

The Police Department will be creating test data for the JUSTIS team to use in preliminary report development.


The Courts announced that they were in discussions with the Sheriff’s Department related to turning over bail processing responsibilities to the Sheriff.

The Courts announced that they have opted out of the State system.

The Courts have also been meeting regularly with the JUSTIS team on establishing their connection to the JUSTIS Hub.

New Business – No new business was raised.

End of Meeting: 11:00 a.m.

Last updated: 2/24/2012 3:42:45 PM