City and County of San Francisco

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May 24, 2012

JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
May 24, 2012 Minutes

Start of Meeting: 09:35 a.m.

Departments Present: District Attorney, Sheriff, Police, Public Defender, Juvenile Probation, Department on Status of Women (DOSW), City Administrator’s Office
Absent: Adult Probation, Superior Court, Emergency Management Department, Mayor’s Office, Department of Technology

Minutes from Prior Meetings – Approved minutes from meeting held on April 26, 2012.

From Executive Sponsor’s Update:

The Council was informed that a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Technology relating to operational support had been signed.

A status on staff recruitment was given. Job offers have been made to two candidates to fill a business analyst vacancy and a programming vacancy.

A discussion occurred on the importance of departments to submit project status reports along with buy in from their management.

A summary of the Mayor’s message at a recent COIT meeting was shared with the Council. The emphasized tone of the message was accountability. The presence of the Civil Grand Jury and Supervisor Chiu at the COIT meeting was also mentioned.

Relating to our current year’s budget, we will be asking to carry forward any unused balance.

From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update:

Our staff initiated contact with criminal justice departments that were identified as contributing data to DOSW’s annual domestic violence report.

The JUSTIS team continued to focus this past month on working with the Public Defender and the Superior Court on their respective connections to the Hub.

JUSTIS began discussions with the District Attorney and their vendor to migrate their case management system off equipment at the Hall of Justice onto JUSTIS equipment housed at 200 Paul Street.
On the administrative side:

1) We obtained a Purchase Order so that the District Attorney’s Case Management vendor can install a version of their software at the 200 Paul Street site.
2) We are renewing the annual maintenance for Adult Probation’s Case Management System
3) With assistance from the City Attorney’s Office we have signed a maintenance agreement with the vendor of the Sheriff’s Jail Management and Records Management Systems
4) Renewing Oracle Licensing for their Business Intelligence Software and their middleware software.
5) Preparing an RFP to obtain equipment through a grant for JUSTIS fail-over needs

From Case Management System Updates:

Hub Activity/Server Project:

The JUSTIS team is working with the Superior Court and the Public Defender on the interface between their respective case management systems and the HUB.

The team is working on the “notification” component of the Hub.

JUSTIS staff are in the process of providing our blade servers with full access to our SAN.

JUSTIS has also been working with a consultant on rebuilding our Citrix environment.

Data Portal for Status of Women:

The Department has identified for the JUSTIS team its current data sources used to produce their annual report.

A new environment within JUSTIS has been set up for storing reports as they are developed.

Juvenile Probation:

Juvenile Probation has completed their project to rewrite their mugshot system. They are working with the Police on a process for sharing the mugshot information.

District Attorney:

The District Attorney reported that they were expecting to implement the Subpoena module in their case management system in the near future.

They are reviewing their operational needs with JUSTIS as plans are being made to migrate their case management system from their server at the Hall of Justice to JUSTIS equipment at 200 Paul Street.

They obtained funding approval from COIT for significant additions and upgrades to their case management system including a new investigations module and a discovery module.

Public Defender:

The Public Defender is continuing to meet with their programming team and the JUSTIS team to identify the data that will be integrated between their case management system and JUSTIS. The goal is to be connected to JUSTIS sometime in July 2012.


Richmond, Park and Southern stations have recently cut over to the Crime Data Warehouse (CDW). Central station is due to cut over on Tuesday, May 29. The Investigative Bureau will cut over on June 11, and Tactical/MTA will cut over on June 25. At that point the Police Department will be completely on the CDW.

Currently, about 30% of the Incident Reports are written via the CopLogic website, either by citizens directly or by 311 operators acting on behalf of citizen callers. The Police Programming team has a standing task to create a conduit between the CopLogic server/database and the CDW database to pull the approved versions of these reports into the CDW in close to real time. The target date for implementation is July/August 2012.

New CDW Criminal History queries (of imported CABLE data) have been created primarily for use by the ID Bureau, but available to all. It will go into Production in a few weeks.

CABLE Accident Index data is now being imported into the CDW, and they are in the process of creating queries/reports for this data.

Phases 3 & 4 of the CDW Project will begin in June. Here they will create a Data Warehouse (in the technical sense of the word) and add robust Business Intelligence capabilities. The contracts for Oracle software and hardware (appliances have already been delivered) have been signed. The third contract, for Oracle Personal Services is awaiting approval from the Oracle managing staff.

The Police Department is in the process of hiring new staff (business intelligence team, etc.) to assist in Phases 3 & 4 of the CDW Project.


The Sheriff’s Department expects to be working with their case management vendor to create an interface with VINE. The VINE system allows victims to be notified when a criminal offender is being released.

The Sheriff indicated that they are meeting with the Police to identify procedures and resolve any outstanding issues in order for the two departments to consolidate their booking process.

The Sheriff also mentioned that would also be working with DT to upgrade their network as the result of a recent network assessment completed by Cisco System.

Quality of Life Project:

The project is nearing a production date. A special administrative code needs to be created to facilitate the how these citations are processed.

New Business :

There were no new business items.

Next Meeting: June 28, 2012

End of Meeting: 10:51 a.m.

Last updated: 6/29/2012 3:13:18 PM