JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
September 20, 2012 Minutes
Start of Meeting: 09:45 a.m.
Departments Present: District Attorney, Sheriff, Police, Public Defender, Juvenile Probation, City Administrator’s Office, Department of Technology
Absent: Adult Probation, Superior Court, Department on Status of Women, Mayor’s Office, Emergency Management Department
Minutes from Prior Meetings – Approved minutes from meeting held on August 23, 2012.
From Executive Sponsor’s Update:
Provided status on current MOU’s being drafted:
a) For Operations Support of Public Defender’s Case Management System
b) For Operations Support of District Attorney’s Case Management System
c) For Operations Support of Adult Probation’s hosted application inside JUSTIS
d) For Operations Support of Quality of Life project
The Council was informed on the activity taken to address the finding made on JUSTIS in the recent Civil Grand Jury report.
The Council was also informed about a recent meeting held with the Mayor’s Office related to project status.
The Council was informed that JUSTIS was preparing a presentation for COIT on project status.
From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update:
The development areas with high activity for JUSTIS team members this past month were primarily focused on building Domestic Violence related reports, implementing inter-departmental notifications within the criminal justice process, working with the District Attorney to assist them in testing their case management system that was migrated to 200 Paul Street, and working with the Public Defender to get their case management system connected to JUSTIS.
From Case Management System Updates:
Hub Activity/Server Project:
The staff has been working to identify and capture domestic violence related data currently available to us, and that will be used on our initial domestic violence reports.
The team is also working on expanding the “notification” component of the Hub. Notification messages will be sent to Sheriff and Adult Probation staff whenever probationers are processed at the booking counter.
The team is working with the Public Defender on the final tasks that will allow us to connect the Public Defender to the JUSTIS Hub.
JUSTIS has also been working with consultants on rebuilding our Citrix environment and identifying our backup strategy.
Data Portal for Status of Women:
JUSTIS staff members and an Oracle Business Intelligence contractor have started to create reports using JUSTIS data currently available for publication.
Juvenile Probation:
Juvenile Probation indicated that they are implementing new assessment software for their department called Detention Risk Instrument (DRI). The program will provide a way to determine whether a juvenile should be held in detention or dealt with in another manner.
District Attorney:
The Department reported that they are using their Subpoena module. They are now trying to make the print font on the subpoena forms mirror the CABLE version of the subpoena forms.
The DA held a project kickoff meeting with the JUSTIS team to identify the preliminary steps needed to establish bi-directional message sharing between their case management system and JUSTIS.
The DA is also working with the Department of Technology to have a network port opened for importing Police HR data into their case management system.
Public Defender:
The Public Defender’s Office have competed their review of their MOU’s with JUSTIS. They are also working with the JUSTIS team to complete the testing of their Hub connection between JUSTIS and their case management system,
The Police indicated that phase three of their Crime Data Warehouse (CDW) project is ramping up now. A total of eight Oracle contractors will be working on the project by next week. The goal is to move forward on Case Tracking, Geo Mapping, a true Web Portal, increasing Security, creating a true data warehouse with Business Intelligence capabilities and migrating to their Oracle database appliances.
The Police Department also reported that they were looking into the possibility of using the New World System (NWS) Arrest module for Juveniles and Infractions as well as for Adult arrests. If that happens, they would then probably use NWS’s UCR module to produce the MACR information for Sacramento DOJ.
The department is also continuing their work on adding CopLogic records into the CDW. An Oracle ODI expert is now on site to assist in completing this task.
The Sheriff indicated that they were working with their Jail Management System vendor and the Police Department to establish single entry booking between the two departments. Some programming changes in the vendor’s next software release will resolve most of the remaining issues leading to that merger.
The departments have already come to an agreement on shared, table entry values needed for Race and Ethnicity.
Superior Court:
The Courts wanted the Council to know that they were reviewing the Quality of Life MOU.
The Courts were also working with the Department of Technology to establish network connectivity with JUSTIS so that they could begin their testing with JUSTIS.
Quality of Life Project:
The project is production-ready. It was anticipated that participating departments would begin using the application in the next few weeks.
New Business:
The Committee was informed that they need to determine who should be notified when a person serving a Court assigned probation is being booked by the Sheriff. A discussion item on this subject will be placed on next month’s Council agenda.
End of Meeting: 10:50 a.m.
Last updated: 10/26/2012 10:00:04 AM