City and County of San Francisco

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April 26, 2012

JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
April 26, 2012 Minutes

Start of Meeting: 09:41 a.m.

Departments Present: Adult Probation, District Attorney, Sheriff, Police, Public Defender, Juvenile Probation, Department on Status of Women, City Administrator’s Office, Mayor’s Office, Department of Technology

Minutes from Prior Meetings – Approved minutes from meeting held on March 22, 2012.

From Executive Sponsor’s Update:

The Council was informed that a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Technology relating to operational support had been signed.

A status on staffing recruitment efforts was given. Interviews to fill two programming vacancies were completed in April. Job offers were expected to be made as soon as the interview documentation was reviewed by Human Resources.

A request was made to the departments working on connections to JUSTIS to continue to submit status reports each month.

JUSTIS will continue to work with COIT to review annual budget requests from Criminal Justice departments that are related to JUSTIS. Recommendations to COIT will be based on the impact and/or conflict the request has with JUSTIS.

From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update:

The JUSTIS team’s primary focus this past month has been working with the Public Defender and the Superior Court on their respective connections to the Hub.

The Police Department provided JUSTIS with Incident Report data, and the team will now begin to analyze that data for producing statistical reports for the Status of Women’s Data Portal

JUSTIS also had discussions with the Police, Sheriff, and their vendor in efforts to finalize requirements needed to move toward the two departments doing single-entry arrest bookings.

JUSTIS expects to begin work on a recent joint request from the Sheriff and Adult Probation to implement a notification process for Sheriff counter bookings where a booked defendant has known probation data.

Our server environment at 200 Paul Street has been prepared to host the District Attorney’s Case Management System.

On the administrative side:

1) We are awaiting approval of a Purchase Order so that the District Attorney’s Case Management vendor can install a version of their software at the 200 Paul Street site.
2) We have initiated the renewal process for annual maintenance for Adult Probation’s Case Management System
3) Working with the City Attorney’s Office on a maintenance agreement with the Sheriff’s Jail Management and Records Management Systems
4) Renewing Oracle Licensing for their Business Intelligence Software and their middleware software.
5) Preparing an RFP to obtain equipment through a grant for JUSTIS fail-over needs

The Technical Steering Committee also reviewed and recommended for approval departmental budget requests made by the District Attorney and the Sheriff’s Department to COIT. The District Attorney is attempting to obtain funding for additional modules in their Case Management suite and to move to the web-based version of that software. The Sheriff needs to move their non-JUSTIS files out of the JUSTIS environment. They are working with the Department of Technology to address that issue and some network issues.

From Case Management System Updates:

Hub Activity/Server Project:

The JUSTIS team is working with the Superior Court on the interface between the Hub and CX2000, their Court Management System.

The JUSTIS team is working with the Public Defender’s Office to provide a data feed from JUSTIS to their case management package.

The team is in the design phase of adding a “notification” component of the Hub.

JUSTIS has also been working with a consultant on rebuilding our Citrix environment.

Data Portal for Status of Women:

The Department has been assisting the JUSTIS team by identifying its current data sources used to produce their annual report.

A new environment within JUSTIS has been set up for storing reports as they are developed.

Juvenile Probation:

Juvenile Probation is continuing with their project to rewrite their mugshot system.

District Attorney:

The District Attorney reported that they were close to implementing the Subpoena module in their case management system.

Once the paperwork has been processed their case management vendor will install their case management software on JUSTIS equipment at 200 Paul Street.

Public Defender:

The Public Defender is continuing to meet with their programming team and the JUSTIS team to identify the data that will be integrated between their case management system and JUSTIS.


The Police Department announced that they have installed their Crime Data Warehouse at Bayview station. Two more sites, Richmond Station and Park Station have installation dates in the beginning of May. The Police are on scheduled to meet their goal of having the Crime Data Warehouse available at all stations by the end of May and in the Investigations area by June.


The Sheriff’s Department announced that they were in final negotiations with the Courts to take over bail processing in the beginning of May.

The Sheriff’s Department expects to be working with their case management vendor to create an interface with VINE. The VINE system allows victims to be notified when a criminal offender is being released.

The Sheriff indicated that they are scheduled to make a request to COIT on their IT budget needs later this week. They need to find a home for their non-JUSTIS related software and documents that are currently occupying JUSTIS real estate.

The Sheriff mentioned that would also be working with DT to upgrade their network as the result of a recent network assessment completed by Cisco System.

Adult Probation:

The Department is still working with their vendor on their 1st Phase Requirements for their Compass system.

Their short term needs for AB-109 reporting are being met through the Court Management System, but they anticipate that their reporting needs will be handled by JUSTIS in the future. Adult Probation requested the Council to formalize a request made at an early Council meeting that JUSTIS be the eventual source provider of AB-109 reports. .It was clarified that JUSTIS would do so, after the core projects have been addressed. The Council members voted their approval

Superior Court:

The Courts wanted the Council to know that they were making progress in establishing the data connection necessary for their CX system and JUSTIS to communicate.

Quality of Life Project:

A meeting was scheduled to occur later in April to determine the frequency with which data needed to be refreshed and to finalize departmental roles related to operational processing.

New Business :

There were no new business items.

Next Meeting: May 24, 2012

End of Meeting: 10:44 a.m.

Last updated: 5/25/2012 9:12:48 AM