City and County of San Francisco

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July 26, 2012

JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
July 26, 2012 Minutes

Start of Meeting: 09:38 a.m.

Departments Present: Police, Public Defender, Superior Court, Juvenile Probation, Department on Status of Women (DOSW), City Administrator’s Office, Mayor’s Office, Department of Technology
Absent: Adult Probation, District Attorney, Sheriff, Emergency Management Department,

Minutes from Prior Meetings – Approved minutes from meeting held on June 28, 2012.

From Executive Sponsor’s Update:

Provided status on current MOU’s being drafted:
a) Operations and Data Exchange for Public Defender’s Case Management System
b) Operations for District Attorney’s Case Management System
c) Operations for Adult Probation’s Case Management System
d) Data Exchange for Quality of Life project
e) Revised Operations and Data Exchange for Sheriff’s Jail Management System

A request was made to the departments to provide their monthly status reports one week before Council.

From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update:

A significant amount of time was spent this past month adding and updating codes in the shared Charge Code table.

Staff has been assigned to start building reports as data becomes available in the Domestic Violence Reporting Portal, and we continue to meet with departments to identify the source locations of their domestic violence data.

The JUSTIS team continued working with the Public Defender to get that department connected to the Hub with the primary focus being to finalize the order of the data fields that will be exchanged between the Case Management system and the HUB.

Work on the Court’s Hub connection has been delayed while they finalize their data requirements.

JUSTIS has completed their preparations of an area in its blade environment for the District Attorney to migrate their case management system off equipment at the Hall of Justice.

The JUSTIS team completed a similar effort for Adult Probation, and Adult Probation has installed a version of their Case Management System onto our JUSTIS environment at 200 Paul Street.

The JUSTIS team is also working with assistance from the City Attorney’s Office and the Office of Contract Administration to prepare an RFP for a fail over solution for our JUSTIS operations. This is a grant funded activity.

From Case Management System Updates:

Hub Activity/Server Project:

The JUSTIS team reported that a significant amount of work was spent readying 2012 charge codes needing to be added to the Charge Code table. The process for adding charge codes into production will be posted for reference on the JUSTIS web site.

Both the District Attorney and Adult Probation are now running versions of their case management systems on our JUSTIS blade servers at 200 Paul Street.

JUSTIS is working with xTech personnel to install Oracle’s Business Intelligence Software (BIS) onto our JUSTIS environment and to become familiar with the software. This software will be used initially to create the reports in our DV data portal.

The team continued working on the “notification” component of the Hub. The initial notification messages will be sent to Sheriff and Adult Probation staff whenever probationers are processed at the booking counter. In addition to the new notifications, the team will remove most of the diagnostic messages that have remained active in production since the HUB was being developed.

JUSTIS has also been working with a consultant on rebuilding our Citrix environment.

Data Portal for Status of Women:

Work is under way to install the software product that will be used to create the DV reports for the data portal. JUSTIS staff are being trained to use the software, access to the portal for the Department on the Status of Women is being processed, and there is an expectation that sample reports will be available soon.

Thanks go out to Emily Murase for acting as the chairperson at today’s meeting.

Juvenile Probation:

Juvenile Probation has implemented a new Detention Report dealing with juveniles in custody. The report is distributed each day to various departments including the Department of Public Health, the District Attorney, the Public Defender, the Sheriff, the Courts, and the School System.

Public Defender:

The Public Defender is reviewing their MOU’s with JUSTIS. They are also finalizing the data that they would like to import into their case management system,


The Department reported on these items:

1. The Police should be ready to begin loading CopLogic reports into the Crime Data Warehouse (CDW) within the next three to four weeks. At that time, the Police will begin sending Crime Data Warehouse Incidents to JUSTIS.

2. The Police held a requirements session for a proposed Case Tracking module in CDW (part of Phase 3 of the overall project).

3. Two new 1070's (Amanath Ali - Help Desk and Gary Price - Network/Operations) have taken over Anita Sevilla's former duties. Anita is now in charge of
Special Projects (no staff), and she is stationed at the Academy.

4. Two new Project Managers are close to being hired (both at the 1054 position) by Leo Solomon of the SFPD PMO.

5. A Security Manager (1044) and a dedicated CLETS liaison (1053) are also being hired.

Quality of Life Project:

The project is nearing a production date. The programming has been completed, and the extraction of data has been automated so that it will run three days per week. We hope to have the data exchange MOU completed soon.

New Business :

There were no new business items.

End of Meeting: 11:10 a.m.

Last updated: 8/23/2012 11:38:23 AM