City and County of San Francisco

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June 28, 2012

JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
June 28, 2012 Minutes

Start of Meeting: 09:32 a.m.

Departments Present: Adult Probation, District Attorney, Sheriff, Police, Public Defender, Juvenile Probation, Department on Status of Women (DOSW), City Administrator’s Office, Mayor’s Office, Department of Technology
Absent: Superior Court, Emergency Management Department,

Minutes from Prior Meetings – Approved minutes from meeting held on May 24, 2012.

From Executive Sponsor’s Update:

A status on staffing was given. Both the business analyst position and the programming position have been filled.

A status was provided on the progress of receiving updated project plans from those departments having case management systems needing to be connected to the Hub. The Public Defender, the District Attorney, and the Police Department have submitted their project plans, and we are still waiting for project plans from the Courts and Adult Probation.

From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update:

JUSTIS initiated contact with those criminal justice departments that were identified as contributing data to DOSW’s annual domestic violence report. Staff are currently working with the Police, the District Attorney, and the Sheriff. And we are attempting to set up meetings with Adult Probation and the Court personnel.

The JUSTIS team focused this past month on working with the Public Defender to get that department connected to the Hub. Work on the Court’s Hub connection has been delayed while they finalize their data requirements.

JUSTIS is now working with the District Attorney and their vendor to migrate their case management system off equipment at the Hall of Justice onto JUSTIS equipment housed at 200 Paul Street.

The JUSTIS team is also working with assistance from the City Attorney’s Office and the Office of Contract Administration to finalize an RFP for a fail over solution for our JUSTIS operations. This is a grant funded activity.

From Case Management System Updates:

Hub Activity/Server Project:

The JUSTIS team reported that HUB performance has been stable.

The team is working on the “notification” component of the Hub. The first in a series of notification messages are expected to be implemented shortly. The notification messages will be sent to Sheriff and Adult Probation staff whenever probationers are processed at the booking counter. In addition to the new notifications, the team will remove most of the diagnostic messages that have been active since the HUB was being developed.

The JUSTIS staff has completed work that now provides our blade servers with full access to our SAN. In doing so, work was also completed to allocate resources that will now allow both the District Attorney and Adult Probation to migrate their case management systems to the JUSTIS environment at 200 Paul Street.

JUSTIS has also been working with a consultant on rebuilding our Citrix environment.

Data Portal for Status of Women:

The Department has identified for the JUSTIS team the data contacts used to produce their annual report. JUSTIS staff members are currently setting up appointments to meet with the key contacts in each of the JUSTIS member departments.

The Department also informed the Council that they gathering statistics related to domestic violence incidents involving undocumented victims who are being deported.

Juvenile Probation:

Juvenile Probation indicated that they had nothing new to report, but that their recently installed Mug Shot application continues to meet their expectations.

District Attorney:

The District Attorney reported that they were moving closer to implementing the Subpoena module in their case management system.

They are reviewing their operational needs with JUSTIS as plans are being made to migrate their case management system from their server at the Hall of Justice to JUSTIS equipment at 200 Paul Street.

Having obtained funding approval from COIT for significant additions and upgrades to their case management system including a new investigations module and a discovery module, the District Attorney is waiting for confirmation when the City’s FY12/13 budget is finalized.

Public Defender:

The Public Defender is working on their MOU’s. They are also continuing to identify the data that will be integrated between their case management system and JUSTIS. The target goal is to be connected to JUSTIS at the end of July 2012.


The Department reported on these items:

1. They are working on a “Single Sign On Project” for the Department- Proof of Concept
(both with Active Directory and Citrix approaches)

2. Mobile Computing - HP Ultrabooks have been assigned to recruits of new Academy class
(with access via aircard and Citrix)

3. IT Infrastructure for the new Public Safety HQ Building (Police and Fire)

4. Beginning of Phase 3 of the Crime Data Warehouse project: Case Tracking and Data


The Sheriff informed the council that they are greatly encouraged by the results that they are experiencing using the beta version of the new WEB ID Fingerprint system.

The Sheriff has been in discussions with their case management vendor to create an interface with VINE. The VINE system allows victims to be notified when a criminal offender is being released.

The Sheriff indicated that they have been meeting with the Police to identify procedures and resolve any outstanding issues in order for the two departments to consolidate their booking process.

The Sheriff also recently migrated to their vendor’s latest release of their Jail Management System.

Adult Probation:

The department indicated that they were working with their vendor on their needs assessment. And that they are preparing to migrate their application onto JUSTIS equipment at 200 Paul Street.

Quality of Life Project:

The project is nearing a production date. The programming has been completed, and the extraction of data has been automated so that it will run three days per week,

New Business :

There were no new business items.

Next Meeting: July 26, 2012

End of Meeting: 10:30 a.m.

Last updated: 7/26/2012 1:51:25 PM