City and County of San Francisco

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May 23, 2013

JUS.T.I.S. Governance Council Meeting
May 23, 2013 Minutes

Start of Meeting: 09:33 a.m.

Departments Present: Adult Probation; District Attorney; Police; Public Defender; Superior Court; City Administrator’s Office
Absent: Sheriff; Juvenile Probation; Department on Status of Women; Emergency Management; Mayor’s Office, Department of Technology

Minutes from Prior Meeting – Minutes from meeting held on April 25, 2013 were approved.

From Executive Sponsor’s Update:

We started the process of filling the eighth staffing position on the Project team. It is the remaining vacant staff position in our budget.

Council was updated on budget developments. June 18 and 24 are the scheduled review dates with the Board of Supervisors.

Our laptop request was approved. This will provide staff with the equipment needed to address off site and off hour support for JUSTIS-related incidents that occur.

Our annual Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Technology related to support and services is being reviewed.

From the Technical Steering Committee’s Update:

We met with the Sheriff’s Department to discuss their needs and priorities related to Jail and Records Management development and support. As a result, we will be holding a meeting in June among JUSTIS, Sheriff, and vendor personnel to address the Sheriff’s list of items.

The JUSTIS team continued work on activities related to hub connections for the District Attorney and the Public Defender.

There were also discussions underway with various departments related to notification alert procedures.

The committee was also asked by COIT to review IT budget requests from Adult Probation, the Public Defender, and the District Attorney.

From Case Management System Updates:

Hub Activity/Server Project:

The team continued working with the Public Defender and District Attorney on their connections to JUSTIS.

Staff has been assigned to work with Adult Probation on their case management system’s connection to JUSTIS. The first steps will be validating the department’s “use cases” and their vendor’s XML process.

Code is being added into the Hub software to support the Sheriff’s release/reentry business process.

Modifications to the probation notification procedures in the hub are also being addressed.

The updates to the Charge Code Table will be scheduled pending a final validation check.

SAN drive support is going well. A few drives were successfully rebuilt with no data loss after receiving diagnostic warnings.

The Commvault equipment (our backup solution) was installed at 200 Paul Street. The next step is to work with the Commvault engineers to assist in configuring automated backups and Oracle/SQL integration.

Our failover equipment was delivered to the Turk Street site. The team will be racking and stacking the equipment this week. Our power needs have been identified, and we are scheduling that work with the Department of Public Works.

District Attorney:

The Department indicated that they were working with the JUSTIS team on their connection to the JUSTIS hub and waiting for Civil Service Commission approval so that their vendor can begin providing professional services for the case management side of the connection.

Training is underway on their Investigations module. And soon they will be working on their Discovery module.

Public Defender:

The Public Defender is meeting jointly with the JUSTIS team and their team to address and/or explain remaining issues with data being mapped into their case management database.


The Police Department has successfully renewed their Oracle agreement for another year and another $1 million dollars.

The Department is currently working with a reduced Oracle Team (2 people) to plan to push the following into production:

a) Bring CopLogic records into the Crime Data Warehouse automatically
b) Crime Mapping (with geo validation in the Incident Reports)
c) Secure Enterprise Search ("google" type search)

Adult Probation

Reported that thirty (30) members of their department will be moving to 564 6th Street on June 16th.

Superior Court:

The Court is reviewing new data elements for their system that need to be included in their data sharing with the other JUSTIS departments.

End of Meeting: 10:10 a.m.
Last updated: 1/15/2014 12:36:35 PM